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Correction /Voyager

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /Voyager
Message de lgh posté le 21-09-2014 à 22:58:48 (S | E | F)
j'ai écrit ce texte, pour décrire pourquoi voyager ouvre notre esprit.Pourriez-vous m'aider à le corriger pour qu'il soit compréhensif et juste, et si vous le pouviez, m'expliquer le "pourquoi" de la faute, merci d'avance!

Travel broadens the mind, enriching new culture encounter and discovery. We always will remember the images of the countries visited, of what we have learned, discovered and felt.
Voyager invites to learn new languages ​​to share with the locals but also other lifestyle.
Traveling in undeveloped countries also learn to be a dispute look at the world, and our daily problems, you learn to stand back.
One can discover the vastness of the world, and the wealth that nature has to offer, and people encountered.
To see how a resident can live with nothing and be happy, to see how they can cope with everyday life with what nature gives them.
But you can also discover the great city, uncovering all the modernity and advance technologies, visited some of the world's largest museums to enrich our knowledge.
Experience the city on top of a building, and be amazed by the view and see how big the world is, and how it has evolved.
We discover that it is beautiful to live, and that we must enjoy it.
Traveled will keep a young mind, open, and still growing on the world.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-09-2014 07:50

Réponse: Correction /Voyager de here4u, postée le 21-09-2014 à 23:20:02 (S | E)
Happy birthday !but you look a bit greedy ... The rule of the site is to indicate the mistakes and you have to correct them afterwards ...
As it is your birthday, I will indicate the nature of the mistake (as usual ! ), but you'll have to do your part !!!

Travel broadens the mind, enriching new culture encounter and discovery.(doesn't make sense as it is ...) We always will(ill placed !) remember the images of the countries visited, of what we have learned, discovered and felt.
Voyager invites to learn new languages ​​to share with the locals but also V ?? other lifestyle.
Traveling in undeveloped(voc) countries also learn (voc + GR) to be a dispute look at the world(???), and our daily problems, you learn to stand back.
One can discover the vastness of the world, and the wealth that nature has to offer, and XXXpeople encountered.(If you place the 3 words here, correcting the GR, it will make some sense. Now, is it what you meant ? )

To see how a resident can live with nothing and be happy, to see how they can cope with everyday life with what nature gives them.(unfinished sentence ...)
But you can also discover the great city, uncovering all the modernity and advance technologies, visited some of the world's largest museums to enrich our knowledge.
Experience the city on top of a building, and be amazed by the view and see how big the world is, and how it has evolved. ??? still unfinished sentence ???
We discover that it is beautiful to live, and that we must enjoy it.
Traveled will keep a young mind, open, and still growing on the world.

Un bon nombre de "phrases" n'en sont pas ... ou sont inachevées ...Penser que :"voyager" signifie "le fait de voyager" ... et surtout terminer les phrases afin qu'elles aient un sens ... Bon courage !

Réponse: Correction /Voyager de lgh, postée le 21-09-2014 à 23:32:40 (S | E)
Merci, pour votre réponse et mon anniversaire ^^désolé pour les règles
Je galère pas mal, je viens de reprendre les cours après plusieurs années, et voilà le super devoir ^^' Je vais essayer d'arranger mes fautes.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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