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Correction /Scandal

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Correction /Scandal
Message de lauradautriat posté le 11-11-2014 à 12:58:22 (S | E | F)
Coucou Bonjour, ,
quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider à corriger mon oral du Bac sur Scandal svp s'il vous plaît? Je passe pour m'entraîner prochainement avec ma prof , merci pour votre aide.

I'm going to talk about Scandal, one of my favorite series that I discovered thanks to a friend.I started to watch it a few months ago and I fell head over heels of it.
First I appreciate so much the actors and I love the subject . Olivia Pope is a former White House Communications Director for the President of the United States who has left to start her own crisis management firm, Olivia Pope & Associates . Olivia has decided to dedicate her life to protecting the public images of the nation's elite but is finding that no matter how hard she tries, she cannot leave parts of her past behind.It deals with Washington politics where Obama and his top aides are defeitful opportunist and worse .It reconcile all that I love power, love story , murder, politics,secrets, challenges and handling ..

This American serie on ABC is remarkable for being written by shonda Rimes, like an other of my favorite serie grey's anatomy and for being one of the few dramas featuring a black actress as the main character, it is also highly feminist in content with numerous string female characters.
For me the very important aspect of the series is that there is a big part of reality, it's not like the other series that I used to watch , all is not roses or there isn't any surnatural creatures ect...
It refer to current subjects like the gay wedding and the place of the gay in the society , at the beginning Cyrus been,(White House chief of staff) didn't assume his homosexuality in public and after he finally get married and adopte a baby.
We can imagine what happens in the white house in the real life , maybe that like in scandal the election were rigged or the president has a mistress. Maybe the so-called perfect présidentiel family of the united states is NOT as perfect that it seems.
We CAN see until what the greediness or the pursuit of power CAN lead some people to. Some of them comits murders, other smothered crimes, or for example melly the wife of the president have been raped by her stepfather and she kept silence during several years in the Aim of not compromise fitz success.
The story look's like Kennedy's life. We can notice that the president in the serie is called Fitzgerald grands like Fitzgerald Kennedy . Moreover both of them are president and have an affair which was reveled to the entire world. There is also the assassination attempt of grands and the real murder of Kennedy .
Some scenes CAN be shocking but it must be the réality when suspects of murders are tortured illégaly , or when some people pay price for others, victim of plot maybe that's the real method of the CIA

I became aware that people can be totally different in front of a camera that In reality, we can't see the true colors of big part of politicians. They play the role of nice men, who care about our needs, they tell you what you want to heard in the aim of having power because consequently we trust them and we give them this power. Or for example the First Lady seems to be strong In front of cameras but eat potatoes and drink alcool in pyjama all day long because of her son death in reality.

It show us the importance of every décision taken by the president , millions of lifes are in his hands everyday. Before I thought that being president was not as hard that we say, travel all over the world, shake ends, live in a beautiful and big house with domestics and a lot of money...but know I saw that it wasn't only luxury

Furthermore I learn a lot about politics, I become aware of the seriousness and the stakes of what it is happening in the world on a military plan or others. I learnt how is organized an électoral campain , the strategies established ( to destroyed the opponent with plots rumors , lies and others very bad méthods)

I Have watched a lot of series but it is the first Time that a love story touch me all the more. The Two actors are very good and they succeed to make me feel strong émotions, it´s like if I lived some scenes.

There are probably so many secrets that we ignore , even in france and it is probably better like that, I guess that It is hidden from us for good reasons, it surely avoid many conflicts.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-11-2014 13:05

Réponse: Correction /Scandal de here4u, postée le 11-11-2014 à 17:05:53 (S | E)
Hello !

Oh dear ! Why are you all posting such long essays just now ? As an examiner, I can certify that a short and perfect one is much better than a long approximate one !
I'll start ! and will stop as I have a lot on my plate too ...

I'm going to talk about Scandal, one of my favorite series that I discovered thanks to a friend.I started to watch it a few months ago and I fell head over heels of it.
First I appreciate so much (ill placed!)the actors and I love the subject . Olivia Pope is a former White House Communications(Campaign ...) Director for the President of the United States who has left to start her own crisis management firm, 'Olivia Pope & Associates' . Olivia has decided to dedicate her life to protecting the public images of the nation's elite but is finding that no matter how hard she tries, she cannot leave parts of her past behind.It deals with Washington politics where Obama? (President Clrk is white ...) and his top aides are defeitful opportunist and worse .It reconcile all that I love : power, love story , murder, politics,secrets, challenges and handling issues ..

This American serieS on ABC is remarkable for being written by shonda Rimes, like an otherXXX of my favorite serieS grey's anatomy and for being one of the few dramas featuring a black actress as the main character, it is also highly feminist in XXX content with numerous string female characters???? what do you mean ?.
For me the very important aspect of the series is that there is a big part of reality, it's not like the other series that I used(You've stopped watching them !) to watch , all is not roses or there isn't any surnatural creatures ect...
It refer to current subjects(vocabulary) like the gay wedding and the place of the gay in the society , at the beginning Cyrus been= his name !),( XXX White House chief of staff) didn't assume his homosexuality in public and after he finally get married and adopte a baby.
We can imagine what happens in the white house in the real life (I hope not !), maybe that like in sScandal the election were rigged or the president has a mistress. Maybe the so-called perfect psidentiel family of the united states is NOT as perfect that it seems.

Are you perfect ? Who is ? Without being so, don't forget that it's a fiction !
Pitié ! Mettez les majuscules aux noms propres ... (dans le reste du texte aussi ...)et il y a de nombreuses fautes de débutants à corriger ...


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