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My strong points/aide

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My strong points/aide
Message de wsz posté le 06-11-2014 à 19:58:59 (S | E | F)
I have to give my homework tomorrow, I would like your view. What do you think ?

My name is x and I am enrol in this booster course because you did not "validate" one of the three skills during the last semester. This year my goal is to validate them that’s why I need to evaluate my weaknesses. We can divide my homework into 2 parts.

First of all, it is interesting to review my work from Unit 1. For my part, I think, it’s a good support because it evaluates several points and to focus my work on areas for improvement. For example, I noted that following the assessments I confuse comparative and superlative. As a result, I will take the initiative to revise the Uncontrolled items with the help of other sites such as X.

Then, I am writing about my strong points and reasonable goal to improve my English. I tend to want to understand or interpret any document, but it is wrong method. Now, i understand that it was beneficial to use the 3 steps that are skimming, scanning and X in order to have a general idea of the text. About taking notes, do not listen while I write and to acquire vocabulary are1 very necessary. I understood the value of keys words in order to help in understanding the text of the statement. About the oral , it difficult to express clearly on a scientific subject , problems may occur such as vocabulary.

To conclude, I will apply the reading method to be quickly and effectively. About taking notes , I will give importance to the keys word and listen carefully to grasp the details. Finally, I want to build the vocabulary by reading English actuality and lead me to summarize to prepare my oral.

1 : Are car ce qui est important c'est à la fois acquérir du vocabulaire et de ne pas écouter et écrire en même temps
Thank you very much.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-11-2014 20:02

Réponse: My strong points/aide de wsz, postée le 07-11-2014 à 08:51:11 (S | E)
Personne pour m'aider ?


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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