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Aide / Motivation
Message de spitfire posté le 02-02-2015 à 23:17:37 (S | E | F)
Hello everyone !
I would like to send my resume and my covering letter to differents Irish companies. I hoped anyone would accept to help me in that way
Here is what I've already done. I'm aware some words won't slot in their use, but that's an English I'm not at ease with ! Of course, I'm looking for a grammatical, syntactic and vocabulary help but if you want to give your opinion about the way I've done this, I will take notice of your comments !
I thank you for the time you're going to dedicate to me !

Dear Sir ,

As a current student in my 1st year at ---- located in the city of ---, France, I am contacting you to apply for an entry-level internship at your company. My researches around Dublin and my particular interest in electronics technologies had directly lead me to your factory. This intership must last between 4 and 8 weeks from the 1st of July until 1st of September 2015.

My interest in electronics has beginning when I understood the infinite applications of any single component, since when I'm always trying to improve my knowledge and my skills about it. My last studying year have been timed by a team project which allowed me to participate in various stages of the realization of a product. The electronic part of this project and the related courses have given me a more precise view of manufacturing. Therefore, this manual-work experience would be a chance for me to become more familiar with this sector, that I mostly know thanks to my school background. This is a crucial step in and this is why I will show total involvement in it.

Studying in international or European section for now 5 years, I had the opportunity to work in team but also live with people from various locations which forged me an open-minded and tolerant character. Self-motivated, responsible and energetic I'll know how to fit into the factory and carry out my task.

I am sending my résumé as an attachment where you can find further information.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I  look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully;

This is the "base" for every letter I'm going to send but I'm going to add specificity for each company I'll contact to show my motivation !
Once again, I thank you for your future help !

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-02-2015 23:30

Réponse: Aide / Motivation de bluestar, postée le 03-02-2015 à 17:33:48 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu : quelques suggestions en vert.

I would like to send my resume and my covering letter to differents(on n'ajoute pas s au pluriel des adjectifs) Irish companies. I hoped anyone would (temps. futur) accept ('agree' est mieux) to help me in that way
Here is what I've already done. I'm aware some words won't slot in their use, but that's an English I'm not at ease with ! Of course, I'm looking for a grammatical, syntactic and vocabulary help but if you want to give your opinion about the way I've done this, I will take notice of your comments !
I thank you for the time you're going to dedicate to me !

Dear Sir ,

As a current student in my 1st year at ---- located in the city of ---, France, I am contacting you to apply for an entry-level internship at your company. My researches around Dublin and my particular interest in electronics technologies had (temps: preterit) directly lead me to your factory. This internship must ('should' est mieux) last between 4 and 8 weeks from the 1st of July until 1st of September 2015.

My interest in electronics has beginning when I understood the infinite applications of any single component, since when I'm always trying to improve my knowledge and my skills about it in this area. My last studying year of study have (accorde) been timed by (maladroit) a team project which allowed me to participate in various stages of the realization of a product. The electronic part of this project and the related courses have given me a more precise view of manufacturing. Therefore, this manual-work experience would be a chance for me to become more familiar with this sector, that which I mostly know thanks to because of my school background. This is a crucial step in and this is why I will show total involvement in it.

Studying in the international or European section for now 5 years (ordre des mots), I had (temps: pp serait mieux) the opportunity to work in a team but also to live with people from various locations. which forged me (Non. utiliser 'this' avec 'to give') an open-minded and tolerant character. Self-motivated, responsible and energetic, I'll know how to fit into the factory and carry out my task.

I am sending my résumé as an attachment where you can find further information.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully;

Réponse: Aide / Motivation de spitfire, postée le 03-02-2015 à 19:58:14 (S | E)
Thanks a lot for your help !


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