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Message de mma posté le 09-01-2015 à 15:36:39 (S | E | F)
pouvez-vous me corriger les fautes éventuelles de ce devoir s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Dear Troy, 

I hope you're going well and all is going well in Oklahoma. Does not my departure for a treason, I just took my pen to explain the reasons for my departure. 
As you know, two very devastating events take place during the 1930s: one economic and a other climatic. The Great Depression was a crash born in Germany, which severely weakens the country economically. Secondly, the Dust Bowl is a series of storms and storm. Crops devastated, my parents had more of what live or we eat. This is the reason why against me, I was oblige to obey my parents and flee Oklahoma for Los Angeles. It is represented for my parents an opportunity, they could find other than farm work, start a new life... 
How to get to Los Angeles, we borrow the route 66. Route 66 is the most important route of immigration, that is why it is called the 'Mother Road'. 66 - the long concrete path across the country illustrates the diversity of American geography and history. We come across different landscapes: the desert, mountains, country roads, valleys, rivers, a plateau, tows, cities. 
It's awesome! This is beautiful, I wanted that you can enjoy this moment with us. My favorite landscapes were The Grand Canyon, The Petrified Forest and The Cherokee Trading Post. We stopped a moment at the Petrified Forest. It is so big, the woods are beautiful, I encourage you to visit this forest in Arizona and to feel the silky texture of a piece of wood. 
For my familie, Route 66 represent their only hope to escape poverty. It was a place which crops years rich landscapes. It was also a piece of wear. Today, on the one hand, I do not regret to have followed my parents on this journey because they found a better job and we live in better conditions than before but on the other hand, I am disappointed with leaving you especially you who was my best friend. 
I kiss you and I hope to have your news as soon as possible.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-01-2015 16:26

Réponse: Symbol /aide de yaya18, postée le 10-01-2015 à 14:52:57 (S | E)
Les fautes sont mises en évidence avec le bleu :

I hope you're going well and all is going well in Oklahoma. Does not my departure for a treason, I just took my pen to explain the reasons for my departure.
As you know, two very devastating events take (temps) place during the 1930s: one economic and a (Le mot suivant a pour 1ère lettre : une voyelle) other climatic. The Great Depression was a crash born in Germany, which severely weakens the country economically. Secondly, the Dust Bowl is a series of storms and storm. Crops devastated, my parents had more of what live or we eat (Tu devrais tourner ta phrase autrement). This is the reason why against me, I was oblige (Participe passé !) to obey my parents and flee Oklahoma for Los Angeles. It is represented for my parents an opportunity, they could find other than farm work, start a new life...
How to get to Los Angeles, we borrow the route 66. Route 66 is the most important route of immigration, that is why it is called the 'Mother Road'. 66 - the long concrete path across the country illustrates the diversity of American geography and history. We come across different landscapes: the desert, mountains, country roads, valleys, rivers, a plateau, tows, cities.
It's awesome! This is beautiful, I wanted that you can enjoy this moment with us. My favorite landscapes were The Grand Canyon, The Petrified Forest and The Cherokee Trading Post. We stopped a moment at the Petrified Forest. It is (temps) so big, the woods are (temps) beautiful, I encourage you to visit this forest in Arizona and to feel the silky texture of a piece of wood.
For my familie (Voir le mot au singulier), Route 66 represent (terminaison) their only hope to escape poverty. It was a place which crops years rich landscapes. It was also a piece of wear. Today, on the one hand, I do not regret to have followed my parents on this journey because they found a better job and we live in better conditions than before but on the other hand, I am disappointed with leaving you especially you who was my best friend.
I kiss you and I hope to have your news as soon as possible.

J'espère avoir pu t'éclairer

Réponse: Symbol /aide de gerondif, postée le 10-01-2015 à 17:06:03 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert
Dear Troy,

I hope you're going well and all is going well in Oklahoma. Does not(phrase incomplète) my departure for a treason, I just took my pen to explain the reasons for my departure.
As you know, two very devastating events take (prétérit)place during the 1930s: (modèle: a green one and a blue one) one economic and a other climatic. The Great Depression was a crash born in Germany, which severely weakens (prétérit) the country economically. Secondly, the Dust Bowl is (prétérit) a series of storms and storm. Crops devastated, my parents had more of what live or we eat(mes parents n'avaient plus de quoi manger ? c'est du traducteur automatique ou quoi ?). This is the reason why against me,(sens? magré moi?) I was oblige (participe passé I had to serait mieux)) to obey my parents and flee Oklahoma for Los Angeles. It is(à supprimer) represented for my parents an opportunity, they could find other than (autre chose que ne se dit pas comme ça) farm work, start a new life...

