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More variety / Ex 21

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More variety / Ex 21
Message de here4u posté le 08-11-2014 à 20:23:35 (S | E | F)
Hello, Hardworkers !

(* First this exercise is numbered 21 and not 20 as expected, just because I'd put an 'Intermède' N° 5 without giving it a number ... Anyway, that's not really important, is it ?)

In this challenge, you'll have 5 different exercises ;
In the first 3 sentences, you're simply given a prompt, and have to complete the sentences freely so that they have a meaning and are correct ! (You can choose to be serious, funny, choose an only theme for the 3 etc. Freedom ...)
The following exercise, (N° 2) is a simple translation from French to English. No freedom here ! Stick to the text as faithfully as possible !
The third one is 'New' It's about vocabulary ...
Number 4 will be re-ordering that you may do, or not, according to your preferences !
And number 5 has already given me quite a headache. I need a diagram and did it, but it wouldn't come on the Forum ... My computer seems to be tired of my poor experiencing with it ... and my hotline is out of France just now ! I'll try to improve it I can ...
It's a (going on minus ...)exercise, and I'll post the correction on the 17th of november (if it's right for you !) Changes taken into account till the 14h at night.
I hope you'll have a good time, and will learn a little !

1) End the sentences ....
a) You'd better buy one in case .........
b) He hid behind the door in order that .....
c) Come a little nearer so that……

2) Translate into English :
d) Il faut que tu comprennes que je n'avais rien fait de mal à ce moment là ; j’avais juste fait semblant de le frapper et comme je l’avais prévenu, il devait esquiver !
e) C’est la seule chose que je désire vraiment, mais on m'a dit que je ne la trouverai jamais ! C'est désespérant!
f) Personne ne m'a dit ce que tout le monde sait depuis plusieurs jours : il ne lui reste plus rien car elle a tout perdu ! Qui pourra l’aider ?
g) Mon frère n'arrive pas à se remettre de sa rupture avec ma meilleure amie; ils vivaient ensemble depuis 5 ans et il n'arrive pas à tourner la page ....

3) Vocabulary : For each of the 'root' words, give as many 'derived words' as you can ( the number given is the minimum you must submit)
ex : Harm : Harmed - Unharmed - Harming - Harmless - Harmlessly – Harmful – Harmfully –

a) Power (5).
b) Bear (4)
c) Cover (5)
d) Avoid (4)

4) Re-ordering I know that some of you are very keen on that, and that others don't appreciate ... feel free to drop whatever sentence(s) bother(s) you !
If you feel like it, make meaningful sentences, using all the words given.
a) He / the / the / it / for / you / that / his / him / him / has / be / better / sooner / exam / tell / will / missed /, / ./

b) It / it / you / in / so / of / front / first / many / was / wasn't / had / the / people / time / spoken / , / ? /

c) I / you / your / or / do / don't / are / how / in / there / six / seven / many / new / brother / rooms / house / precisely / know / 's / , / , / ? / ?./

5)Insert letters and letter groups into the diagram to form words reading across and matching the clues below.
A BONUS word will read diagonally down in the blocks.

B / N / R / O / Y / I / ER / OL / SI / TA / TO / VI / LL / CTO / ELY / NCE / ( = 16)

Here, there should be a diagram ...(4 cols. 4 lines) but our Master told me that diagrams couldn't be made on the Forum
I'll try to work that out , with the stratagem he has suggested (but I'm hopeless ! ) or find a way to do without it.

Line 1 : ......... .......... .......... ..........

Line 2 : ......... .......... .......... ..........

Line 3 : ......... .......... .......... ..........

Line 4 : ......... .......... .......... ..........

Line 1 = Stringed instrument
Line 2 = Tenth Month
Line 3 = Letter sign-off
Line 4 = Completely

Anyway ! I hope you'll have fun ! and will be as good as usual! Enjoy !

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-11-2014 20:33

Our dear 'Thin Sister has been watching' well ... and found a typo in the blocks of letters! Thanks a lot! I'm awfully sorry!

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-11-2014 15:58
I modified just to avoid you have a hear attack... there are 16 letters or blocks of letters.

Bon, alors, ATTENTION !Je crois être en sur-tension ... Une autre coquille ou erreur, comme vous le voulez ! Shame on me !
J'ai tout revérifié (une fois de plus ... )Désolée pour tous ceux qui se sont mis le cerveau au carré à cause de moi !

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de lucile83, postée le 09-11-2014 à 16:37:08 (S | E)

Can the letters in &5 be used twice?
I found two words but now I need to know what I can do...

