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Questions/ image

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Questions/ image
Message de lyceen5555 posté le 09-11-2014 à 00:45:32 (S | E | F)
je dois répondre à quelques questions sur cette image   Lien internet
Voici mes réponses.
a) What elements immediately strike you ?
To begin with, I noticed that they are two separates drinking fountains for « white » people and « colored » people, In my opinion, this is very humiliating... In addition, I noted that the ‘white’ water fountain is visibly more luxurious than the ‘colored’.Furthermore, the colored drinking fountains looks to be older and needs repair cleaning, even the white drinking fountain seems in perfect condition.

b) Where (country and place) and when do you think this picture was taken.
Separate water fountains were common in America until 1964. But we can suppose also that this picture was in South africa [ comment dit on " du temps de l'apartheid" ?]

c)In the early 17th century, many Africans were reduced to working for the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco and cereals. They were systematically oppressed and deprived of their rights. In 1863, the USA abolished slavery. in the south, many people couldn't accept a multicultural state. That's why, they decided to adopt many segregationist laws. In addition, there are also persecuted by the KKK. Then, thanks to many freedom fighters as Marthin luther king, the civil rights acts was adopted in 1964. That's why, the racial segregation ended.

d) What is the impact on the viewer? What were the photographer's goals?
In my view, this a photography can becom a powerful weapon for denouncing segregation. Officially there a just « separate » but «
equal » with this photography we can understand that this false. The photographer wants also to denounce he injustice of social
What laws are enforced here ?
E) Between 1876 and 1964, all marriages between a white American and a black American were prohibited. A black American couldn't eat in a restaurant with a white American,...
Officially, they are just separate but equal but [ comment éviter de répéter "but"...] we can understand with this photogrpahy that this is wrong.

Merci pour votre aide!

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-11-2014 08:49
Mise en forme standard.

Réponse: Questions/ image de lyceen5555, postée le 09-11-2014 à 13:41:05 (S | E)
Anyone ?

Réponse: Questions/ image de lucile83, postée le 09-11-2014 à 20:39:08 (S | E)

Réponse: Questions/ image de here4u, postée le 09-11-2014 à 21:16:13 (S | E)
Hello !

a) What elements immediately strike you ?
To begin with, I noticed that they are two separates drinking fountains for « white » people and « colored » people, In my opinion, this is very humiliating... In addition, I noted that the ‘white’ water fountain is visibly more luxurious than the ‘colored’XXX .Furthermore, the colored drinking fountains looks to be older and needs repair, cleaning, even (wrong Link word)the white drinking fountain seems XXXX in perfect condition.

b) Where (country and place) and when do you think this picture was taken.
Separate water fountains were common in America until 1964. But we can suppose alsoword order) that this picture was in South africa [ comment dit on " du temps de l'apartheid" ?]try something ...

c)In the early 17th century, many Africans were reduced to working for the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco and cereals. They were systematically oppressed and deprived of their rights. In 1863, the USA abolished slavery. in the South, many people couldn't accept a multicultural state. That's why, they decided to adopt many segregationist laws. In addition, there are also persecuted by the KKK. Then, thanks to many freedom fighters as Marthin luther king J, the civil rights acts was adopted in 1964. That's why, the racial segregation ended.(did it ?)

d) What is the impact on the viewer? What were the photographer's goals?
In my view, this a photography can becom a powerful weapon for denouncing segregation. Officially there a just « separate » but « equal » with this photography we can understand that this false. The photographer wants also(word order + tense) to denounce he injustice of social
What laws are enforced here ? You're not answering the question at all !
E) Between 1876 and 1964, all marriages between a white American and a black American were prohibited. A black American couldn't eat in a restaurant with a white American,...
Officially, they are just separate but equal but [ comment éviter de répéter "but"...](there are so many link words ...) we can understand with this photogrpahy that this is wrong.

Beaucoup de choses à revoir !Des variations de style étranges ...(beginning of c) !) Bon courage !

Réponse: Questions/ image de lyceen5555, postée le 10-11-2014 à 08:34:39 (S | E)

Voila ma réponse

a) What elements immediately strike you ?
To begin with, I noticed that they are two different drinking fountains for « white » people and « colored » people, In my opinion, this is very humiliating... In addition, I noted that the ‘white’ drinking fountain is visibly more luxurious than the ‘colored’XXX .Furthermore, the colored drinking fountain looks to be older and needs repair, cleaning,whereas the white drinking fountain seems [Je n'arrive veaiment ps à trouver ici le mot manquant..;] in perfect condition.

b)Separate water fountains were common in America until 1964.
But we can also suppose that this picture was in South africa

c)In the early 17th century, many Africans were reduced to working for the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco and cereals. They were systematically oppressed and deprived of their rights. In 1863, the USA abolished slavery. in the South, many people couldn't accept a multicultural state. That's why, they decided to adopt many segregationist laws. In addition, they are also persecuted by the KKK.

d)What is the impact on the viewer? What were the photographer's goals?
In my view, this picture can become a powerful weapon to denounce the segregation. Officially they are « separate » but « equal » with this picture we can understand that it's not true. The photographer also want to denounce the injustice of social segregation.