How (supprimer)to get to Los Angeles, we borrow(et vous comptez la rendre quand ? ) the route 66. Route 66 is the most important route of immigration, that is why it is called the 'Mother Road'. 66 - the long concrete path across the country illustrates the diversity of American geography and history. We come(prétérit) across different landscapes: the desert, mountains, country roads, valleys, rivers, a plateau, towns, cities.
It's awesome! This is beautiful,(prétérit!!) I wanted that(want ne se construit pas avec that mais en proposition infinitive) you can enjoy this moment with us. My favorite landscapes were The Grand Canyon, The Petrified Forest and The Cherokee Trading Post. We stopped a moment at the Petrified Forest. It is so big, the woods are beautiful (pourquoi ce présent?), I encourage you to visit this forest in Arizona and to feel the silky texture of a piece of wood.
For my familie, Route 66 represent (prétérit) their only hope to escape poverty. It was a place which crops(sens ?? crops = récoltes comme nom commun, pas comme verbe) years rich landscapes. It was also a piece of wear(sens????). Today, on the one hand, I do not regret to have followed(following) my parents on this journey because they found a better job and we live in better conditions than before but on the other hand, I am disappointed with leaving you especially you who was(I was, you were) my best friend.
I kiss you(pas très anglais) and I hope to have your news (ne se dit guère, il y a une formule consacrée avec le verbe hear)as soon as possible.

Réponse: Symbol /aide de mma, postée le 10-01-2015 à 20:51:02 (S | E)
Merci pour toutes vos réponses qui m'ont beaucoup aidé, j'ai réussi à tout corriger . Par contre, je ne trouve pas la traduction pour cette phrase là
"Je t'embrasse et j'espère avoir de tes nouvelles le plus rapidement possible".

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-01-2015 21:56
On attend la correction entière.

Réponse: Symbol /aide de mma, postée le 10-01-2015 à 22:24:05 (S | E)
Je vous poste la correction :
Dear Troy, 

I hope you're going well and all is going well in Oklahoma. Does not take my departure for a treason, I just took my pen to explain the reasons for my departure. 

As you know, two very devastating events took place during the 1930s: one economic and a climatic one. The Great Depression was a crash born in Germany, which severely weakened the country economically. Secondly, the Dust Bowl was a series of storms and daughts. Crops devastated, my parents had more of what live or we eat. This is the reason why against me, I had to obey my parents and flee Oklahoma for Los Angeles. It represented for my parents an opportunity, they could find other than farm work, start a new life... 

To get to Los Angeles, we took the route 66. Route 66 is the most important route of immigration, that is why it is called the 'Mother Road'. 66 - the long concrete path across the country illustrates the diversity of American geography and history. We came across different landscapes: the desert, mountains, country roads, valleys, rivers, a plateau, towns, cities. 
It was awesome! It was beautiful, I wanted to you can enjoy this moment with us. My favorite landscapes were The Grand Canyon, The Petrified Forest and The Cherokee Trading Post. We stopped a moment at the Petrified Forest. It was so big, the woods were beautiful, I encouraged you to visit this forest in Arizona and to feel the silky texture of a piece of wood. 

For my family, Route 66 represented their only hope to escape poverty. It was a place rich wich cultures and landscapes. It was also a piece of fear. Today, on the one hand, I do not regret to have following my parents on this journey because they found a better job and we live in better conditions than before but on the other hand, I am disappointed with leaving you especially you who were my best friend. 

I kiss you and I hope to have your news as soon as possible. 

Merci de ne corriger les photos fautes restantes et de m'aider à traduire la dernière phrase en anglais plus correct ,

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-01-2015 23:26

Réponse: Symbol /aide de gerondif, postée le 10-01-2015 à 22:58:17 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu (souvent les mêmes) corrections en vert.