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de lucile83, postée le 09-11-2014 à 16:54:25 (S | E)
Hi again

I think I have found them all, but are you sure there isn't a typo in the block of letters I have highlighted in blue?
B / I / N / R / O / Y / ER / OL / SI / TA / TO / VI / ILL / CTO / ELY / NCE /

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de here4u, postée le 10-11-2014 à 00:10:22 (S | E)
Yes ! there's one ! You're right Lucile !
When reading and fighting against my ailing computer (and Laurent's Forum ...) I stupidly put slashes to separate the letters which, in spite of the great number of blanks I had left, were always insisting on sticking together ! and I made a mistake !
it's /VI/LL Glad that Thin Sister is watching us ! Thank you ever so much, Lucile !
I would have read over again tomorrow, but couldn't stand it tonight ! I'm quite exhausted ...Sorry !

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de lucile83, postée le 10-11-2014 à 08:04:56 (S | E)
Who never made any typo? don't worry about that the main thing is that anyone can find the words now
It is great fun, thanks

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de maxwell, postée le 11-11-2014 à 10:12:05 (S | E)
What a wonderful exercise ! Here's the beginning of my try : I'll finish later

1a) You'd better buy one in case it should be discontinued. (or : in case its price increases in the next months)
1b) He hid behind the door in order that the policeman could not arrest him. (or : in order that he would not be scolded by his nanny)
1c) Come a little nearer so that I can taste your lips (or : so that you may hear the latest news about your dear William)

2d) You've got to understand that I did nothing wrong at that moment ; I only pretended to hit him, and since I warned him, he had to duck.
2e) It's the only thing that I really desire, but I was told that I'd never find it ! It's dispiriting !
2f) Nobody has told me what everybody has known for several days : she has nothing left (or: there is nothing left for her ) (or : she is left with nothing) since she has lost everything ! Who will be able to help her ?
2g) My brother doesn't manage to get over his best friend's breakup ; they've lived together for five years and he can't turn over a new leaf (or : he can't move on)

3 a) Power : Powerful - Powerless - Powerfully - Powerlessly - Powerfulness - Powerlessness - Powered - Overpower - Overpowering - Overpowered - Unpower - Unpowered- Unpowerful - Underpowered - High-powered
3 b) Bear : Unbearable - Unbearably - Bearable - Bearing - Bearer - Overbear - Overbearing - Bearish -
3 c) Cover : Uncover - Covered - Uncovered - Covering - Uncovering - Coverage - Recover - Recovery - Recovering - Recoverable - Unrecoverable - Undercover - Coverlet - Coverall
3 d) Avoid : Unavoidable - Unavoidably - Unavoidability - Avoidable - Avoidance- Avoidant - Avoider - Avoidably -

4 a) The sooner you tell him that he has missed his exam, the better it will be for him.
4 b) It wasn't the first time you had spoken in front of so many people, was it ?
4 c) How many rooms are there in your new brother's house, six or seven ? I don't know precisely , do you ?
5 :

I love this bonus word : Victory , how about you ?

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de maxwell, postée le 11-11-2014 à 15:41:03 (S | E)
Hello Here4u and Lucile
Thank you Lucile for your correction in question 5.
Anyway, that wasn't too difficult a question (unlike 4.a which is worth ) !!! I don't know what to do with the second "his"

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de lucile83, postée le 11-11-2014 à 18:19:57 (S | E)
Hello maxwell,
I can't tell you about 4.a as I didn't even read the questions. I just felt like finding the 5. Anyway I'll have a look at 4. in the evening or tomorrow. I'll tell you whether I found the sentence 4.a, but nothing else

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de here4u, postée le 11-11-2014 à 19:41:19 (S | E)
Alas, no ! It wasn't worth ... Sorry for making you waste your time and turn your brains into cubes again ! It's another one of my stupid mistakes ... Shame on me ... (correction above and below ...) and my most sincere apologies ...
(take the extra HIS out and add EXAM ! and it will become !)

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de joe39, postée le 11-11-2014 à 19:49:57 (S | E)
Dear here4u,

Here’s my try.

Exercise 21

1 – End the sentences.

A – You’d better to buy one in case of rain (umbrella)
B – He hid behind the door in order that his young brother couldn’t find him.
C – Come a little nearer so that I can recognize you as I’m short sighted.