E)E) Between 1876 and 1964, all marriages between a white American and a black American were prohibited. A black American couldn't eat in a restaurant with a white American,...
Officially, they are just separate but equal with this picture we can understand that it's not true.

J'ai peut être mal compris la question ? ici, on ne me demande pas seulement de donner d'autres lois ségrégationnistes ?

merci pour votre aide!

Réponse: Questions/ image de here4u, postée le 10-11-2014 à 12:38:41 (S | E)
Hello !

I think in the last question you are asked to give the name of the laws establishing Segregation ... Easy to find ... And develop a little ...
(Sorry, no smileys working ! ) Have a good correction ...

Réponse: Questions/ image de lyceen5555, postée le 10-11-2014 à 18:02:23 (S | E)

je vais continuer à développer ce soir, Rien à signaler ?

Réponse: Questions/ image de here4u, postée le 10-11-2014 à 23:08:23 (S | E)
Hello !
) What elements immediately strike you ?
To begin with, I noticed that they are two separates (It's an adjective )drinking fountains for « white » people and « colored » people, In my opinion, this is very humiliating... In addition, I noted that the ‘white’ water fountain is visibly more luxurious than the ‘colored’(coloured is an adjective too ! You need a pronoun ! )XXX.Furthermore, the colored drinking fountains looks to be older and needs repair, cleaning, even the white drinking fountain seems to be in perfect condition.

b) Where (country and place) and when do you think this picture was taken.
Separate water fountains were common in America(be more precise ... In what part ?) until 1964. But we can suppose also (ordre des mots) that this picture was in South africa [ comment dit on " du temps de l'apartheid" ?]NO; something similar could have been seen there, but it wasn't !

c)In the early 17th century, many Africans were reduced to working for the production of such lucrative crops as(cotton), tobacco and cereals. They were systematically oppressed and deprived of their rights(they had none !). In 1863, the USA(President Lincoln) abolished slavery. in the south, many people couldn't accept a multicultural state. That's why, they decided to adopt many segregationist laws. In addition, there are(past required!) also persecuted by the KKK. Then, thanks to many Freedom fighters as Marthin luther king, the civil rights acts was adopted in 1964. That's why, the racial segregation ended.

d) What is the impact on the viewer? What were the photographer's goals?
In my view, this a photography can becomE a powerful weapon for denouncing segregation. Officially there a just « separate » but «
equal » with this photography we can understand that this XX false. The photographer wants also to denounce The injustice of social
What laws are enforced here ?
E) Between 1876 and 1964, all marriages between a white American and a black American were prohibited. A black American couldn't eat in a restaurant with a white American,...
Officially, they are just separate but equal but [ comment éviter de répéter "but"...] we can understand with this photogrpahy that this is wrong.

Quel est l'intérêt de ne rien corriger de ce qui a été signalé ? J'ai 'l'impression' de me répéter ... pour rien !
Courage !

Réponse: Questions/ image de lyceen5555, postée le 11-11-2014 à 00:19:19 (S | E)

Vous avez corrigé la mauvaise version : ( j'ai posté un message avant je pense que vous ne l'avez pas vu...
Le voici:

a) What elements immediately strike you ?
To begin with, I noticed that they are two different drinking fountains for « white » people and « colored » people, In my opinion, this is very humiliating... In addition, I noted that the ‘white’ drinking fountain is visibly more luxurious than the ‘colored’XXX .Furthermore, the colored drinking fountain looks to be older and needs repair, cleaning,whereas the white drinking fountain seems [Je n'arrive veaiment ps à trouver ici le mot manquant..;] in perfect condition.

b)Separate water fountains were common in America until 1964.
But we can also suppose that this picture was in South africa

c)In the early 17th century, many Africans were reduced to working for the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco and cereals. They were systematically oppressed and deprived of their rights. In 1863, the USA abolished slavery. in the South, many people couldn't accept a multicultural state. That's why, they decided to adopt many segregationist laws. In addition, they are also persecuted by the KKK.

d)What is the impact on the viewer? What were the photographer's goals?
In my view, this picture can become a powerful weapon to denounce the segregation. Officially they are « separate » but « equal » with this picture we can understand that it's not true. The photographer also want to denounce the injustice of social segregation.

E)E) Between 1876 and 1964, all marriages between a white American and a black American were prohibited. A black American couldn't eat in a restaurant with a white American,...
Officially, they are just separate but equal with this picture we can understand that it's not true.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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