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Culture shock/aide

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Culture shock/aide
Message de selyan93 posté le 29-10-2014 à 14:58:33 (S | E | F)
j'ai fait un devoir d'anglais et j'aimerais que l'on me dise où se situent les fautes que j'aurais pu faire.
Merci pour vos réponses.
Voici mon devoir:

Culture shock
My name is martin Perrin. I am a boy sixteen years old. I’m a student and I live in France. It all began when toward the end of 2005, my parents decided to live in America specifically in Washington because my dad found a job for live a better life according to my mother. Before I came to the U.S, I pictured that everything in the U.S was extra large, but that was only my imagination, I thought everyone was overweight and meals were very big. When I first arrived in America, I was so excited and exhilarated that I was finally in America. I discovered my new school, but I dreaded the thought of talking to student because my English was good, however I'm probably communicating badly but maybe I will get used to it in time. At the beginning, I had lots of difficult to speak English with my classmate, it was very annoying, It was necessary for me to become integrated. And, there was not only this, culture itself was a problem, the food for example, in USA the foods is very fat and mealtimes in the United States are slightly offset compared with the French hours. The life in US was very different, after about one month, things started to feel odd. Differences became more apparent. I’m felling unhappy, nonetheless my level in English was improving and I had more and more friends, the teachers were very nice but I missed France. During this period I couldn’t sleep good and I was depressed. Over the next few months, I understood American culture better and better every day I felt more and more comfortable with my new home. My happiest moment was when my dear friend one day remarked during a conversation:” Martin is a true American now! He eat and speak like us, he has changed a lot since his arrival!” It took 5 months to became an American.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-10-2014 15:21

Réponse: Culture shock/aide de notrepere, postée le 29-10-2014 à 16:10:06 (S | E)

I am a sixteen-year-old boy. I’m a student and I live in France. It all began when toward the end of 2005, my parents decided to live in America specifically in Washington because my dad found a job to live a better life according to my mother. Before I came to the U.S, I pictured that everything in the U.S was extra large, but that was only my imagination, I thought everyone was overweight and meals were very big. When I first arrived in America, I was so excited and exhilarated that I was finally in America. I discovered my new school, but I dreaded the thought of talking to student because my English was not good. However, even though I was probably communicating badly but maybe I would get used to it in time. At the beginning, I had lots of difficulty to speak(v-ing) in English with my classmates, it was very annoying, It was necessary for me to become integrated. And, there was not only this, the culture itself was a problem. The food for example, in USA the foods is very fat and mealtimes in the United States are slightly offset compared with the French hours. The life in the US was very different, after about one month, things started to feel odd. The Differences became more apparent. I was(**) feeling unhappy. Nonetheless my level in English was improving and I had more and more friends, the teachers were very nice but I missed France. During this period I couldn’t sleep good and I was depressed. Over the next few months, I understood American culture better and better every day and I felt more and more comfortable with my new home. My happiest moment was when my dear friend one day remarked during a conversation:” Martin is a true American now! He eats and speaks like us. He has changed a lot since his arrival!” It took 5 months to became an American.

(**) temps de narration en anglais. Past tense.

Modifié par notrepere le 29-10-2014 16:10


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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