2 -Translate into English

D – I need/I want you to understand me: I did nothing wrong at that very moment; I just pretended to hit him and as I warned him, he must have dodged the blow.
E - That’s the only thing I really want, but I was told that I would never find it! It’s hopeless!
F - Nobody told me that everybody knows for several days: there is nothing left to him, because
she lost everything! Who may help him?
E – My brother cannot get over her breakup with my better friend! They had been living together for 5 years and he can’t turn over a new leaf!

3 -Vocabulary

A – Power (5) - powerless powerful, powered, powerboat, powerhouse, powerfully, powerlessness.
B – Bear (4) – Bearable, unbearable, bearably, overbear, overbearing.
C - Cover (5) – coverage, covered, coverlet, uncovered, uncover
D – Avoid (4) – avoidable, unavoidable, unavoidably, unavoidableness.

4 - Reordering

A - The sooner you tell him that he has missed it, the better will be for him. (sorry, but I can’t find a place for his/his)
B – It wasn’t the first time you had spoken in front of so many people, was it?
C – How many rooms are there, in your brother’s new house? Six or seven? I don’t precisely know, do you?

5) Insert letters

Line 1 – Violin
Line 2 – October
Line 3 - Sincerely
Line 4 - Totally
Bonus word – Victory
Remark: there was an I “in surplus” in your spelling.
Anyway thanks for your nice ordeal.
Have a pleasant evening.
So long

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de maxwell, postée le 11-11-2014 à 20:15:09 (S | E)
You're right, it's much easier that way. But I didn't waste my time : Trying to find nouns to match with "his", I've learned that better can be a noun, meaning "superior", "manager".
But don't you think we should capitalize "The" instead of "He" in this question 4.a ?

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de here4u, postée le 11-11-2014 à 20:52:34 (S | E)
Hum ... Well ! I know I'm naughty, but Capitalizing one word would be giving you the first word ! So, as I'm quite dumb, I just put a capital on the first word I chose to give you ...(It could be 'I', and there I'd be (I was !) really naughty ...)
You can't imagine I'm going to help you (right away), can you ? You're responsible for that ... All of You are too good !

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de kazan, postée le 12-11-2014 à 11:34:44 (S | E)
I hope you'll enjoy my sentences, I've put my heart into it!

a) You'd better buy one in case Jo Wilfried Tsonga shows up, in which case you can bid farewell to the last Kinder Bueno (tm) on this showcase.
b) He hid behind the door in order that he could play a trick on his teacher. He must have known better. His teacher was NOT the funny type.
c) Come a little nearer so that I tell you a little secret of mine, the wolf told Little Red riding Hood, her not knowing what would come next.

2) Translate into English :

d) Il faut que tu comprennes que je n'avais rien fait de mal à ce moment là ; j’avais juste fait semblant de le frapper et comme je l’avais prévenu, il devait esquiver !
You need to understand that I didn't do anything bad at that time; I had just pretended to hit him, and he had to dodge as I had expected!

e) C’est la seule chose que je désire vraiment, mais on m'a dit que je ne la trouverai jamais ! C'est désespérant!
It is truly the only thing I crave for, But I was told I would never find it! How despairing!

f) Personne ne m'a dit ce que tout le monde sait depuis plusieurs jours : il ne lui reste plus rien car elle a tout perdu ! Qui pourra l’aider ?
Nobody told me what everybody knew for a couple of days: She has nothing left, for she has lost everything! Who could help her?

g) Mon frère n'arrive pas à se remettre de sa rupture avec ma meilleure amie; ils vivaient ensemble depuis 5 ans et il n'arrive pas à tourner la page ....
My brother cannot get over the break-up with my best friend ; They've been living together for 5 years and he cannot turn the page...

3) Vocabulary : For each of the 'root' words, give as many 'derived words' as you can ( the number given is the minimum you must submit)
ex : Harm : Harmed - Unharmed - Harming - Harmless - Harmlessly – Harmful – Harmfully –

a) Power: Powerful, Powerless, powering, powered
b) Bear: bearable, unbearable, bearing, unbearably- O
c) Cover: covered, uncovered, covering,uncovering
d) Avoid: avoidable, un avoidable, avoided, unavoidability, unavoidably

4) Re-ordering I know that some of you are very keen on that, and that others don't appreciate ... feel free to drop whatever sentence(s) bother(s) you !
If you feel like it, make meaningful sentences, using all the words given.
The sooner he tells you that he has missed his exam, the better it will be for him.

It wasn't the first time you had spoken in front of so many people, was it?

c) I / you / your / or / do / don't / are / how / in / there / six / seven / many / new / brother / rooms / house / precisely / know / 's / , / , / ? / ?./

5)Insert letters and letter groups into the diagram to form words reading across and matching the clues below.
A BONUS word will read diagonally down in the blocks.

