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Aide/journalist for CNN

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide/journalist for CNN
Message de dddddd posté le 02-12-2014 à 20:58:46 (S | E | F)
je suis en terminale S, j'ai un exposé à faire, je l'ai terminé, normalement il n'y a pas trop de fautes d’orthographe je veux surtout savoir si j'ai fait des erreurs de grammaire, ou s'il y a des éléments incohérents. Donc j'aimerais bien que quelqu'un me corrige ;) Merci d'avance, et j'attends vos réponses
Je mets la consigne histoire que compreniez un peu le contexte

You are a journalist working for CNN and you present a 5-minute programme about "Manifest Destiny and space conquest: the end of a dream?"

Hi 'I'm Jane Marshall from CNN news, today it's the 40Th of the Walk on the Moon and this important event remembered us the Space Conquest which was an important thing in the speech of the president John Fitzgerald Kennedy in 1962 but first to explain the origins of this idea of Space Conquest we should to go back in the 19Th century. In fact Manifest Destiny is this period the widely held belief in the USA that the American settlers were destined to expand throughout the continent. They thought their mission was to spread their culture, religion and civilisation. This painting is a perfect illustration of this common belief. So the settlers colonised American continent. In the optic of conquest people started to be interested in space conquest, first they dreamt on this idea through literature works with for instance Jules Verne's From the Earth to the Moon (1865).Throughout the 20Th century, science improved and space conquest became mainly a race between the USA and the USSR because of the Cold War, these 2 superpowers were in competition they both wanted to show they were the best and to show their superiority. And finally USA succeeded in fact they managed to go to the moon with Neil Armstrong in 1969, 7 years after the speech of JFK and 6 years after his death. Today 45 years after this big feat the future of space conquest is uncertain and pushes us to think about the end of a dream? In fact in spite of the promises done by the president Barack Obama on his speech in 2010, today there is nothing. There is reasons, especially limits of course, at first the economical crisis, is to important the USA, so they can't waste money for space conquest, because it's not a priority anymore and there is also the fact that the Cold War is finish, USA don't have rival like USSR anymore, they don't need to show anything. The reasons which made the force of the will of conquer the space are missing. But is it a real end, we are not sure because there is different points of view, scientist, astronauts, Eugene Cernan who is the last man to walk on the moon for example keep hope. They want to go to the moon again, and why not conquer Mars and continue the Manifest Destiny. But there is also politics who think that they can't use money for the project like we said it before, it's not a priority anymore. And for people to, the problem is crisis not the end of Manifest Destiny or Space Conquest. They lost their passion of conquering the moon like before in the 20Th century. Finally the conclusion is that we can't say if it's the end of a dream or not, because NASA still exist and keep working, if one day crisis finish maybe Americans are going to try to realise their dream, but if the crisis not finish of course it's going to be the end.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-12-2014 21:12


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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