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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de korimizu posté le 30-12-2014 à 17:09:15 (S | E | F)
Pour les vacances je devais faire une présentation("a blurb") sur le film Frankenstein en précisant les éléments suivants: Les personnages, l'intrigue, le symbolisme et les éléments du thriller sur ce film.
Pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît me corriger et aussi au passage donner votre avis sur la présentation ?
Voici le texte:

Henry Frankenstein, a ''mad scientist'' with his assistant Fritz, want to create artificially the life. For that, they will make a corps with a lot of parts of differents dead bodies. Unfortunately, Fritz will furnish to Henry a brain of a murderer by mistake.. So after ''the birth'' of the monster, with the presence of Elizabeth, Henry's future wife, the professor Waldmann and Victor Moritz, the friend of Henry and his fiancée, a succession of terrible events will happen because of the fligh of the monster..

Behind this movie, the film maker James Whales has tackled a lot of symbolism themes like the life and the death (a wink of Prometheus) in the form of the monster(its birth and creation, its victims and the corpses), the pride and the madness which is symbolize with the mad scientist Henry Frankenstein who want to surpass the current science and the humans limits. There are also the fire, the purifying fire the light, and the transgression. Indeed, in the movie, the fire means the anger of the villagers and also the monster dead in the flames to ''purify itself''. The light is symbolized by the lightning who give the life to the monster and the hope. To finish with this subject, the transgression is present because Henry give life to a unliving thing so he is equal with ''God'' with his science knowledge so he will be punish(like Prometheus) for this.

Frankenstein is undeniably a thriller because when we watch the movie, we can feel a tension and sometimes the fear which is characteristic of the thriller. The film is also in a macabre and menacing ambiance(reinforced with the shaders and the contrast with the black and white which is the only colours). The main characters and his ''friends'' are often in a dangerous situation and occasionnaly they die. They are always a lot of unexpected developments.

Incidentally, Frankenstein is not the name of the monsters but of it's creator. It's usual mistake but it's important to know it..

Merci d'avance !

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-12-2014 18:26

Réponse: Frankenstein/Correction de here4u, postée le 30-12-2014 à 19:17:48 (S | E)
Hello !

There we go !

Henry Frankenstein, a ''mad scientist'' with his assistant Fritz, want to create artificially the life(word order + see the definite article). For that, they will make a corps (voc.)with a lot of parts of differents dead bodies. Unfortunately, Fritz will furnish(tense?) to Henry a brain of a murderer by mistake.. So after ''the birth'' of the monster, with the presence of Elizabeth, Henry's future wife, the professor Waldmann and Victor Moritz, the friend of Henry and his fiancée, a succession of terrible events will happen because of the fligh of the monster..

(??Through ?) this movie, the film maker James Whales has tackled a lot of symbolism themes like the life and the death (a wink of Prometheus) in the form of the monster(its birth and creation, its victims and the corpses), the pride and the madness which is symbolize with the mad scientist Henry Frankenstein who want to surpass(boff!) the current science and the humans limits. There are also the fire, the purifying fire, the both light and the transgression. Indeed, in the movie, the fire means the anger of the villagers and also the monster dead in the flames to ''purify itself''. The light is symbolized by the lightning who give the life to the monster and the hope. To finish with this subject, the transgression is present because Henry give life to a unliving(think of another combination ...) thing so he is equal with ''God'' with his science knowledge so he will be punish(like Prometheus + word order !) for this.

Frankenstein is undeniably a thriller because when we watch the movie, we can feel a tension and sometimes the fear which is characteristic of the thriller. The film is also in a macabre and menacing ambiance(reinforced with the shaders(? voc) and the contrast with the black and white which is the only colours). The main characters and his ''friends'' are often in a dangerous situation and occasionnaly they die.(??? quite clumsy!) They are always a lot of unexpected developments.

Incidentally, Frankenstein is not the name of the monsters but of it's creator. It's X usual mistake but it's important to know it..

Couldn't help about the ideas ... I read the book ... but didn't see the film !

Réponse: Frankenstein/Correction de korimizu, postée le 30-12-2014 à 20:26:11 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide ! J'ai tenté de corriger mes erreurs, pourriez-vous voir s'il reste des erreurs ?
Voici le texte:

Henry Frankenstein, a ''mad scientist'' and his assistant Fritz, try to create life artificially. For that, they will make a corpse with a lot of parts of different dead bodies. Unfortunately, Fritz has furnished to Henry the brain of a murderer by mistake.. So after ''the birth'' of the monster, with the presence of Elizabeth, Henry's future wife, Doctor Waldmann and Victor Moritz, Henry's and his fiancée's friend, a succession of terrible events will happen because of the flight of the monster..

