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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de jadee55 posté le 05-01-2015 à 20:42:55 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous.
Avant tout bonne année et santé à tous les membres.
Je viens ici, afin qu'on puisse m'aider à corriger un travail que je dois rendre sur l'éducation en France ( niveau 2nd) .
Merci beaucoup de votre aide, bonne soirée.

In school, education is train by punishments: hours of detention, temporary exclusion, lines or, definitive exclusion. For many reasons, we can punish a child: for bad marks, because it’s a truant, for mark of respect, violence or degradation of equipment. For case of force majeure (violence ...) hours of detention or exclusion are best solution. Yet, in my opinion, some punishment aren’t effective for children, in some cases. Indeed, she don’t are striking for children.
We should find other solution for make aware of his/her responsibilities for that this child understand her error with other method: When he dirty and don’t respect equipment: after school, He should have to help cleaners for clean all school.
When he don’t respect people, or is violent, he should have to make a supplementary work about violence (report, search…)
When he insult or make fun of a comrade, he should must meet and talk to this people for make excuse and understand that this people is a good person.
Finally, hours of detention, exclusions are a good thing for case of force majeure, but for the other cases, we must find other punishments who don't encourage pupil, to start again.
( for exemple, the domestic chores)
In school, the education is train in learning process of subjects. frequently, one hour of course take place in a classroom, where the teacher explain lesson et where the pupil write this lesson. There is also an exchange between pupils and teachers ( answers..)
In my opinion, the education is correclty instilled to pupuils. But, the school routine is busy. In the morning, we should work with a normaly shcool routine, but in the afternoon, the organisation can change: for exemple, finish to work more early, do sport with school, or work in group.. because often, pupils are tired and less focus to their work.
But, in general, the education in school is good and correct.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-01-2015 21:18

Réponse: Correction/Education de here4u, postée le 05-01-2015 à 21:37:17 (S | E)
C'est pour demain, c'est ça ?

blue = wrong
green = suggestion
XXX= missing elements
xxxxx you can find better, much better ...

In school, education is train by punishments: hours of detention, temporary exclusionS, lines or, definitive exclusion. For many reasons, we can punish a child: for bad marks, because it’s a truant, for mark ??? lack of ? of respect, violence or degradation of equipmentS. For case of force majeure (I know it's in the dictionary, but I've never heard it ...) (violence ...) hours of detention or exclusionS are best solutionS. Yet, in my opinion, some punishment aren’t effective for children, in some cases. Indeed, she don’t are striking for children.
We should find other solution for make (WHO?) aware of his/her responsibilities for that this child understand her error with XXother method: When he dirty and don’t respect equipment: after school, He should have to help cleaners for clean all school.
When he don’t respect people, or is violent, he should have to make a supplementary work about violence (report, search…)
When he insult or make fun of a comrade, he should must meet and talk to this people for make excuse and understand that this people is a good person.
Finally, hours of detention, exclusions are a good thing for case of force majeure, but for the other cases, we must find other punishments who don't encourage pupil, to start again.
( for exemple, the domestic chores)
In school, the education is train in learning process of subjects. frequently, one hour of course take place in a classroom, where the teacher explain XXX lesson et where the pupil write this lesson. There is also an exchange between pupils and teachers ( answers..)
In my opinion, the education is correclty instilled to pupuils. But, the school routine is busy. In the morning, we should work with a normaly shcool routine,(??) but in the afternoon, the organisation can change: for exemple, finish to work more early, do sport with school, or work in group.. because often, pupils are tired and less focus to their work.
But, in general, the education in school is good and correct.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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