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Correction/molecular cooking

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Correction/molecular cooking
Message de mar4gaux posté le 22-10-2014 à 16:39:08 (S | E | F)
je dois rendre, le lundi de la rentrée un exposé sur la cuisine moléculaire. Pouvez-vous me le corriger afin que je voie mes erreurs et que je m'améliore pour le bac? Merci d'avance pour votre temps !

I will explain you : What are the advantages to use molecular cooking?

First of all, we want to know what is the molecular cooking? So the molecular cooking is the search of the phenomenons which are produced during culinary transformations.
We can say that this way to cook wants to improve the gastronomy.
The molecular cooking is therefore a modern way to cook. It is the crossing between science and culinary art. It is based on the scientific knowledge of the natural products and the synthesis molecules.
There is 35 years ago, in the 1980's, Hervé This, who was the first men to be interesting by the physical reactions of food, create with other scientists, a new way to cook: the molecular cooking.

At the beginning, this way to cook was used by great cooker like Thierry Mars or scientists who experimented new molecules; but nowadays, some cooking school learn molecular cooking to their students. The privates individuals can too, use molecular cooking in their kitchens with some specials instruments.
The culinary art is used to give more taste to food and even new textures, that is why it is very interesting.
But the use of synthesis molecules is not very appreciated by the consumers and even by certain cooker. So, their goal is: use only natural products like, for example, plants or extracts of flowers.

The kitchen of a molecular cooker looks like a laboratory of chemists; he uses pipettes and syringes.
Indeed, in molecular cooking everything must be well measured because it uses specials ingredients. Moreover, the temperature of the room and the oven is very specific to arrive at good textures.
In a molecular book of cook, we can read some recipes like:
Ice with liquid nitrogen
Foie gras emulsion
Juice Beads

For example, to cook 20 skewers spaghetti blackcurrant (the blackcurrant is a little fruit), we must have water, blackcurrant syrup and carrageen an kappa which is a sort of gelatin powder.
This spaghetti may seem strange because for people, spaghetti are salted and have a sort of yellow colour. But this molecular ones are red and glueing. It is not very appetizing and yet, it will be the cooking of tomorrow.

We can conclude that the molecular cooking have many advantages as the discovery of new molecules, textures and tastes.
To my mind, the molecular cooking is too the cooking of the future because when we will not able to eat meat and others foods, we will be oblige to eat insects and too molecular food.

Merci encore et à très vite !

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-10-2014 21:20

Réponse: Correction/molecular cooking de bluestar, postée le 23-10-2014 à 16:34:38 (S | E)

I will explain (menque une prep.) you : What are the advantages to use of molecular cooking?

First of all, we want to know what is the molecular cooking is? So the molecular cooking is the search of the phenomenons (Ce pluriel est irrégulier - du grec: phenomena)which are produced during culinary transformations.
We can say that this way to cook wants to improve the gastronomy.
TheMolecular cooking is therefore a modern way to cook. It is the crossing between science and culinary art. It is based on the scientific knowledge of the natural products and the synthesis (adjectif pas nom ici) molecules.
There is 35 years ago, in the 1980's, Hervé This, who was the first men(singulier) to be interesting by the physical reactions of food, create (temps) with other scientists, a new way to cook: the molecular cooking.

At the beginning, this way to cook was used by great cooker like Thierry Mars or scientists who experimented... prep.?.. new molecules; but nowadays, some cooking schools learn pas "learn" molecular cooking to their students. The privates individuals can too, use molecular cooking in their kitchens with some specials instruments.
The Cculinary art is used to give more taste to food and even new textures, that is why it is very interesting.
But the use of synthesis (il faut l'adjectif, pas le nom) molecules is not very appreciated by the consumers and even by certain cooker. So, their goal is: use only natural products like, for example, plants or extracts of flowers.

The kitchen of a molecular cooker looks like a laboratory of chemists; he uses pipettes and syringes.
Indeed, in molecular cooking everything must be well measured because it uses specials ingredients. Moreover, the temperature of the room and the oven is very specific to arrive at good textures.
In a molecular book of cookbook, we can read some recipes like:
Ice with liquid nitrogen
Foie gras emulsion
Juice Beads

For example, to cook 20 skewers of spaghetti blackcurrant (the blackcurrant is a little fruit), we must have water, blackcurrant syrup and carrageen an kappa which is a sort of gelatin powder.
This spaghetti may seem strange because for people, spaghetti are(en anglais ,'spaghetti' est traité comme un nom singulier , mais il est un pluriel en italien) salted and have a sort of yellow colour. But this(pluriel) molecular ones are red and glueing. It is not very appetizing and yet, it will be the cooking of tomorrow.

We can conclude that the molecular cooking have(accorde) many advantages as the discovery of new molecules, textures and tastes.
To my mind, the molecular cooking is too the cooking of the future because when we will not able to eat meat and others foods, we will be oblige (participe) to eat insects and too molecular food too.

Quand utiliser l'article défini devant un nom peut prêter à confusion. En général, nous ne l'utilisons pas quand nous parlons en termes généraux sur un sujet. Vous devriez regarder leçons AF sur cette question.
Les adjectifs sont invariables en anglais. Vous n'ajoutez pas un s pour obtenir le pluriel. Par exemple; a poor man, two poor men (pas 'two poors men').
Une personne qui fait la cuisine est, tout simplement, "a cook", pas "a cooker" (une cuisinière à gaz ou électrique).

Modifié par bluestar le 23-10-2014 16:35

Réponse: Correction/molecular cooking de mar4gaux, postée le 23-10-2014 à 19:24:15 (S | E)

Tout d'abord je tenais à vous remercier pour votre correction très complète et avec explications xxx; alors voilà encore merci beaucoup.
Par contre, je ne vois pas quoi mettre à la place de synthesis ? :/
Je me demandais aussi si, à la place de "crossing" je pouvais mettre crossroads ?
Merci encore et à bientôt !

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-10-2014 07:44

Réponse: Correction/molecular cooking de bluestar, postée le 23-10-2014 à 23:47:16 (S | E)

Utilisez 'synthetic' , qui est un adjectif , au lieu de 'synthesis', qui est un nom. Utilisez 'cross' au lieu de 'crossing'.

Réponse: Correction/molecular cooking de mar4gaux, postée le 28-10-2014 à 11:37:19 (S | E)
Merci encore pour vos précieux conseils !


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