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Aide texte/ badminton

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide texte/ badminton
Message de bob39 posté le 07-10-2014 à 12:01:57 (S | E | F)
J'ai des lacunes en expression écrite, j'aurais besoin d'aide pour corriger un texte que j'ai écrit.
Merci d'avance.

He practices badminton for fifteen years ago and me for six years ago so I met him at sport. But at the beginning, we were not talking because I’m shy and him also.
I started to talk about him in a badminton tournament there five years ago. Since we are discussing a lot together because we have a lot of things in common.
We love to stroll in the wood, playing sport, go to the cinema, … So when we can we go for a walk, we cycled as well as badminton and make all tournaments where we play mixed both.

He has been important in my life because I knew him when I wasn’t in a good time. I wasn’t able to take my scientific A-level because I was not healthy. So I was out of school because I could not continue my studies without this graduate. He encouraged me to get my A-level of free candidate. His presence was really important because it was one of the only ones who believe in me and so help me when he could and to encourage me. Thanks to him I passed my A-level. I could carry on my studies, I get an Associate Degree in technical (2 years technical degree) and I get a license 3 years university degree in quality safety environment.
He continues to encourage me today in my studies and in my everyday life. I am very grateful to him because without his presence and support, I don’t think I will be at this school today.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-10-2014 12:50

Réponse: Aide texte/ badminton de bluestar, postée le 07-10-2014 à 18:42:55 (S | E)

He practices (temps) badminton for fifteen years ago and me (utiliser le nominatif ici)for six years ago ('ago' n'est pas utilisé de cette façon - a vérifier) so I met him at sport. But at the beginning, we were not talking (preterit serait mieux ici)because I’m shy and him (il faut le nominatif) also.
I started to talk about(une autre prep.) him in a badminton tournament there five years ago. Since then we are discussing (temps)a lot together because we have a lot of things in common.
We love to stroll in the wood, playing (l'infinitif)sport, go to the cinema, … So when we can we go for a walk, we cycled (temps) as well as (il manque le verbe)badminton and make enter all tournaments where we play mixed both.(ordre des mots)
He has been important in my life because I knew him when I wasn’t in a good time. I wasn’t able to take my scientific A-level because I was not healthy. So I was out of school because I could not continue my studies without this graduate. He encouraged me to get my A-level of free candidate. His presence was really important because it was one of the only ones who believe (temps) in me and so help (temps)me when he could and to encourage (pas l'infinitif ici) me. Thanks to him I passed my A-level. I could carry on my studies, I get(temps)an Associate Degree in technical (2 years technical degree) and I get a license 3 years university degree in quality safety environment.
He continues to encourage me today in my studies and in my everyday life. I am very grateful to him because without his presence and support, I don’t think I will (temps) be at this school today.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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