Line 1 : ...VI..... ....OL...... ....I...... .....N.....

Line 2 : ....O..... ...CTO....... ..B...... ....ER......

Line 3 : ....SI..... ...NCE....... ..R...... ....ELY......

Line 4 : ....TO......TA...... ...LL.........Y.....

Have a nice day.

Modifié par kazan le 14-11-2014 08:10

Modifié par kazan le 14-11-2014 08:11

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de taiji43, postée le 12-11-2014 à 11:51:37 (S | E)
Here his my try Here4u. Thank you so much to: Maxwell, Lucile83 and Here4u for their corrections. Everything has become easier...
Here is my try

Here is my second translation after thinking about these translations


1. You have to understand that I didn’t do anything wrong at that moment. I had just pretended to hit him and as I had warned him, he should have ducked

2.It is the only think that I really desire, but I was told that I would never find it. It is

3.Nobody told me what everybody had known for several days. She has nothing left as she had lost everything. Who will be able to help her?

4.My brother can’t overcome/get over his sentimental break with my best friend, they were living together for five years and he can’t achieve closure on.

End the sentences

1.You’d better buy one in case you would want to buy later the same vase to your friend without going far wrong on the model

2.He hid behind the door in order that he could listen all the conversation without being recognized

3. Come a little nearer so that I may have a look at your extravagant hair style


Power –powerful-powerless- powerfully-powered-overpower- overpowered-overpowering-unpower-unpowered-unpowerful

Bear : (up,on,upon,out,with).bear-baiting-bear-garden-bear-huge-bear-pit- bearable–bearer-bearing-unbearable-unbearably-bearish-overbear-overbearing

Cover : covered-uncovered-coverall-covergirld-coverage-covering-coverlet-covert-discover-discovery

a.The sooner you tell him he has missed his exam, the better it will be for him.

b. It wasn’t the first time you had spoken in front of so many people, was it?

c.How many new rooms are there in your brother’s house, six or seven?I don’t know precisely, do you?

Le1er mot : vi olin
Le deuxième mot: o…cto…ber
Le troisième mot : since…r…ly
Le quatrième mot : totally
Le mot en diagonale : victory

Modifié par taiji43 le 13-11-2014 22:24

Modifié par taiji43 le 14-11-2014 18:24

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de koreen2012, postée le 12-11-2014 à 12:26:33 (S | E)
Hello Here4u!!!!
Thank you for this exercise and for the new part !!!!

1)a) You'd better buy one in case you would not find another one elsewhere.

b) He hid behind the door in order that his friends didn't find him, but it was not a good hiding place to play hide-and-seek.

c) Come a little nearer so that I can listen to you. There is too much noise at this party and I can't hear you.

2) Translate into English :

d) Il faut que tu comprennes que je n'avais rien fait de mal à ce moment là ; j'avais juste fait semblant de le frapper et comme je l'avais prévenu, il devait esquiver !
You must understand / realise that I didn't do anything wrong at that moment; I just pretended to hurt him and as I had warned him, he should have avoided it / he was to avoid it!

e) C'est la seule chose que je désire vraiment, mais on m'a dit que je ne la trouverai jamais ! C'est désespérant!
This is the only thing I really desire, but I was told that I would never find it! It's hopeless / discouraging!

f) Personne ne m'a dit ce que tout le monde sait depuis plusieurs jours : il ne lui reste plus rien car elle a tout perdu ! Qui pourra l'aider ?
Nobody has told me what everybody knows for several days: she hasn't anything left over because she has lost everything ! Who will be able to help her?

g) Mon frère n'arrive pas à se remettre de sa rupture avec ma meilleure amie; ils vivaient ensemble depuis 5 ans et il n'arrive pas à tourner la page ....
My brother can't get over his separation with my best friend; they had been living together for five years and he can't put that behind him / he can't turn over a new leaf.

3)a) Power / powerful / powerfully / powerless / powerlessness / powered
b) Bear / bearer / bearing / bearable / unbearable
c) Cover / covering / coverage / covered / coverlet / discover / coverall
d) Avoid / avoidable / unavoidable / unavoidably / avoidance / unavoidability

4)a)The sooner you tell him that he has missed his exam, the better it will be for him.

b) It was the first time you had spoken in front of so many people, wasn't it?
It wasn't the first time you had spoken in front of so many people,was it?

c)How many new rooms are there in your brother's house,six or seven ?
I don't know precisely, do you?