I hope you're going well and all is going well in Oklahoma. (Don't forget! l'impératif marche avec don't) , Does not take my departure for a treason, I just took(le temps ne convient pas, ce n'est pas une action datée et terminée) my pen to explain the reasons for my departure.

As you know, two very devastating events took place during the 1930s: (modèle! a political one and a cultural one) one economic and a climatic one. The Great Depression was a crash born in Germany, which severely weakened the country economically. Secondly, the Dust Bowl was a series of storms and daughts. With their crops devastated, my parents had more of what live or we eat(ne veut rien dire, français traduit mot-à-mot : ils n'avaient plus de quoi vivre ou nous faire manger, cherchez une expression utilisant left au sens de "qui reste"). This is the reason why against me, I had to obey my parents and flee Oklahoma for Los Angeles. It represented for my parents an opportunity, they could find *** other *** (manquent deux mots, un autre travail que) than farm work, start a new life...

To get to Los Angeles, we took the route 66. Route 66 is the most important route of immigration, that is why it is called the 'Mother Road'. 66 - the long concrete path across the country illustrates the diversity of American geography and history. We came across different landscapes: the desert, mountains, country roads, valleys, rivers, a plateau, towns, cities.
It was awesome! It was beautiful, I wanted to you can(faux, pas de verbe conjugué derrière to)(en fait vous voulez dire: si seulement tu avais pu partager ce moment avec nous, c'est une autre structure) enjoy this moment with us. My favorite landscapes were The Grand Canyon, The Petrified Forest and The Cherokee Trading Post. We stopped a moment at the Petrified Forest. It was so big, the woods were beautiful, I encouraged(bien pour une fois, laissez le au présent) you to visit this forest in Arizona and to feel the silky texture of a piece of wood.

For my family, Route 66 represented their only hope to escape poverty. It was a place rich wich cultures and landscapes. It was also a piece of fear(un morceau de peur?). Today, on the one hand, I do not regret to have following my parents on this journey because they found a better job and we live in better conditions than before but on the other hand, I am disappointed with leaving you (vous devez vouloir dire: je suis désolé d'avoir dû te quitter)especially you who were my best friend.

I kiss you and I hope to have your news(un double clic sur hear vous ouvrira un dictionnaire où on trouve l'expression entendre parler de) as soon as possible.

Réponse: Symbol /aide de mma, postée le 11-01-2015 à 10:16:24 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ma correction : En bleu, figure les fautes que j'ai corriger et quelque fois tu texte que j'ai rajouter .
Dear Troy, 

I hope you're fine and all is going well in Oklahoma. Do not take my departure for a treason, I just taken my pen to explain the reasons for my departure. 

As you know, two very devastating events took place during the 1930s: one economic one and a climatic one. The Great Depression was a crash born in Germany, which severely weakened the country economically. Secondly, the Dust Bowl was a series of storms and daughts. Crops devastated, my parents had more of what live or we eat. This is the reason why against me, I had to obey my parents and flee Oklahoma for Los Angeles. It represented for my parents an opportunity, they could find another work than of farmer, start a new life... 

To get to Los Angeles, we took route 66. Route 66 is the most important migrant road, that is why it is called the 'Mother Road'. 66 - the long concrete path across the country illustrates the diversity of American geography and history. We came across different landscapes: the desert, mountains, country roads, valleys, rivers, a plateau, towns, cities. 
It was awesome! It was beautiful, If only you had been able to share this moment with us. My favorite landscapes were The Grand Canyon, The Petrified Forest and The Cherokee Trading Post. We stopped a moment at the Petrified Forest. It was so big, the woods were beautiful, I encourage you to visit this forest in Arizona and to feel the silky texture of a piece of wood. 

For my family, Route 66 represented their only hope to escape poverty. It was a place rich wich cultures and landscapes. It was also a piece of fear . Today, on the one hand, I do not regret following my parents on this journey because they found a better job and we live in better conditions than before but on the other hand, I'm sorry to have to leave you who were my best friend.The trip is very dangerous. We are afraid of the unknown, to be attacking during the journey, lack of wather and fodd and the car bearks. 

GIve my love to the rest of the familly.I hope to hear from you as soon as possible


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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