Through this movie, the film maker James Whales has tackled a lot of themes(symbolism) like life and death (a wink to Prometheus) in the form of the monster(its birth and creation, its victims and the corpses), the pride and the madness which are symbolized by the mad scientist Henry Frankenstein who wants to exceed the current science and the limits of human being. There is also the fire, the purifying fire, both light and transgression. Indeed, in the movie, the fire means the anger of the villagers and also the purification of the monster when he dies in the flames. The light is symbolized by the lightning who brings the monster to life and hope. To finish with this subject, the transgression is present because Henry gives life to a lifeless thing so he is equal as ''God'' with his scientific knowledge so he will be punished(like Prometheus) for this.

Frankenstein is undeniably a thriller because when we watch the movie, we can feel a tension and sometimes the fear which is characteristic of the thriller. The film is also in a macabre and menacing ambiance(reinforced by the shadows and the contrast with black and white which are the only colours). The main characters and his ''friends'' are often in a dangerous situation and some characters die(typical of this genre). There are also often a lot of unexpected developments.

Incidentally, Frankenstein is not the name of the monster but the family name of Henry. It's a usual mistake but it's important to know it..

Merci d'avance !

Modifié par korimizu le 30-12-2014 20:50

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-12-2014 21:27

Réponse: Frankenstein/Correction de here4u, postée le 31-12-2014 à 00:41:13 (S | E)
Hello again !

Décider quel sera le temps de la narration ou de la présentation ...

Henry Frankenstein, a ''mad scientist'' and his assistant Fritz, try to create life artificially. For that, they will make a corpse (= a dead body!)with a lot of parts of different dead bodies. Unfortunately, Fritz has furnished to Henry the brain of a murderer by mistake.. So after ''the birth'' of the monster, with the presence of Elizabeth, Henry's future wife, Doctor Waldmann and Victor Moritz, Henry's and his fiancée's friend, a succession of terrible events will happen because of the flight of the monster..

Through this movie, the film maker James Whales has tackled a lot of themes(symbolism) like life and death (a wink to Prometheus) in the form of the monster(its birth and creation, its victims and the corpses?), the pride and the madness(Are pride and madness really determined ???) which are symbolized by the mad scientist Henry Frankenstein who wants to exceed the current science and the limits of human being. There is also the fire, the purifying fire, both light and transgression. Indeed, in the movie, the fire means the anger of the villagers and also the purification of the monster when he dies in the flames. The light is symbolized by the lightning who brings the monster to life and hope. To finish with this subject, the transgression is present because Henry gives life to a lifeless thing so he is equal as ''God'' with his scientific knowledge so he will be punished(like Prometheus) for this.( word order!)

Frankenstein is undeniably a thriller because when we watch the movie, we can feel a tension and sometimes the fear which is characteristic of the thriller. The film is also in a macabre and menacing ambiance(reinforced by the shadows and the contrast with black and white which are the only colours). The main characters and his ''friends'' are often in a dangerous situation and some characters die(typical of this genre). There are also often a lot of unexpected developments.

Incidentally, Frankenstein is not the name of the monster but the family name of Henry. It's a usual mistake but it's important to know it..

Much better !

Réponse: Frankenstein/Correction de korimizu, postée le 01-01-2015 à 20:49:23 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide et correction, mais il y a une chose que je ne comprends pas : "Décider quel sera le temps de la narration ou de la présentation ..."
Ça veut dire que je dois mettre les verbes du premier paragraphe au présent ?
"Will make" : make
"will happen": happen

Merci d'avance!

Réponse: Frankenstein/Correction de bluestar, postée le 02-01-2015 à 09:53:13 (S | E)
James Whale, pas Whales.

Réponse: Frankenstein/Correction de here4u, postée le 02-01-2015 à 12:29:30 (S | E)
Hello !
Normalement, le temps de la narration (quand on raconte une histoire ...) est le simple past en anglais ! Maintenant, votre blurb peut être au présent si vous le décidez, (chacun est libre d'écrire ce qu'il/elle veut !) et il faut alors veiller à la concordance des temps (au passé aussi, bien sûr) - ce qui a été fait -
Bonne année d'anglais ! (et du reste, bien sûr!)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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