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Aide/ fashion designer

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide/ fashion designer
Message de serge035 posté le 24-10-2014 à 13:15:35 (S | E | F)
Mon fils doit rédiger un texte, qu'il devra présenter à l'oral, concernant un "fashion designer for XXXL"; il m'a demandé de vérifier ce qu'il avait écrit, mais je dois avouer que son niveau d'anglais est aussi avançé que le mien à présent, donc il m'est de plus en plus difficile de l'aider maintenant;
Merci à vous de m'indiquer les éventuelles erreurs.

Hello everyone
I am going to try to explain you why I decided, a few years ago, to become a XXXL fashion designer. Actually, it is quite simple: I think that overweight people are allowed to wear fashionable clothes.
The world of fashion shows us gorgeous and thin women, it has been the standard for a few decades, but the world is changing. Thoughts change too. Like the modern society, fashion has been evolving. Who says that you have to be skinny, or muscled if you are a man, to look good. I believe that even people wearing XXXL clothes have the right to look good. Now, we have to be more open-minded and intelligent.That is why I chose to become a fashion designer who creates trendy clothes for overweight people.
Their physical appearance is the only difference and they have the right to wear fashion clothes. I think that the physical appearance is not so important. Overweight people have not to feel different or excluded. They have the right to have friends, boyfriends or girlfriends to be happy. They do not have to feel ashamed and complex-ridden. And slim people must not just see "fat" when they see obeses. All of them are first humans, they have a heart and many qualities which are more important than their physical appearance.
I just remember that processed food and junk food are dangerous for our body and therefore for our health. Morgan Spurlock's documentary will help you to open your eyes about fastfood. Trying to respect "five a day" program is better. Fruits and vegetables are part of a balanced diet and are a good source of vitamins, nutrients, minerals and fibres. Practising sport is also the right way to keep a healthy body.
Finally, I hope that overweight fashion will spread accross the world and that the world will have another look on overweight people. As a fashion designer for XXXL , I have the dream and lots of hope that the world will recognise the beauty in overweight people through my fashion.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-10-2014 18:57

Réponse: Aide/ fashion designer de gerondif, postée le 24-10-2014 à 15:18:36 (S | E)
peu d'erreurs!

Hello everyone
I am going to try to (try and explain existe aussi) explain you(intransitif: speak to, explain to) why I decided, a few years ago, to become a XXXL fashion designer. Actually, it is quite simple: I think that overweight people are(corect mai je mettrais: devraient (should) être autorisés, ou alors: have a right to) allowed to wear fashionable clothes.
The world of fashion shows us gorgeous and thin women, it has been the standard for a few decades, but the world is changing. Thoughts(ce ne sont pas les pensées qui changent mais "la façon de penser) change too. Like the modern society, fashion has been evolving. Who says that you have to be skinny, or muscled (muscular) if you are a man, to look good. I believe that even people wearing XXXL clothes have the right to look good. Now, we have to be more open-minded and intelligent.That is why I chose to become a fashion designer who creates trendy clothes for overweight people.
Their physical appearance is the only difference and they have the right to wear fashion clothes. I think that the physical appearance is not so important. Overweight people have not to(mauvais choix de verbe et de conjugaison, employez mustn't) feel different or excluded. They have the right to have friends, boyfriends or girlfriends to be happy. They do not have to feel ashamed and complex-ridden. And slim people must not just see "fat" when they see obeses.(est un adjectif, pas un nom) All of them are(on dirait plutôt: They are all humans first humans, they have a heart and many qualities which are more important than their physical appearance.
I just remember(sonne bizarre, optez pour let's remember, we mustn't forget, bear in mind that) that processed food and junk food are dangerous for our body and therefore for our health. Morgan Spurlock's documentary will help you (avec ou sans to) open your eyes about fastfood. Trying to respect the(il est défini, précis, il a un surnom) "five a day" program is even better. Fruits(mot collectif) and vegetables are part of a balanced diet and are a good source of vitamins, nutrients, minerals and fibres. Practising sport is also the right way to keep a healthy body.
Finally, I hope that overweight fashion will spread across the world and that the world will have another (a different look prêterait moins à confusion) look on overweight people. As a fashion designer for XXXL , I have the dream and lots of hope that the world will recognise (the) beauty in overweight people through my fashion.

Réponse: Aide/ fashion designer de serge035, postée le 24-10-2014 à 18:46:41 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris un peu de votre temps, et ainsi que pour vos précieux conseils.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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