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Exercice 35/Dur!Courage!

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Exercice 35/Dur!Courage!
Message de here4u posté le 21-03-2015 à 19:25:24 (S | E | F)
Hello !

Je sais que certains aiment bien avoir le week-end pour travailler ... Voici donc le N° 35 ! Il n'est pas facile ... mais est tout à fait faisable en vous appliquant comme vous le faites si bien ! Ne recherchez pas trop la facilité dans l'exercice 2 ... Les bases des phrases sont simples, à vous d'enrichir !
C'est un et la correction collective sera postée le mardi 31 mars. Bon courage !

I) Translate into English:

1) Quand nous serons en Angleterre, je t'achèterai tes ‘shortbreads’ préférés. Il faudra que tu me dises si tu les préfères 'nature' ou aux pépites de chocolat ...
2) On lui a volé son portable pendant qu'elle faisait les courses pour préparer sa fête d'anniversaire ... Quel manque de chance !
3) Conduis prudemment ! Tu pourrais déraper sur le verglas car la nuit les routes sont très mal éclairées ...
4) Faire du 'Théâtre-Forum' c'est, comme dans la Grèce Ancienne, essayer d'aider à la résolution de conflits par la parole et le jeu ... C'est un déclencheur de discussions ... et de réflexions ! C'est génial !
5) S'il y avait eu un policier à ce carrefour, la voiture aurait été moins vite et l'accident aurait pu être évité ...

Arrange the following elements into 5 logical sentences using : for/ since/ or ago. (Do not concentrate on one word only, the 3 of them must be used) You may give each sentence the meaning you choose, provided the grammar is respected. You may use whatever form you fancy (affirmative, interrogative, negative forms, and active or passive).
There are many different "good solutions" depending on the elements you will add to those given...
You're FREE, and FREEDOM is difficult to handle!

1) Your son/ to play football /2010.
2) Grandpa/ to be a champion/ 3 years.
3) The students/ to study Spanish/ the beginning of September.
4) The kid/ to punish/ five o'clock.
5) His cell phone/ to lose/ ten days.

III) Translate into French:

“Then you’re wrong!” Cornelia blazed out at him. “And it makes me sick to hear you talk and talk, as though nobody mattered but you. I didn’t like Mrs Otterbourne much, but her daughter was ever so fond of her, and she’s all broken up over her mother’s death. […] and so for Linett Doyle, she was just lovely! She was so beautiful when she came into the room that it made a lump come in your throat. I’m homely myself and it makes me appreciate beauty a lot more. She was as beautiful – just as a woman – as anything in Greek Art. And when anything beautiful ’s dead, it’ a loss to the world."

Agatha CHRISTIE, Death on the Nile (1937)

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-03-2015 20:35

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de maxwell, postée le 21-03-2015 à 21:27:05 (S | E)
Thanks a lot, Here4U for this very interesting exercise : Here's my try :

1) When we are in England, I'll buy you your favorite shortbreads. You'll have to tell me if you prefer them nature or with chocolate chips.
2) She was stolen her mobile phone while she was running errands to prepare her birthday party. Hard luck !
3) Drive carefully ! You might skid on the ice, because during the night, roads are very badly lit
4) Experiencing Forum Theater is, like in Ancient Greece, trying to help resolve conflicts using speech and games. It triggers talks and thoughts ! It's great !
5) Had there been a policeman at this crossroads, the car would have driven slower and the accident could have been avoided...

1) "Has your elder son been playing football ever since he had his knee injury in 2010, which is already five years ago, now ?! Time flies, doesn't it ?" "Yes, he has totally recovered from his accident and he's been playing football regularly for ten months."
2) In the late seventies, just two years before he retired, Grandpa had been a figure skating world champion for three years in a row, even though he had never won a medal at the world championships before.
3) Have your students actually been studying Spanish since the beginning of September in spite of the lack of teachers, or have they just spent all these hours in the study hall ?
4) This poor kid has been punished since five o'clock for having chattered so much in the classroom with his mate. But don't you think it's enough, now ? All the more so as he's been behaving very wisely since you punished him...
5) Jamie lost his cell phone ten days ago and immediately called his operator to block the line, and filed a complaint at the police station : that's why you haven't been able to contact him for 10 days.

