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Dialogue/oral et écrit
Message de sckabook56 posté le 11-02-2015 à 16:29:32 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
je me permets de vous écrire pour solliciter votre aide sur un travail écrit puis oral. Alors voilà, par groupe de trois nous avions à imaginer un dialogue entre trois personnes : Carlotta Walls LaNier, un écrivain engagée dans la lutte contre la ségrégation, Melba Patillo Beals, une de ses anciennes camarades et un ancien journaliste à la retraite, Benjamin Fire. Notre dialogue est assez long car nous devons parler au moins 6 minutes. Nous ne sommes pas sûrs de certains mots, certaines constructions grammaticales ou encore l'emploi de la bonne forme verbale...Merci pour votre aide.

Voici notre dialogue :
Benjamin: Good morning ladies could-I invite myself into your conversation?
Melba: Good morning!
Carlotta: Good morning, of course but firstly I would like to know who one is dealing with me.
Benjamin: Hum… Sorry, I’m sometimes abrupt. Well, my name’s Benjamin Fine and I was journalist at the New York Times. I know your story; by the way I wrote an article about it when I was a handsome young man. Your bravery amazed me because for me you are really modern day heroes who fight for the worthy cause!
Carlotta: Oh, stop talking such nonsense! We are common, ordinary people with maybe one greater wish to live and stand up for our rights, these of oppressed people.
Benjamin: Moreover, she’s modest… If I don’t fool myself, I think madam – s’adresse à Melba- that you were a part of group of the nine black students, no?
Melba: Yes, indeed, you are discerning. I’m Melba Patillo Beals, one of the nine black students chosen to integrate Little Rock Central High School.
Benjamin: Have you passed your childhood in Little Rock?
Melba: Yes, I was born in Little Rock, Arkasas on Pearl Arbor Day. Although that my parents have divorced, I was stayed over there.
Benjamin: Sorry, I don’t mean to be nosy but where did you send to school to your seventeen?
Melba: That (cela?), don’t disturb me. Before join up Little Rock High School, a white school, I went to an all-black Dunbar Junior High School, instructed those of us who live in boundaries, and this, until spring 1957, just when The signature. My mother said the whites received a better education than us, the blacks, so I signed the declaration attesting to my desire to attend to an all-white school, without hesitation. In this way, I achieved my parents’ dream and also, shaped a best personality/future!
Benjamin: I have the impression that your family was for you a cornerstone…
Melba: Yes, without it, I won’t be the woman that I’m now. My close relation has already been present in the difficult moments which have multiplied as soon as my starting Little Rock High School.
Benjamin: It’s true that your integration was full of pitfalls… Did you suffer? And did you regret your choice to attend this school? In place of, I could not remain an only week without respond in my turn by the violence.
Melba: All of nine, when we signed to go to Little Rock High School, we didn’t expect as many violence against us. We knew that there was a law in 1954 which declared illegal the racial segregations in public schools. Only, in 1957, schools were still segregated in the Southern States of America. Black students are not allowed to go to a “white school”, because The Southern States were victim of the influence, consequently it was a part of their culture. Despite I was harassed, threatened, ostracized by teachers and occasionally bullied, as I relate it in my book Warriors don’t cry, I have never regretted my choice. Indeed, I had (accès à ) numerous opportunities, as (comme) to do drama and then, I was very proud of me and I’m still to be one of the first black woman student to receive a diploma in the Southern States of America. In people’s looks, I sew for the first time, admiration, respect and gratitude. I was really touched of these acts of kindness and I forgot all unpleasant moments!
Benjamin: It is right, you can be proud of you because your gesture changed the course of your life, of your family life and that of countless black students for generations to come. In your private diary called Warriors don’t cry, you talk often about the non-violence, is it your moral philosophy?
Melba: Yes, I lived painful moments in this school and consequently I asked myself about my place in the community but my place in the world too. However, I never gave up and against the violence I answered by the gentleness. For me, the passiveness is the better weapon for counter the attacks. Like said my favorite intellectual guide : “I am a lover of my own liberty, and so I would do nothing to restrict yours.”
Benjamin: Waouh! Such a real and deep citation! It’s Gandhi’s sentence no?
Melba: Yes it’s him.
Benjamin: Your interpretation of a life is wonderfully true. I am delighted to see that you are blooming woman. But are you sure don’t keep resentment towards these who we have ill-treated?
Melba: Sure, I suffered during lot of years of other people think, yet I learned make of peace with myself then with others. So I don’t hold them against their childishness and malice.
Benjamin: You are really an admirable woman!
Melba: Thank you so much! As you says ( comme vous l’a dit Carlotta) Carlotta, we stand up for the rights of all tormented people.
