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More variety / Ex 21

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Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de here4u, postée le 18-11-2014 à 22:47:49 (S | E)
Sorry ! It's later than I expected ... I've been held on the phone for an extremely long time ...
Here's the result of your work and mine !

1) End the sentences ....
a) You'd better buy one in case you break (or should break) the one you have ! .........
b) He hid behind the door in order that he could (should) hear the conversation. ....
c) Come a little nearer so that I take off (can take off) the bug which is in your eye …
Rappel ! Ceci est du Tout le monde s’entend pour dire que ‘should’ est britannique et qu’il a l’idée de contrainte imposée de l’extérieur. utilise beaucoup plus le ‘subjonctif’ (qui est formé par la base verbale à toutes les personnes), et selon tous les Forums que je fréquente, le subjonctif a tendance à ‘revenir’ en (ce qui est TB, mais surtout, n’oubliez pas que la 3è personne ne doit pas prendre de –s !)

2) Translate into English :
- Il faut que tu comprennes que je n'avais rien fait de mal à ce moment là ; j’avais juste fait semblant de le frapper et comme je l’avais prévenu, il devait esquiver !
You have to understand that I had done nothing wrong at that time ! I had just pretended to hit him, and as he had been forewarned/ as I had forewarned him, he should have ducked!/ dodged the blow!(or: he was to …’)
The problem for you, here, was the use of past perfects. ‘je n’avais pas fait’, ‘j’avais fait’, ‘j’avais prévenu’ These actions definitely happened BEFORE the action (which is in the narrative past) => past perfect. As for the modal, ‘devait’ it was NOT an obligation, but either ‘an opinion given about a subject’ or ‘something which had been planned’ => either ‘should have+ past participle’ or ‘was to’.)

- C’est la seule chose que je désire vraiment, mais on m'a dit que je ne la trouverai jamais ! C'est désespérant!
It’s the only thing (that) I’m really wishing for, but I was told I would never find it ! It’s dispiriting !
After ‘only’ and the superlatives, you should use ‘that’. Of course, you may omit it ! ‘I was told’, which is the passive form, is much more natural than ‘they’, ‘somebody’ or ‘we’, when the speaker is not explicit or important.

- Personne ne m'a dit ce que tout le monde sait depuis plusieurs jours : il ne lui reste plus rien car elle a tout perdu ! Qui pourra l’aider ?
Nobody has told me what everyone has known for several days:she has nothing left, because she has lost everything! Who will (be able to) help her?
‘has told me ‘ = result of the action ; ‘I haven’t been told’ was good too. Many of you put a simple present ‘knows’ (which is the exact translation of our French expression! ….GRRRR ! ) BUT you must remember that with ‘for’ indicating a ‘length of time’, you can’t have presents! You must consider: the present perfect, if the action (or its result) is going on, the preterite, (if the action is in the past), or the past perfect, if the action happened before a simple past action … Every time, consider the simple form of the tenses, or the –ing forms … BUT ‘to KNOW’ has NO –ing FORM !)
‘Pourra’ was a future and neither a conditional, nor a preterite ...

- Mon frère n'arrive pas à se remettre de sa rupture avec ma meilleure amie; ils vivaient ensemble depuis 5 ans et il n'arrive pas à tourner la page …
My brother can’t get over his break up with my best friend! They had lived together for 5 years, and he can’t move on.

3) For each of the 'root' words, give as many derived words as you can ( the number given is the minimum you must give)
ex : Harm : Harmed.- Unharmed - Harming -.Harmless - Harmlessly – Harmful – Harmfully – Harmlessness.

a) Power (5). Powerful – powerfulness- powerless- powerlessness –overpower – empower -empowering
b) Bear (4) –bearing-(allure) - bearings-(repères) bearable- unbearable- unbearably – overbear (dominer) - overbearing.
c) Cover (5) coverlet – coverage- uncover – discover- discovery – covert –undercover – recover- recovery -
d) Avoid (4) avoidance-avoidable- unavoidable – unavoidably – avoiding –

I particularly appreciated when you formed the words using prefixes and suffixes !(J'avais demandé des mots dérivés ... pas des mots composés ... )

4) Re-ordering : if you feel like it, make meaningful sentences, using all the words given.
a) He / the / the / it / for / you / that / his / his / him / him / has / be / better / sooner / tell / will / missed /, / ./
The sooner you tell him that he has missed his exam, the better it will be for him.
b) It / it / you / in / so / of / front / first / many / was / wasn't / had / the / people / time / spoken / , / ? /
- It was the first time you had spoken in front of so many people, wasn’t it ?
- It wasn’t the first time you had spoken in front of so many people, was it ?

c) I / you / your / or / do / don't / are / how / in / there / six / seven / many / new / brother / rooms / house / precisely / know / 's / , / , / ? / ?./
c) How many rooms are there in your brother's new house ? Six or seven, I don't know precisely, do you ?

5) Insert letters and letter groups into the diagram to formwords reading across and matching the clues below. A BONUS word will read diagonally down in the blocks.


ACROSS : Line 1 = Stringed instrument = VIOLIN
Line 2 = Tenth Month = OCTOBER
Line 3 = Letter sign-off = SINCERELY
Line 4 = Completely = TOTALLY


Thank you for working and playing with me ! Congrats to all of you !

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de lucile83, postée le 19-11-2014 à 08:01:44 (S | E)
Thank you again for that exercise and the correction.
Have a nice day

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de lakata, postée le 19-11-2014 à 10:45:01 (S | E)
Thank you for all, dear Here4u!

Réponse: More variety / Ex 21 de koreen2012, postée le 20-11-2014 à 13:38:36 (S | E)
Hello Here4u!!!! Thank you for this exercise and the correction !!!!


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