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Expression/ immigration US

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Expression/ immigration US
Message de hugo988 posté le 02-11-2014 à 19:00:22 (S | E | F)
J'ai une expression écrite pour demain matin en anglais sur l'immigration américaine.
Je dois répondre à la question : "To what extend would you say immigrants believed in a myth ?"
Pouvez-vous, s'il vous plaît m'aider à corriger mon expression ?
Merci beaucoup !!!

To what extend would you say immigrants believed in a myth ?
For those who choose to migrate to what would become the United States, a myth is a land where everything will be possible. Myth is the idea they made of a new society they wanted to create by leaving their original country.

By the 1500s, the first settlers arrived in what was named the “new world”, they were Europeans. They left their native land in order to create a new society according to their religions rules. They were looking for freedom to practice their faith. As they were in peace with their new environment and way of life, more than 20,000 English came searching the same conditions. Also, the situation was so pleasant that Europeans were ready to become indentured servants to ship across the Atlantic.

Years after years, lots of communities such as North Irish, German, French, Dutch, Scottish and Jewish came with the intention to make their fortune. But there were some disparities. In fact each group wanted to create its own society. The problem is that they had different cultures so it could not going well. For example, English had a poor opinion of German people because they kept speaking German.
Benjamin Franklin the 6th President was scared that German imposed their using and language to the English instead of the contrary. In order to force their integration, Society for the Propagating of Christian Knowledge among the Germans, was created but the one concerned were opposite and closed it.
In the XIX century, Gold Rush began, migrants wanted to go to the West Coast, in California in order to make profit. Along the way, they conquered Native Americans lands and killed more than 100,000 of them.

There were more and more migrants years after years, get to more than 60 millions of inhabitant in 1890. So the government decided to regulate immigration by creating Ellis Island in 1892. Then, it became more difficult to enter in the United States, so the myth came down.

We can trust that the diversification of the immigration gives a good image of the melting pot but some of Americans prefer to use the expression “salad bowl” to talk about the society where each community prefers to keep their own culture instead of create an union.

Today, the « American dream » still exists. The United States go with job, economical opportunities and good conditions of life. This is why people from poor countries migrate. Myth is still in minds.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-11-2014 21:33

Réponse: Expression/ immigration US de gerondif, postée le 02-11-2014 à 20:02:17 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert.
To what extend would you say immigrants believed in a myth ?

For those who choose to migrate to what would become the United States, a myth is a land where everything will be possible. Myth is the idea they made(verbe avoir préférable) of a new society they wanted to create by leaving their original country.

By the 1500s(1500's à l'origine), the first settlers arrived in what was named the “new world”, they were Europeans. They left their native land in order to create a new society according to their religions(utilisez l'adjectif) rules. They were looking for freedom to practice their faith. As they were in peace with their new environment and way of life, more than 20,000 English people came searching(signifie fouiller, utilisez look for) the same conditions. Also(maladroit en tête de phrase,"de plus" en anglais c'est..), the situation was so pleasant that the Europeans were ready to become indentured servants to ship across the Atlantic.

Years after years, lots of communities such as North Irish, German, French, Dutch, Scottish and Jewish people came with the intention to make their fortune. But there were some disparities. In fact each group wanted to create its own society. The problem is that they had different cultures so it could not going(aîe!!!) well. For example, the English had a poor opinion of German people because they kept speaking German.
Benjamin Franklin, the 6th President was scared that German imposed(à mettre au conditionnel) their using and language to the English instead of the contrary(français traduit, maladroit). In order to force their integration, the Society for the Propagating of Christian Knowledge among the Germans, was created but the one(serait au pluriel; maladroit de toutes façons) concerned were opposite and closed(choix de verbe maladroit) it.
In the XIX(écriture française des dates) century, the Gold Rush began, migrants wanted to go to the West Coast, in California in order to make profit. Along the way, they conquered Native Americans**(cas possessif) lands and killed more than 100,000 of them.

There were more and more migrants years after years, get to(?? sens? pour arriver à?) more than 60 millions of inhabitant in 1890. So the government decided to regulate immigration by creating Ellis Island in 1892. Then, it became more difficult to enter in(à supprimer) the United States, so the myth came down(bizarre avec myth comme sujet).

We can trust that the diversification of the immigration gives a good image of the melting pot but some of Americans prefer to use the expression “salad bowl” to talk about the society where each community prefers to keep their own culture instead of create(gérondif derrière une préposition!!) an union.