Benjamin: By the way Carlotta, did you pass your childhood in Little Rock too?
Carlotta: Yes, like Melba, I was born in Little Rock Arkansas a day of December in 1942. I had a joyful childhood supported by my two sisters and my parents towards who I have an enormous gratitude and love. Indeed, from our earliest days Mother and Daddy brought up us my sisters and me in the tolerance and the respect of others people. They were really open-minded because they had never allowed theirself to judge a person on the color of her/his skin or his/her original appearance, but they first learnt to know her/his before express their judgment. I had inherited of this part of their character and I don’t dwell on the physical appearance. So, I owe a lot of them. It’s besides to pursue the top quality that they had always preached about home, I signed up the declaration to attend Little Rock Central High School. I did it voluntarily without asking my parents’ permission because I knew their answer : I wanted to fulfill one their dream so that are proud of me, and show, what us, the black people, we were ables.
And then, it was normal for me, that each student have the same lucks of success and that, in spite of a different color of skin. All the more, I knew there was a law passed in 1954 in favor of desegregation, to ban segregation in schools.
Benjamin : I see your parents instilled the cornerstone to you become the woman present day.
Carlotta : Oh yes ! I’m absolutely sure!
Benjamin : You tell in your novel “A Mighty Long way” that your integration in Little Rock Central High School, did not evident….
Carlotta: It’s true, it was very difficult/the first year was very trying! The president of the USA, Eisenhower, had to send federal troops to help and protect us to attend an all-white school. In seeing that our arrived caused hysterical and racist attitudes, I did not at all relieved and I started to be afraid. Once time the quite restored, we could to enter to Little Rock High School. I thought so that was finished, there would not be any excess against us but I made a mistake… The teachers as much as the students behaved with us in one dreadful way on the verge of bearable. The ones laughed at us about our physical, our manners and sometimes even rained down blow upon and harassed us. The others rejected, ostracized and ignored us without have a quick look at us. Ii don’t know what attitude was the most unbearable, this of the physical and verbal violence or this of complete ignorance? On top of that, my close relative suffered too. My father for example lost his job, our home was mysteriously bombed and childhood friend were targeted as suspect by an unjust legal system. In other words, my classmate and I, during one year, suffered because of our color of skin but also that our desire to change the orders things (l’ordre des choses?) in a little town in southern state of America.
Benjamin: Indeed, that must not be good time to spend for you and your close family member. However, are you arrived to overcome these difficulties?
Carlotta: Of course! In spite of all my close relative and I endured, I preserved and I became the first black girl ever to receive a diploma from Little Rock Central High School. On this day, I only remember the good moments, these in which I discovered news activities like the cinema or the theatre and these in which I learnt interesting things especially in literature.
Benjamin : And the day of your diploma too, no?
Carlotta : Yes, yes, one of the best days of my life! In fact, I could achieve a dream: be recognized scholastically as a black student.
Benjamin : I’m thrilled to see at present you are a complete woman as much as in your personal life and your professional life. Why did you choose the handwriting as way of expression? Does it represent for you a best manner to express you?
Carlotta : Yes, the writing has always been for me, the best manner to express myself. Sometimes, at speaking, I don’t manage to show/demonstrate my point of view and my feelings whereas at writing that’s logical, the words come easily. Furthermore, I’m used to taking pen in hand when I do not feel very well, as during my entry to Little Rock High School. I stilled have safe all my written work in my private diaries with the idea to publish them one day and then, this day is finally arrived! I think that the strength of handwriting surpass that one of oral. Indeed, when something is writing, it’s write while at speaking all can change. For me, be a writer, it’s being spokesperson of shamed people, these who because of their origin don’t possess the same rights.
Benjamin: It’s right. I can’t contradict you on this point. Besides, I chose this profession to devote myself to the writing, which is my passion. The power of the words has always fascinated me too. In any case ladies, thank you for getting back to converse/talk with me! Nice to meet you! I’m delighted seeing you in real life. Your processes are an example to us all: nothing is impossible in the life with a little will, bravery and cleverness.
Melba and Carlotta: What an adorable/sweet man! We have been pleased to meet you too, bye!
Benjamin: Goodbye ladies, have a nice day!

That’s all! Merci beaucoup!

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-02-2015 18:05


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