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Grey's anatomy/aide

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Grey's anatomy/aide
Message de mariem34 posté le 25-12-2014 à 14:59:11 (S | E | F)
Bonjour p
Pouvez-vous me dire si c'est juste s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Today I will talk about a famous tv series whose the eleventh season is actually broadcast on the channel ABC in United States.
It's Grey's anatomy, a medical drama produced by Shonda Rhimes who also produced the spin-off Private Practice. The first episode was shown in 2005 and it gradually attracts viewers. The series takes place in Seattle especially in the Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital which in the season nine become the Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital.
Throughout the episode we discover the daily life of surgeon in various specialities. We follow them in their private and vocational life. We can see the evolution of their relationship. Some of them get married, have children and other dies. Besides, surgeons should remember why they are.
In the season eleventh there are fourteen main characters. They changed from previous season. The titles refers to Meredith Grey, intern, resident and holder in medicine which has a more or less direct link with all the main characters.
Over the seasons, there were several events, the series changes constantly. It also received many awards.
I really like this show because it's realistic and we can identify with the characters. They are all very different from each other. We can laugh as much as cry.
However, the series has defects. Foremost, this show is about medicine, and like in Doctor House or Doctor Who the medical terms employed are inappropriate. Moreover, some scenes can offend a young audience.
In France the season tenth will be diffused in 2015.

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-12-2014 15:35

Réponse: Grey's anatomy/aide de yaya18, postée le 25-12-2014 à 19:13:55 (S | E)


Today I will talk (utilise le futur proche --> be + going to) about a famous tv series whose the eleventh season is actually broadcast on the channel ABC in United States.
It's Grey's anatomy, a medical drama produced by Shonda Rhimes who also produced the spin-off Private Practice. The first episode was shown in 2005 and it gradually attracts viewers. The series takes place in Seattle especially in the Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital which in the season nine become the Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital.
Throughout the episode we discover the daily life of surgeon in various specialities. We follow them in their private and vocational life. We can see the evolution of their relationship. Some of them get married, have children and other dies. Besides, surgeons should remember why they are.
In the season eleventh there are fourteen main characters. They changed from previous season. The titles refers (le sujet est au pluriel) to Meredith Grey, intern, resident and holder in medicine which has a more or less direct link with all the main characters.
Over the seasons, there were several events, the series changes constantly. It also received many awards.
I really like this show because it's realistic and we can identify with the characters. They are all very different from each other. We can laugh as much as we cry.
However, the series has defects. Foremost, this show is about medicine, and like in Doctor House or Doctor Who the medical terms employed are inappropriate. Moreover, some scenes can offend a young audience.
In France the season tenth will be diffused in 2015.

Attends les autres corrections, j'ai sans doute oublié des fautes.
See you !

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-12-2014 20:00

Modifié par yaya18 le 25-12-2014 20:28

Réponse: Grey's anatomy/aide de here4u, postée le 26-12-2014 à 00:16:10 (S | E)
Hello !
blue = wrong
green = suggestion
XXXXX= missing elements !

Today I will talk about(try to avoid this, even if it's for an oral exam ...) a famous tv series whose the eleventh season is actually broadcast on the channel ABC in XXX United States.
It's Grey's anatomy, a medical drama produced by Shonda Rhimes who also produced the spin-off Private Practice. The first episode was shown in 2005 and it gradually attracts (tps) viewers. The series takes place in Seattle especially in the Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital which in the season nine become the Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital.
Throughout the episode we discover the daily life of surgeonS in various specialities. We follow them in their private and vocational life. We can see the evolution of their relationship. Some of them get married, have children and other dies. Besides, surgeons should remember why they are.(??? Not clear ... why they're what? )
In the season eleventh(OR word order) there are fourteen main characters. They changed from XXX previous seasonS. The titles refers to Meredith Grey, XX intern, resident and holder in medicine which has a more or less direct link with all the main characters.
Over the seasons, there were several events, the series changes constantly. It also received many awards.
I really like this show because it's realistic and we can identify with the characters. They are all very different from each other. We can laugh as much as cry.
However, the series has defects. Foremost, this show is about medicine, and like in Doctor House or Doctor Who the medical terms employed are inappropriate. Moreover, some scenes can offend a young audience.
In France the season tenth will be diffused in 2015.

Hope it will help !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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