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Message de emma111 posté le 11-03-2015 à 20:03:16 (S | E | F)
Good evening!
I have to write a short story, I just need some help because I'm not sure all that I've written is right. If you don't mind I need the correction today.
Thank you for your time and your help!

I bought this shop with my savings, when I was young. But recently I run bankrupt, because I’ve accepted tenants who nobody else wanted. I had some place in the basement, so their presence was not disturbing me.
But they wasn’t really appreciated by my customers and gradually my clients went away. One day I decided to push them away so I started to hide the food. It didn’t worked very well because this wicked number eight it always found it. He was as sly as a fox and very brave too. You should ask yourself why number eight? Well because they are too many and I cannot remember their names all the more so as they are not speaking the same language as myself.
Recently the problem resolved herself when I bought I cat and it started to eat all my mouse.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-03-2015 21:10

Réponse: Help / text de gerondif, postée le 11-03-2015 à 20:08:46 (S | E)
I bought this shop with my savings, when I was young. But recently I run(prétérit en a) bankrupt, because I’ve accepted(mettez le prétérit) tenants who nobody else wanted. I had some place(c'est du français, utilisez room ou space) in the basement, so their presence was not disturbing me.(un prétérit en didn't irait bien aussi)
But they wasn’t (pluriel!!) really appreciated by my customers and gradually my clients went away. One day I decided to push (plutôt chase) them away so I started to hide the food. It didn’t worked very well because this wicked number eight it always found it. He was as sly as a fox and very brave too. You should ask yourself(mauvais temps, mauvais verbe, utilisez devoir au présent et le verbe wonder) why number eight? Well because they are too many and I cannot remember their names all the more so as they are not speaking(mettez le verbe au présen simple) the same language as myselfme.
Recently the problem resolved herself when I bought a cat and it started to eat all my mouse(pluriel irrégulier).

Réponse: Help / text de emma111, postée le 11-03-2015 à 20:23:29 (S | E)
Merci Beaucoup pour votre aide!

Réponse: Help / text de emma111, postée le 11-03-2015 à 20:58:46 (S | E)
I bought this shop with my savings, when I was young. But recently I ran bankrupt, because I accepted tenants who nobody else wanted. I had some space in the basement, so their presence didn’t disturb me.
But they weren’t really appreciated by my customers and gradually my clients went away. One day I decided to chase them so I started to hide the food. It didn’t worked very well because this wicked number eight always found it. He was as sly as a fox and very brave too. You must wonder yourself why number eight? Well because they are too many and I cannot remember their names all the more so as they speak the same language as me.
Recently the problem resolved itself when I bought a cat and it started to eat all my mice.

Réponse: Help / text de gerondif, postée le 12-03-2015 à 10:18:08 (S | E)
I bought this shop with my savings, when I was young. But recently I ran bankrupt, because I accepted tenants who nobody else wanted. I had some spare space in the basement, so their presence didn’t disturb me.
But they weren’t really appreciated by my customers and gradually my clients went away. One day I decided to chase them away so I started to hide the food. It didn’t worked(base verbale ici) very well because this wicked number eight always found it. He was as sly as a fox and very brave too. You must wonder yourself why number eight? Well because they are too many and I cannot remember their names all the more so as they speak the same language as me.
Recently the problem resolved itself when I bought a cat and it started to eat all my mice.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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