DM seismoscope/aide
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Message de mar4gaux posté le 09-09-2014 à 20:12:08 (S | E | F)
eh oui comme les vacances sont finies, les cours reprennent... Et qui dit cours dit anglais et DM à rendre !![](
Donc aujourd'hui je dois présenter un document pour m’entraîner pour l'oral de DNL fin mai; voici mon travail, merci pour votre attention et votre aide !
This document untitled "Look out! The dragon just fed the frog!" is an extract of an article from a web site "". To my mind this title is very funny because it tells people to be carreful because when the "dragon fed the frog" : an earthquake happens.
This article composed by two paragraphs and a sketch of the device has been share the 9th of January 2013, but we don't know by who.
Since always (ou for a long time) earthquakes threaten our earth that is why instruments to recording them have been developed along the centuries. This article explains the functioning of the first device which can announce an earthquake. The first device was created by a chineese person named Chang Heng. He was an astronomer and geographer. In his century it was a very big device which mesured about two meters in diameters. But its functioning is not very complicated. There are two head of dragons at the opposit sides of the device which had, in their mouth, two bronze balls and under them there are two frogs with their both mouths opens. The two dragons are linked by a pendulum. The pendulum, when it is swing by a temor or a little movment of a temor, even if a person cannot felt it, is swung and it pushes one of the two dragons which (do) falls a bronze ball in a frog: It fed the frog. All the mecanism was invented to know from where the earthquake came.
We know, at the end of the first paragraph, that Mr Heng used his invention to announce that a major earthquake had struck the chinese capital.
The second paragraph learns us that there are two kinds of seismic waves divided into two other types so there are four waves:
- P and S : body waves (to know the structure of the earth)
- L and Raleigh : surface waves (surface damages)
Now, seismic waves can be mesured to be analysed by scientists with seismographs (detectors of seismic waves)
It is very interesting to be able to anticipate an earthquake because it can save people; but it s intersting too to be able to determine the internal structure if the earth.
But the more rencently detectors should be more difficult to use because they are more complex even if they can anticipate more earthquakes.
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-09-2014 22:05
Message de mar4gaux posté le 09-09-2014 à 20:12:08 (S | E | F)
eh oui comme les vacances sont finies, les cours reprennent... Et qui dit cours dit anglais et DM à rendre !
Donc aujourd'hui je dois présenter un document pour m’entraîner pour l'oral de DNL fin mai; voici mon travail, merci pour votre attention et votre aide !
This document untitled "Look out! The dragon just fed the frog!" is an extract of an article from a web site "". To my mind this title is very funny because it tells people to be carreful because when the "dragon fed the frog" : an earthquake happens.
This article composed by two paragraphs and a sketch of the device has been share the 9th of January 2013, but we don't know by who.
Since always (ou for a long time) earthquakes threaten our earth that is why instruments to recording them have been developed along the centuries. This article explains the functioning of the first device which can announce an earthquake. The first device was created by a chineese person named Chang Heng. He was an astronomer and geographer. In his century it was a very big device which mesured about two meters in diameters. But its functioning is not very complicated. There are two head of dragons at the opposit sides of the device which had, in their mouth, two bronze balls and under them there are two frogs with their both mouths opens. The two dragons are linked by a pendulum. The pendulum, when it is swing by a temor or a little movment of a temor, even if a person cannot felt it, is swung and it pushes one of the two dragons which (do) falls a bronze ball in a frog: It fed the frog. All the mecanism was invented to know from where the earthquake came.
We know, at the end of the first paragraph, that Mr Heng used his invention to announce that a major earthquake had struck the chinese capital.
The second paragraph learns us that there are two kinds of seismic waves divided into two other types so there are four waves:
- P and S : body waves (to know the structure of the earth)
- L and Raleigh : surface waves (surface damages)
Now, seismic waves can be mesured to be analysed by scientists with seismographs (detectors of seismic waves)
It is very interesting to be able to anticipate an earthquake because it can save people; but it s intersting too to be able to determine the internal structure if the earth.
But the more rencently detectors should be more difficult to use because they are more complex even if they can anticipate more earthquakes.
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-09-2014 22:05
Réponse: DM seismoscope/aide de here4u, postée le 10-09-2014 à 09:20:08 (S | E)
Comme je le dis toujours aux élèves et étudiants préparant un oral, rédiger un texte in extenso n'est pas le meilleur moyen de préparer cette épreuve. Il vaut mieux rédiger (et presque apprendre) l'introduction (les premières minutes sont les plus difficiles ...)et le reste sous forme de plan détaillé contenant les articulation-transition et les mots ou expressions-clés. Pour le reste : être 'flexible', arrêter sa 'récitation'
This document untitled "Look out! The dragon just fed the frog!" is an extract of an article from a web site "". To my mind this title is very funny because it tells people to be carreful because when the "dragon fed the frog" : an earthquake happens.(concordance des temps).
This article composed by two paragraphs and a sketch of the device has been share the 9th of January 2013, but we don't know by who.(bofff !)
Since always (ou for a long time) earthquakes threaten(GRRRR!) our earth that is why instruments to recording them have been developed along the centuries. This article explains the functioning of the first device which can announce an earthquake. The first device was created by a chineese person named Chang Heng. He was an astronomer and X geographer. In his century it was a very big device which mesured about two meters in diameters. But its functioning is not very complicated. There are (attention ! mélange des temps !) two head of dragons at the opposit sides of the device which had, in their mouth, two bronze balls and under them there are two frogs with their both mouths opens. The two dragons are linked by a pendulum. The pendulum, when it is swing (ARGHHHHH !)by a temor or a little movment of a temor, even if a person cannot felt it, is swung and it pushes one of the two dragons which (do)falls a bronze ball in a frog(revoir toute la construction!): It fed the frog. All the mecanism was invented to know from where the earthquake came(yes ...).
We know, at the end of the first paragraph, that Mr Heng used his invention to announce that a major earthquake had struck the chinese capital.
The second paragraph learns us that there are two kinds of seismic waves divided into two other types so there are four waves:
- P and S : body waves (to know the structure of the earth)
- L and Raleigh : surface waves (surface damages)
Now, seismic waves can be mesured to be analysed by scientists with seismographs (detectors of seismic waves)
It is very interesting to be able to anticipate an earthquake because it can save people; but it s intersting too to be able to determine the internal structure if the earth.
But the more rencently detectors should be more difficult to use because they are more complex even if they can anticipate more earthquakes.
Hope it will help !
Réponse: DM seismoscope/aide de mar4gaux, postée le 10-09-2014 à 16:23:08 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup de votre précieuse aide. Et je ne fais pas ça pour l'apprendre par cœur mais pour le professeur qui veut voir où on se situe dans la présentation d'un document.
Encore merci,
Modifié par lucile83 le 10-09-2014 18:48
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