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The missing vowels/112

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The missing vowels/112
Message de marit64 posté le 25-02-2015 à 22:35:41 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, the number of vowels is given in 5 out of 10 answers.

1- The act of grasping a person's hand. ..... (kdhhsn) 3
2- The place where a person was born. ..... (lbhcrpt) 3
3- A tiny drop. ..... (ptrld)
4- To soak or to take up the whole attention of a person. ..... (bbsr) 2
5- The central part of an atom. ..... (lnsc)
6- An opponent; an enemy. ..... (rrdsv)
7- To hold back and delay. ..... (tnd)
8- To try to beat others in a contest, fight etc. ..... (pctm)
9- A common type of small brown bird related to the finch family. ..... (rswpr) 2
10- A type of prickly plant with purple flowers, which grows in fields etc. ..... (stthl) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a very nice week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/112 de flowermusic, postée le 25-02-2015 à 22:57:23 (S | E)
Hello Marit

For pleasure, pleasure to be here every week

1- handshake
2- birthplace
3- droplet
4- absorb
5- nucleus
6- adversary
7- detain
8- compete
9- sparrow
10- thistle

Have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels/112 de peaceofmind, postée le 25-02-2015 à 23:24:23 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here is my try :

1) To handshake
2) birthplace
3) droplet
4) To absorb
5) nucleus
6) adversary
7) to detain
8) to compete
9) sparrow
10) thistle

Thanks a lot Marit for this new exercice.
Have a nice week and see you soon!
Encore une fois, Flowermusic, tu es la plus rapide, de plus, j'avais oublié que ce soir était mercredi. Bonne soirée!

Réponse : The missing vowels/112 de headway, postée le 26-02-2015 à 12:26:55 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- The act of grasping a person's hand. .....Handshake.
2- The place where a person was born. ..... Birthplace.
3- A tiny drop. ..... Droplet.
4- To soak or to take up the whole attention of a person. ..... Absorb.
5- The central part of an atom. .....Nucleus.
6- An opponent; an enemy. ..... Adversary.
7- To hold back and delay. ..... (tnd)
8- To try to beat others in a contest, fight etc. .....Compete.
9- A common type of small brown bird related to the finch family. ..... Sparrow.
10- A type of prickly plant with purple flowers, which grows in fields etc. .....Thistle.

Thank you Marit


Réponse : The missing vowels/112 de violet91, postée le 26-02-2015 à 14:35:09 (S | E)
Hello very dear Marit , Hi dear all ,
Probably ending winter , overhere , but very dull and rainy ! Hope you are having sunny days with wholesome Canadian air to inhale and not too much snow , ice , frost ...and thick leather boots !
Here is my today 's go !

1 ) to give a handshake ; my British friends still comment on French people and number of kisses
2 ) birthplace such as amazing /Shakespeare 's cradle in Stratford / Avon
3 ) a droplet like dew .
4 ) to absorb .
5 ) nucleus .

6 ) an adversary .
7 ) to detain like keeping in detention .
8 ) to compete is challenging and stimulating , but not with a killer's mind !
9 ) a Parisian ! A 'sparrow ' after Edith Piaf

10 ) a thistle [ tisl] like 'brave Scotland's '.

Have a nice time wherever you are and whatever you do . Take care even driving on the right hand side ! Love from Violet xx

Réponse : The missing vowels/112 de , postée le 26-02-2015 à 15:49:22 (S | E)
Hi Marit

Here is my work .Have a nice day Marit.

1- The act of grasping a person's hand. ..... (kdhhsn) 3 -Handshake.-Serrer la main de quelqu'un.
2- The place where a person was born. ..... (lbhcrpt) 3-Birthplace.-Lieu de naissance.
3- A tiny drop. ..... (ptrld)-Droplet.-Goutelette.
4- To soak or to take up the whole attention of a person. ..... (bbsr) 2 -Absorb.-Accaparer l'attention.
5- The central part of an atom. ..... (lnsc) -Nucleus.-Noyau.
6- An opponent; an enemy. ..... (rrdsv) -Adversary.-Adversaire.
7- To hold back and delay. ..... (tnd) -Detain.-Retenir.
8- To try to beat others in a contest, fight etc. ..... (pctm) -Compete.-Rivaliser.
9- A common type of small brown bird related to the finch family. ..... (rswpr) 2 -Sparrow.-Moineau.
10- A type of prickly plant with purple flowers, which grows in fields etc. ..... (stthl) 2-Thistle.-Chardon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/112 de phnad, postée le 26-02-2015 à 18:20:22 (S | E)
2 birthplace
5 nucleus
Thank you.

Réponse : The missing vowels/112 de swan85, postée le 26-02-2015 à 21:54:43 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Thank you for this exercise.

1- The act of grasping a person's hand. Handshake (kdhhsn) 3
2- The place where a person was born. Birthplace (lbhcrpt) 3
3- A tiny drop. Droplet (ptrld)
4- To soak or to take up the whole attention of a person. Absorb (bbsr)
5- The central part of an atom. Nucleus (lnsc)
6- An opponent; an enemy. Adversary (rrdsv)
7- To hold back and delay. Detain (tnd)
8- To try to beat others in a contest, fight etc. Compete (pctm)
9- A common type of small brown bird related to the finch family. Sparrow (rswpr) 2
10- A type of prickly plant with purple flowers, which grows in fields etc. Thistle

Have a nice week

Réponse : The missing vowels/112 de phnad, postée le 05-03-2015 à 18:45:14 (S | E)
Hi marit !
1- The act of grasping a person's hand. ..... (kdhhsn) 3 handshake
2- The place where a person was born. ..... (lbhcrpt) 3 birthplace
3- A tiny drop. ..... (ptrld) droplet
4- To soak or to take up the whole attention of a person. ..... (bbsr) 2 to absorb
5- The central part of an atom. ..... (lnsc) nucleus
6- An opponent; an enemy. ..... (rrdsv) adversary
7- To hold back and delay. ..... (tnd) to tend
8- To try to beat others in a contest, fight etc. ..... (pctm) to compete
9- A common type of small brown bird related to the finch family. ..... (rswpr) 2 sparrow
10- A type of prickly plant with purple flowers, which grows in fields etc. ..... (stthl) 2

I give up for the last one !


Réponse : The missing vowels/112 de phnad, postée le 12-03-2015 à 18:26:16 (S | E)
HI Marit !

last but not least of the missing vowels
10 thistle le chardon
thank your for helping with clues and always trying to motivate !
Kind regards



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