Today, the « American dream » still exists. The United States go with(va avec au sens de est synonyme de? maladroit) job, economical opportunities and good conditions of life. This is why people from poor countries migrate. Myth is still in *****( adjectif possessif ou le mot gens au cas possessif))minds.

Réponse: Expression/ immigration US de hugo988, postée le 02-11-2014 à 22:58:45 (S | E)
Merci pour votre réponde, j'ai essayé de corriger ce que vous m'aviez signalé. Est-ce juste maintenant ?
Merci d'avance !!
To what extend would you say immigrants believed in a myth ?

For those who choose to migrate to what would become the United States, a myth is a land where everything will be possible. Myth is the idea they had of a new society they wanted to create by leaving their original country.

By the 1500’s, the first settlers arrived in what was named the “new world”, they were Europeans. They left their native land in order to create a new society according to their religious rules. They were looking for freedom to practice their faith. As they were in peace with their new environment and way of life, more than 20,000 English people came looking for the same conditions. Moreover, the situation was so pleasant that the Europeans were ready to become indentured servants to ship across the Atlantic.

Years after years, lots of communities such as North Irish, German, French, Dutch, Scottish and Jewish people came with the intention to make their fortune. But there were some disparities. In fact each group wanted to create its own society. The problem is that they had different cultures so it could not go well. For example, the English had a poor opinion of German people because they kept speaking German.
Benjamin Franklin the 6th President was scared that German would impose their uses and language to the English instead of the contrary. In order to force their integration, the Society for the Propagating of Christian Knowledge among the Germans, was created but the German were opposed to it and closed it.
In the XIX century, the Gold Rush began, migrants wanted to go to the West Coast, in California in order to make profit. Along the way, they conquered Native American’s lands and killed more than 100,000 of them.

There were more and more migrants years after years, get to (oui, je voulais dire, “pour arriver à”) more than 60 millions of inhabitant in 1890. So the government decided to regulate immigration by creating Ellis Island in 1892. Then, it became more difficult to enter the United States, so the myth came down (qu’est-ce que je pourrais metre à la place ?) .

We can trust that the diversification of the immigration gives a good image of the melting pot but some of Americans prefer to use the expression “salad bowl” to talk about the society where each community prefers to keep their own culture instead of creating an union.

Today, the « American dream » still exists. The United States goes with (oui, exactement je voulais dire “rime avec”) job, economical opportunities and good conditions of life. This is why people from poor countries migrate. Myth is still in people minds.

Réponse: Expression/ immigration US de here4u, postée le 03-11-2014 à 00:30:51 (S | E)
Hello ! Hello gerondif !


For those who choose to migrate to what would become the United States, a myth is a land ??? (what do you mean ?'the myth of 'the AD' represents ....'???))where everything will be possible. XXX Myth is the idea they had of a new society they wanted to create by leaving their original country.

By the 1500’s, the first settlers arrived in what was named the “new world”, they were Europeans. They left their native land in order to create a new society according to their religious rules. They were looking for freedom to practice their faith. As they were in peace with their new environment and way of life, more than 20,000 English people came looking for the same conditions. Moreover, the situation was so pleasant that the Europeans were ready to become indentured servants to ship across the Atlantic.

Years after years, lots of communities such as North Irish, German, French, Dutch, Scottish and Jewish people came with the intention to make their fortune. But there were some disparities. In fact each group wanted to create its own society. The problem is that they had different cultures so it could not go well. For example, the English had a poor opinion of German people because they kept speaking German.
Benjamin Franklin the 6th President was scared that German would impose their uses and language to the English instead of the contrary. In order to force their integration, the Society for the Propagating of Christian Knowledge among the Germans, was created but the German were opposed to it and closed it.
In the XIX century, the Gold Rush began, migrants wanted to go to the West Coast, in California in order to make profit. Along the way, they conquered Native American’s lands and killed more than 100,000 of them.

There were more and more migrants years after years, get to (oui, je voulais dire, “pour arriver à”) more than 60 millions of inhabitant in 1890. So the government decided to regulate immigration by creating Ellis Island in 1892. Then, it became more difficult to enter the United States, so the myth came down (qu’est-ce que je pourrais metre à la place ?)(the attraction declined/subsided ?) .

We can trust that the diversification of the immigration gives a good image of the melting pot but some of Americans prefer to use the expression “salad bowl” to talk about the society where each community prefers to keep their own culture instead of creating an union.

Today, the « American dream » still exists. The United States goes with(clumsy!) (oui, exactement je voulais dire “rime avec”) jobS, economical opportunities and good conditions of life. This is why people from poor countries migrate. XXX Myth is still in people minds.

Bon courage !


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