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Help/ about insects

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Help/ about insects
Message from olioli posted on 12-12-2014 at 11:35:40 (D | E | F)
I'm writing an abstract for a scientific paper but my English is not very good.
Is there anyone here which who could take a look at this text and explain my mistakes please?
Kind regards.

Some insects such as Papilio blumei or Suneve coronata are known for exhibiting polarization effects like color contrast or geometrical polarization rotation by reflection on their wing scales. The photonic structures found on these species and showing these properties are multilayered spherical cavities or triangular grooves which polarize the light due to inner multiple reflections. Such polarization effects in addition to intrinsic color mixing properties of these photonic structures are interesting in the anti-counterfeiting field thanks to their invisibility to the naked eye. In this paper, we report a micro fabrication technic to produce bio-inspired cylindrical (C-groove) and triangular grooves (V-grooves) that exhibit the same properties. Theoretical analyses were performed by multi-scale simulation (MS) as well as by finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) to compare the polarization capacity of both structures. The V-grooves show the best polarization contrast with a specular spectrum while C-grooves show less polarization effect but have a dispersive spectrum. In both case, the structures show additional optical properties such as diffraction, macroscopic color contrast under polarizer and contrast inversion due to the geometry which contribute to their uniqueness.

Edited by lucile83 on 12-12-2014 12:25

Re: Help/ about insects from bluestar, posted on 12-12-2014 at 12:49:31 (D | E)

I can't find any errors of grammar, but I'm not sure about 'technic' - do you mean technique? 'Color' of course is the American spelling of 'colour'..

Re: Help/ about insects from olioli, posted on 12-12-2014 at 13:25:50 (D | E)
Actually, I don't know which one between technic and technique is ok. I will use techniqueS instead.
Yes you're right, better to use colour, thank you for your advice.

Edited by lucile83 on 12-12-2014 14:13

Re: Help/ about insects from razzor, posted on 12-12-2014 at 13:32:34 (D | E)
The correct spelling is "technique" as it's a word originating from the French language. Hence "technic" is not used
Note that the adjective form is 'technical'.
Best wishes,

Re: Help/ about insects from olioli, posted on 12-12-2014 at 13:38:22 (D | E)
Thank you razzor
I was wondering why google translator gives gave me the same meaning/translation for technic and technique. Is this something like color and colour?

Edited by lucile83 on 12-12-2014 14:16

Re: Help/ about insects from razzor, posted on 12-12-2014 at 13:41:18 (D | E)
According to Wordreference
link here: Link

'technic' is a rare spelling of 'technique'. As a British person, I have never seen or used this spelling, so I suggest you use the other one.

Re: Help/ about insects from olioli, posted on 12-12-2014 at 13:51:19 (D | E)
So I shall.
Any other advices advice to improve this abstract or it is english enough does it seem proper English already?

Edited by lucile83 on 12-12-2014 14:17

Re: Help/ about insects from razzor, posted on 12-12-2014 at 14:04:30 (D | E)
I have just quickly skimmed through your text. It's very well written. I have spotted one mistake at the end: "geometry which contributes"
You need to conjugate 'contribute' as 'geometry' is in its singular form.
PS. We say 'advice', not advices. It's an uncountable noun

Re: Help/ about insects from lucile83, posted on 12-12-2014 at 14:21:20 (D | E)
Hello olioli,
Please write I instead of i, which is not correct. Thank you

Re: Help/ about insects from olioli, posted on 12-12-2014 at 14:32:06 (D | E)
Thank you for your time and this new advicE as well

Re: Help/ about insects from bluestar, posted on 12-12-2014 at 16:13:26 (D | E)
Hello Razzor..

As I read it, it's the "additional optical properties" that "contribute" and not the "geometry"...

Re: Help/ about insects from lucile83, posted on 12-12-2014 at 17:05:45 (D | E)
Mind the spelling of both cases...with an S.

Concerning the verb 'contribute' we can understand both ways:
In both cases, the structures show additional optical properties such as diffraction, macroscopic color contrast under polarizer and contrast inversion due to the geometry which contribute to their uniqueness.
- the subject can be the word 'which' >>>contributes
- the subject can be additional optical properties >>>contribute

Anyway there should be one or two commas in that sentence to make it clearer: one before 'such' and one before 'which'.
In both cases, the structures show additional optical properties, such as diffraction, macroscopic color contrast under polarizer and contrast inversion due to the geometry , which contributeS to their uniqueness. ...'which' is subject and sums up the enumerated things, meaning 'all that' here + singular. Mind the comma before which.
I have read a lot of books recently, which is unusual.
She has lots of friends, which is a good thing.

In both cases, the structures show additional optical properties, such as diffraction, macroscopic color contrast under polarizer and contrast inversion due to the geometry which contribute to their uniqueness. ...'properties' is subject.

olioli has to decide now about the structure of his sentence

Re: Help/ about insects from traviskidd, posted on 12-12-2014 at 19:49:09 (D | E)
-nique is usually accented: unique (you-NEEK) technique (tek-NEEK)
-ic is usually non-accented: basic (BAY-sick) public (PUB-lick)
A verb following "which" is conjugated according to whatever "which" represents:
-The object, which is on the table, is old.
-The objects, which are on the table, are old.
See you.

Re: Help/ about insects from lucile83, posted on 12-12-2014 at 23:00:55 (D | E)
Hello traviskidd,
Your explanation is true but incomplete. See my message above, which I made clearer concerning 'which contributes'

Re: Help/ about insects from clint01, posted on 13-12-2014 at 08:47:00 (D | E)
As far as I know in scientific papers we should italicize the species names. I mean Papilio blumei should be Papilio blumei .

Re: Help/ about insects from olioli, posted on 13-12-2014 at 14:47:37 (D | E)
Thank you lucile83 for your help. The "which" actually refers to "additional optical properties". Thus, It will be "contribute".

clint01: That's right, I have removed the "\textit" instruction from my latex document

Re: Help/ about insects from lucile83, posted on 13-12-2014 at 15:20:36 (D | E)
thanks for your feedback!

Re: Help/ about insects from olioli, posted on 13-12-2014 at 16:50:28 (D | E)
Oh yes, one last think:
What is the difference between capacity and capability ?
polarization capacity? capability?
In order to express: the polarization power.

Re: Help/ about insects from lucile83, posted on 13-12-2014 at 18:12:38 (D | E)
I would use Capability.


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