5)Line 1 : VI OL I N
Line 2 : O CTO B ER
Line 3 : SI NCE R ELY
Line 4 : TO TA LL Y
--> The bonus word: victory

Thanks again for this exercise
See you soon !!!!

Modifié par koreen2012 le 14-11-2014 13:58

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de tereda, postée le 12-11-2014 à 20:48:30 (S | E)
Hello Here4U,
This is my exercise 21

1) End the sentences ....
a) You'd better buy one, in case of an invitation to their wedding , in this case, you must wear a hat, like the Queen !
b) He hid behind the door in order that the neighbor's bad dog didn't follow him !.....
c) Come a little nearer so that you can hear the sound of my heart.

2) Translate into English :

d/ You must understand that I did nothing wrong at that moment, I've just pretended to hit him, and as I had warned him, he should dodged my hit.

e/ It's the only thing I really want, (I really desire) but everyone told me that I never find it ! it's so hopeless !

f/ Nobody told me what everyone knows for several days, there is nothing left to her, or (she has nothing left), she lost everything, who can help her now ?

g/ My brother can't get over her breakup with my best friend; they lived together for 5 years and he can't turn the page ....

3) Vocabulary

a) Power (5). Powerful - powerless - powerfully - powerlessly - powered - horsepower - air-power - nuclear-power /unpower
b) Bear (4) bearable - unbearable - bearing - bear on / bear upon / bear out / bear up / bear with.
teddy bear, polar bear, bear in mind, bear out, bear on, bear down, grizzly bear, bear up, bear witness, bear hug

c) Cover (5) covered / covering / bedcover / cover-mounted / cover-up/ coverage /

d) Avoid (4) avoided / avoidable - unavoidable -

4) Re-ordering

The sooner you tell him that he has missed his exam, the better it will be for him.
wasn't it the first time you had spoken in front of so many people, was it?
It wasn't the first time you had spoken in front of so many people,was it?

Do you precisely know how many rooms there are in your brother's new house ? I don't, six or seven ?

Line 1 : ..... VI.. OL.. ...... I........... N.....

Line 2 : ..... O... CTO. ..... B..... ... ER..

Line 3 : ...... SI... .. NCE........ ... R....... / ELY ..........

Line 4 : ... TO...... . TA......... .. LL........ . Y.........

Thanks a lot.

Modifié par tereda le 14-11-2014 15:46

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de jo06, postée le 13-11-2014 à 15:15:44 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
Thank you very much for this quite interesting exercise

1) End the sentences..
a) You'd better buy one in case there is any left.(or:he has forgotten to bring it).
b) He hid behind the door in order that no one might pay attention to him.
c) Come a little nearer so that I can take away the spider you have in your hair.
(Hope you are not arachnophobic )

2) In English
d) You have to understand I did nothing to hurt at that time;I had just pretended to hit him and
as I told him,he had to duck!
e) It's the very thing I realy want, but I have been told I won't never find it!It's hopeless!
f) I haven't been told what every one knows for several days:she has nothing left ( or: everything has
been taken away from her)because(since or for) she has lost all of it!Who could help her?
g) My brother can't get over his break up with my best friend; they were living together for five years and he can't turn

3) Vocabulary
a) Power.Powerfull-Powerfully-Powerless-Powerlesly-Powered-Powerfulness-Powerlessness-Powerhouse.
b) Bear.Bearable-Bearably-Bearer-Beareth-Bearing.
c) Cover.Coverage-Coverall-Covering-Coverlet-Covert-Covered.
d) Avoid.Avoidable-Avoidance-Avoider-Avoidably.

4) Re-ordering.
a) The sooner you tell him that he has missed his exam,the better it will be for him.
b) It was the first time you had spoken in front of so many people,wasn't it?
c) I can't get by, I am sorry.

5) Diagram.
1= VI OL I N
Bonus= Victory

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de alpiem, postée le 13-11-2014 à 17:48:56 (S | E)
hello here4u as usual! here is my try, a little curtailed for brain-racking reasons !

