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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide /Bac LV1
Message de olafina posté le 02-11-2014 à 15:43:57 (S | E | F)
Je suis actuellement élève en Terminale et j'ai fait un dossier pour le Bac anglais LV1. Personne ne parlant anglais dans mon entourage je me demandais si une bonne âme pourrait m'apporter des corrections?

Ireland has undergone many transformations throughout the years. Some of these transformations unfolded really fast: the country knew an economic boom between 1995 and 2007 and has gone bust since 2008.
Ireland can be studied through the notion of spaces and exchanges due to the amount of changes (of lifestyle, economy, immigration,…) these two phases have caused. What changes have Ireland and its population been through during the boom and the bust?

Ireland’s economy had been stagnant for a very long time (1845) when it began soaring in the 1990’s. This change happened thanks to the Irish workforce which was well-educated, young and English speaking. Moreover, the tax policies were attractive and the European Union had given billions to Ireland. It was enough for Irish economy to become poles apart from what it used to be and in 1995, the boom began, better known as « The Celtic Tiger ». The Celtic Tiger and its consequences are visible in Mark McMahon’s drawing, Dublin, Ireland.
Indeed, when you look at it, something strikes you: the Republic of Ireland’s capital is crowded, which could be linked to the immigration brought by the new economy (many jobs were available and attracted people to Ireland) or to the new economy itself: the streets shown seems like busy shopping streets.
Many Irish flags are in the air, and may represent the pride of being Irish during the Celtic Tiger: Ireland is, at this point, one of the rich European countries and this representation of Dublin can be a reminder of Piccadilly Circus in London or even of Times Square in New York due to the amount of signs we can see. These signs are advertisements for international brands such as Coca Cola and Bailey’s and prove once again that during the boom Ireland was an important country in the international economy.
A crane is visible next to a huge building (The Irish Nationwide Building Society): these elements show that not only has Dublin become a big capital but also that many construction projects are still going on.
The economy’s skyrocketing attracted tourists to Ireland (a green bus is visible on the left and looks like a touristic bus) as well as immigrants who wanted to try their luck in the prosperous country.

Kevin Sullivan, in Hustling to Find Classrooms for All in a Diverse Ireland, emphasizes the phenomenon immigration has become during the boom in Dublin. Indeed, this article tackles the rise of a multicultural Ireland: « almost every child had immigrant parents -the vast majority of them Black » l4/5. The economic changes triggered social changes, and Ireland’s population shifted from White and Catholic to a mixed-race population. As said in the text, « After 150 years of population decline as Native Irish fled dire economic conditions, Ireland is now one of Europe’s fastest growing and most prosperous nations » l15/18: it is a virtuous circle: indeed, having more workers brings a better economy which means high immigration, that is to say more workers. To illustrate this information, the text gives a relevant figure: « more than 600 000 Irish residents, about one in seven, were born abroad - including returning children of Irish emigrants » l22/25. Irish economy at the time attracted people from all around the world, including those who had once left the country. Most of them worked in construction but it seems like it wasn’t enough: the population is growing too fast and the infrastructures can’t keep up « critics say that construction of schools, hospitals and train lines and provision of other public and social services have not kept up with the growth » l32/35. This information proves how high immigration must have been: there were too many foreigners arriving to Ireland to provide them all with a house.

The Parting Glass by Dermot Bolger illustrates this high immigration: the protagonist, Eoin, fled from Ireland to Deutschland because of the bad economy but came back with his family during the boom. As he tries to rediscover his country, something strikes him: « It is Polish shops and Romanian bodybuilders and African mothers outside schools » l40/42: there are a lot of immigrants living in his country due to the boom and it makes him feel as a foreigner. What is more, the country itself has changed since he last came there: the airport has become huge, which shows Dublin’s worldwide importance during the boom, new infrastructures are been built,… Dublin’s landscape has experienced major changes. Eoin can’t believe how fast the situation changed « Suddenly Dublin is Europe’s trendiest capital, Ireland’s economic miracle proclaimed in every business supplement » l2/5 : he should be relieved but it feels more like he is astonished.

Vois suite en-dessous.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-11-2014 16:29

Réponse: Aide /Bac LV1 de olafina, postée le 02-11-2014 à 15:44:18 (S | E)
(suite ......)

Perhaps he wonders whether the changes which happened so fast will be long lasting or not. Anyway, he still benefits from the rising economy: he gets offered two jobs in a little time: during its expansion the country needed many workers which is why the unemployment rate plummeted during the boom.
Unfortunately, Eoin’s possible worries come true in 2007 because of the worldwide economic crisis. Eoin, just like many people during those times, is sacked « It’s ridiculous, a Stone Age concept: laid-off » l56/57. Once more, the situation changed from one day to the other, which makes it hard to believe: being fired seems incredible and meaningless. Consequently, he is not able to pay his mortgage and becomes obsessed with money. The situation became bad for everybody: Eoin’s bank overwhelms him « my bank manager starts to phone daily » l64/65 to get back the money they lent him in better times. A reversal of circumstances happened and turned the boom into a bust, which turns into victims those who benefited from the Celtic Tiger.

A literal representation of this sudden change is Kipper William’s cartoon, Celtic Tiger Gets a Mauling, which was published in The Guardian. On this cartoon, we can see a Dublin vet facing a woman who seems desperate because of her animal. This animal is a cat, he is tiny and green (the color green stands for diseases). The woman tells the veterinary « He used to be a tiger » which allows an interpretation. The whole cartoon is a metaphor: the redhead woman stands for Irish people, the cat is the Celtic Tiger weakened by the economic crisis and the veterinary is the careless government. Indeed, he seems powerless and has no idea to cure the former tiger. This cartoons illustrates the changes Irish economy has been through during the bust: all of a sudden, the tiger shrank as well as the economy rose dived. Moreover, Irish people, although they want the situation to change, need the help of the government (the veterinary) because it is supposed to be specialized in this kind of issues. The latter is nevertheless powerless which does not lead to hoping for another good change of the situation.

Ireland has seen many changes in little time; they have triggered social and economic exchanges. The boom and then the bust have revealed many different sides of the same country, which has tried to adapt throughout the variations.


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