1/End the sentences:

a)You'd better buy one in case the stock should be devastated within a few hours and you wouldn't be able to produce yours at the right
time next week
b)He hid behind the door in order that when the guests entered the place,he would jump into the midst of them and wreak havoc in the
c)Come a little nearer so that, my dearest Clementine , I could stare into your blue eyes and feel the warmth of your body!


d)You have to understand that I hadn't made anything wrong at this time.I had just been pretending to hit him and as he had been warned
before,he was supposed to stave the blow off.

e)It's the only thing that I trully desire, but I have been told that I would never find it out! It's really despairing!

f)I've never been told what everybody has been knowing for many a day: that she no longer has anything left as she has lost averything!
who will help her??
g)My brother can't recover from his break up whith my best friend; They had lived together for five years and he still can't put up with it.


a)Power, Powered by, Powerful, Powerless, Powerfully, Powerlessly.

b)Bear, Bearcub, Bearable, Bearer, Bearing, Bearings

c)Cover, Coverage, Covering, Covered, Uncover, Uncovered.

d)Avoid, Avoided, Avoidable, Unavoidable, Unavoidably.

Modifié par alpiem le 16-11-2014 08:23

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de mamou3, postée le 14-11-2014 à 09:20:25 (S | E)
Hello here4u,

It was a big brainstorming your homework, wasn't it ?

I'm not sure for all but ...

1. a) You'd better buy one in case the store closes earlier.
b) He hid behind the door in order that he could be invisible for the other children.
c) Come a little nearer so that you can see better.

2. d) You have to understand that I hadn't done anything bad at this moment. I've just pretended to hit him and as I said him, he had to avoid it.
e) It's the only thing I really want but I was told that I would never find it ! It's discouraging !
f) Nobody told me that everybody knows for few days : she is left with nothing because she lost everything ! Who could help her ?
e) My brother can't get over his breakup with my best friend : they had been living together for five years and he can't turn over a new leaf.

3. Vocabulary
a) Power - powerful - powerless- powered - powerfully- powerlessness.
b) Bear - bearable - unbearable - unbearably - bear up.
c) Cover - coverage - cover up - covering - covered - coverlet.
d) Avoid - avoidable - unavaoidable - unavoidably.

4. a) The sooner you tell him that he has missed his exam, the better is for him.
b) It was the first time you had spoken in front of so many people, wasn't it ?
c) How many rooms are there in the new brother's house, six or seven ? I don't precisely know, do you ?


Thank you very much ! You're going to have some very looooooooong corrections.

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de here4u, postée le 14-11-2014 à 09:20:34 (S | E)
Hello !
certains "trichent" or rather , 'choose the easy way out' ...
Après 'in case' (phrase 1), un nom ne m'intéresse pas ... Je voudrais un sujet + verbe ! Tout de même !

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de here4u, postée le 14-11-2014 à 11:26:15 (S | E)
Hello !
'Thank you very much ! You're going to have some very looooooooong corrections.'
I'm afraid you're right, mamou ... Thanks for sympathizing with me ... but I knew it ... I've brought it on myself !

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de notrepere, postée le 14-11-2014 à 17:27:54 (S | E)

1) End the sentences ...
a) You'd better buy one in case he insists that Tom wear it for his graduation ceremony.
b) He hid behind the door so that the guests couldn't find him. I suggest that he come and greet them right this minute! (I'm sorry, I can't make a good-sounding sentence with "in order that")
c) Come a little nearer so that I may see you more clearly. Ah! How you've grown!

d) You must understand that I hadn't done anything wrong at the time; I had only pretended to hit him and since he had been forewarned, he should have ducked!
e) It's the one thing (that) I truly desire but was told (that) I will never find. It's hopeless! (Rien n'est désespérant )
f) No one told me what everyone has known for several days: there is nothing left for her because she has lost everything! Who could possibly help her?
g) My brother hasn't gotten over the breakup with my best friend; they had been living together for five years and he hasn't been able to move on...

Modifié par notrepere le 15-11-2014 23:35

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de icare29, postée le 14-11-2014 à 18:44:20 (S | E)
Hello Here4u , here my work:
) End the sentences ....
a) You'd better buy one in case of you will need a spare part during your long journey , You can never be too cautious ........
b) He hid behind the door in order that the murderer couldn't see and kill him ....
c) Come a little nearer so that I can better admire your new fashion suit you bought yesterday

2) Translate into English :
d) Il faut que tu comprennes que je n'avais rien fait de mal à ce moment là ; j'avais juste fait semblant de le frapper et comme je l'avais prévenu, il devait esquiver ! you have to understand that I did nothing bad at that moment/time ; I had just pretented to hit him and as I warned him he should have dodged ..
e) C'est la seule chose que je désire vraiment, mais on m'a dit que je ne la trouverai jamais ! C'est désespérant! It's the only thing I really desire , But I was told that I would never find it ! It's desperate
f) Personne ne m'a dit ce que tout le monde sait depuis plusieurs jours : il ne lui reste plus rien car elle a tout perdu ! Qui pourra l'aider ? Nobody told me what everyone has been knowning for several days : She has been nothing left because she lost everything ! Who could help her ?
g) Mon frère n'arrive pas à se remettre de sa rupture avec ma meilleure amie; ils vivaient ensemble depuis 5 ans et il n'arrive pas à tourner la page .... My brother can't get over his break-up with my best friend, They have been living together for five years and he can't turn the page / get closer the page

a) Power (5). Powerful, powerless powerfully manpower horsepower
b) Bear (4) bearable unbearable overbear bearing bearer
c) Cover (5) covered uncovered recover recovery covering
d) Avoid (4) avoidable unavoidable avoidably unavoidably

a) He / the / the / it / for / you / that / his / his / him / him / has / be / better / sooner / tell / will / missed /, / ./,the sooner you tell him that he had missed his exam, the better it will be for him , ( 18 words )

b) It / it / you / in / so / of / front / first / many / was / wasn't / had / the / people / time / spoken / , / ? / wasn't it the first time you had spoken in front of so many people , was it ? (16 words plus , and ? )

c) I / you / your / or / do / don't / are / how / in / there / six / seven / many / new / brother / rooms / house / precisely / know / 's / , / , / ? / ?./ how many new rooms are there in your brother's house ?, six or seven ? , I don't know precisely, do you ?

v.... i .. ol .... in
o ... cto .... b ..... er
si.... nce ... r .... . ely
to ... ta .. ll ..... y

thank you very much for this new test

Modifié par icare29 le 15-11-2014 00:13

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de lucile83, postée le 14-11-2014 à 23:08:43 (S | E)
Here is my try. Thank you for this exercise

1) End the sentences ....
a) You'd better buy one in case you haven’t got enough.
b) He hid behind the door in order that nobody could see him.
c) Come a little nearer so that I can look at you.

2) Translate into English:
d) You have to understand I had done nothing wrong just then ; I had just pretended to hit him and as I had warned him, he was supposed to dodge it!
e) It is the only thing I am really longing for, but I have been told I will never find it ! It is hopeless!
f) Nobody told me what everybody has known for a couple of days : she has got nothing left for she has lost everything ! Who will possibly help her?
g) My brother can’t get over his split from my best friend; they had been living together for 5 years and he can’t make a fresh start…

3) Vocabulary:
a) Power (5) powerful-powering-powered-powerless-powerfully
b) Bear (4) bearable-unbearable-unbearably-forbearing
c) Cover (5) recover-discover-uncover-coverable-coverlet
d) Avoid (4) avoidable-avoidably-unavoidable-avoidance

4) Re-ordering:
a)The sooner you tell him that he has missed his exam, the better it will be for him.
b)It wasn’t the first time you had spoken in front of so many people, was it?
c)How many rooms are there in your brother's new house, six or seven ? I don't know precisely, do you ?

5)Insert letters and letter groups into the diagram:

Line 1 : .......ol... .....i..... ......n....

Line 2 : .....0.... ......cto.... .....b.....

Line 3 : .....nce..... .....r..... ......ely....

Line 4 : ...ta....... ....ll...... .....y....

Bonus word = victory.

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de here4u, postée le 15-11-2014 à 11:32:45 (S | E)
Hello !
I'm now starting the individual corrections (first given, first served ! ). Don't be in too much of a hurry ... (very busy these days!)
Thank you Lucile for thanking me for this exercise which had those involuntary traps. I know I didn't make things easy for you ... (Maxwell has already forgiven me ! )
and Hello ! notrepere ... yes, some things are really 'désespérantes' but neither English, nor French are !

Have a wonderful weekend !

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de lucile83, postée le 16-11-2014 à 19:06:55 (S | E)
I too have forgiven you! in case you needed to be...

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de ariane6, postée le 16-11-2014 à 19:55:10 (S | E)
Hello dear teacher!
a) You'd better buy one in case rains...
b) He hid behind the door in order that ...she couldn't see him..
c) Come a little nearer so that…I can give you a kiss…

d) Il faut que tu comprennes que je n'avais rien fait de mal à ce moment là ; j’avais juste fait semblant de le frapper et comme je l’avais prévenu, il devait esquiver !
You must understand that at that moment, I didn't do anything wrong. I was just pretending to hit him and he was meant to duck because I had warned him beforehand!

e) C’est la seule chose que je désire vraiment, mais on m'a dit que je ne la trouverai jamais ! C'est désespérant!
It's the only thing I truly desire, but I've been told I'll never find it. How frustrating!

f) Personne ne m'a dit ce que tout le monde sait depuis plusieurs jours : il ne lui reste plus rien car elle a tout perdu ! Qui pourra l’aider ?
For several days, nobody told me what everybody knew: she's lost everything and has nothing left! Who will be able to help her?

g) Mon frère n'arrive pas à se remettre de sa rupture avec ma meilleure amie; ils vivaient ensemble depuis 5 ans et il n'arrive pas à tourner la page ...
My brother has not managed to recover from his break-up with my best friend. They had been living together for five years and he just can't make a fresh start.

3)Vocabulary :
a) Power (5). Powerful-Powerless- Powerpoint-Overpower-Powerstation - Powerwash -Powerhouse
b) Bear (4). Unbearable-Overbearing-Bearing - Brown bear -Polar bear- Bearbaiter -
c) Cover (5). Covergirl - Coverband- Covering - Coverable -Coverless - Coverage -
d) Avoid (4). Avoidance - Avoider - Avoidable - Avoidless - Avoidant - Avoidably

4) Re-ordering :
a) He / the / the / it / for / you / that / his / him / him / has / be / better / sooner / exam / tell / will / missed /, / ./
The sooner you tell him that he has missed his exam, the better it will be for him.

b) It / it / you / in / so / of / front / first / many / was / wasn't / had / the / people / time / spoken / , / ? /
It wasn't the first time you had spoken in front of so many people, was it?

c) I / you / your / or / do / don't / are / how / in / there / six / seven / many / new / brother / rooms / house / precisely / know / 's / , / , / ? / ?./
- How many rooms are there in your brother's new house?
- There are six or seven, I don't know precisely.
- Do you ?

Thank you!

Modifié par ariane6 le 16-11-2014 20:02

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de lakata, postée le 17-11-2014 à 10:57:04 (S | E)
Hello dear Here4u!
Je n'ai pas eu le temps de souffler over the last few days et j'arrive sur les chapeaux de roues pour te proposer les deux premières questions et c'est tout
Mais, même pas honte car voilà qui va alléger tes corrections !

1) End the sentences :

a) You'd better buy one in case it becomes outrageously expensive.
b) He hid behind the door in order that nobody knew he was listening to everything...
c) "Come a little nearer so that I can box your ears a little!", Granny said.

2) Translate into English:

d) Il faut que tu comprennes qu'à ce moment-là, je n'avais rien fait de mal ; j'avais juste fait semblant de le frapper et, comme je l'avais prévenu, il devait esquiver !
You must understand that then, I hadn't done anything wrong ; I had only been pretending to hit him and he had of course to duck as agreed!

e) C'est la seule chose que je désire vraiment, mais on m'a dit que je ne la trouverais jamais ! C'est désespérant !
It's the only thing I really desire, but I was told I would never find it, what which is hopeless!

f) Personne ne m'a dit ce que tout le monde sait depuis plusieurs jours : il ne lui reste plus rien car elle a tout perdu ! Qui pourra l'aider ?
I haven't ever been told what everybody's known for several days: she's got nothing left as she's lost everything! Who will be able to help her?

g) Mon frère n'arrive pas à se remettre de sa rupture avec ma meilleure amie ; ils vivaient ensemble depuis cinq ans et il n'arrive pas à tourner la page.
My brother can't get over the break-up with my best (lady ?) friend; they had been living together for five years and he can't get some closure.

Thank you here4u for this exercise which ends with the word " victory" !

Modifié par lakata le 17-11-2014 18:57

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de here4u, postée le 17-11-2014 à 12:37:07 (S | E)
Coucou Lakata !
Tu as bien raison de ne pas avoir honte ... Chacun fait ce qu'il peut et ce qu'il veut !!! No strings attached !
J'espère seulement que tout va bien !

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de lakata, postée le 17-11-2014 à 13:12:02 (S | E)
Merci pour ton indulgence, ma tite here4u !
Rien ne va très mal, mais rien ne va vraiment bien...That's life...
Bon courage pour tes corrections toujours si appréciées et, n'y passe pas la nuit !

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de here4u, postée le 17-11-2014 à 18:56:58 (S | E)
Hello ! Corrections individuelles terminées et envoyées ! Je vais poster le N° 22 dans le courant de la soirée et, comme prévu, la correction demain soir aussi ...
Vous pouvez toujours poster si vous en avez envie ! Bonne soirée !


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