"Alors, vous avez tort" s'enflamma Cornélia. "Et cela me rend malade de vous écouter parler sans cesse comme si personne d'autre ne comptait.
Je n'appréciais pas particulièrement Mrs Otterbourne, mais sa fille l'aimait tant, elle fut complètement effondrée par la mort de sa mère.
Et donc, pour Linett Doyle, elle était charmante !
Elle était tellement belle que, quand elle pénétrait dans une pièce, vous aviez la gorge nouée.
J'ai moi-même un physique ordinaire, et cela me rend beaucoup plus sensible à la beauté.
Elle était aussi belle, elle, en tant que femme, que tout ce qu'il y a de plus beau dans l'art grec.
Et quand quelque chose de beau disparaît, c'est une perte pour le monde entier".

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de maxwell, postée le 22-03-2015 à 08:40:39 (S | E)
Hello Here4U,
In question 2, I'd like to know whether we have to use each of the words since/ago/for for EACH sentence, or at least once in those 5 sentences ? That makes a difference...

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de here4u, postée le 22-03-2015 à 09:02:33 (S | E)
Hello dear Maxwell!
Of course not! I'd like one word in each sentence, but I'd like the three words used at least once... (English as it is spoken ... (or at least written), 'normal', not (too) artificial English!
What are you thinking?! I'm demanding, but not a dictator or a tyrant!
I explain: My aim, and yours, is or should be, to have you produce 5 sentences in which 'for'/'since'/'ago' are used at least once (not 5 sentences using ago, or using for etc... not more than 2 repetitions of one word (either conjunction, preposition, that's part of your Freedom!)

Of course, you could do what chocolatcitron has done: make 3 simple sentences for each skeleton I have given. That's good! but I'd like excellence (and more Freedom...
My ideal would be 5 (and not more!) complex and rich sentences with a real context, using the right tense(s)... You have to deserve your It requires reflexion and a little time and work... but I know you can do it! You're perfectly RIGHT Maxwell! That does make a difference!

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de lucile83, postée le 22-03-2015 à 15:18:40 (S | E)
Here is my try. Thank you for the exercise

1) Your son/ to play football /2010. …I have read the paper today and noticed they have written about your son. I didn’t know he had been playing football since 2010 in that famous club! You can be proud of him, can’t you?

2) Grandpa/ to be a champion/ 3 years. …Grandpa is used to playing tennis. He has been practising since he turned 20 years old. He became a true champion 3 years ago when he won the local tournament. He was so proud ! and aged 81. Great, isn’t it?

3) The students/ to study Spanish/ the beginning of September. …A friend of mine wanted to study Spanish, therefore she started to attend lectures at the university since the beginning of September 1990. She met a lot of the students over there, went to Spain, met a nice young man and has been living in Madrid for years.

4) The kid/ to punish/ five o'clock. …When I came into the classroom I noticed a boy aged 11 was nervous. Later, I asked him what was happening. The kid told me he had been punished by his mother who told him he wasn’t allowed to watch TV until further notice. He had been worrying about that since five o’clock in the afternoon the day before! Poor boy!

5) His cell phone/ to lose/ ten days. …Mike is a desperate teen! He has lost his cell phone. He has tried to find it for ten days without any success. His father told me yesterday he would buy him a new one for his birthday the following week.

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de here4u, postée le 22-03-2015 à 15:38:22 (S | E)
It's well worth , isn't it?
PS: It would really help me concentrate on what's really important (tenses and context,) if you coloured the for/since/ago blue or green, as you like...

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de lucile83, postée le 22-03-2015 à 16:16:07 (S | E)
I have coloured a few words of my text blue

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de komiks, postée le 22-03-2015 à 19:11:19 (S | E)
Hello !
Here I am !
I really like the freedom exercise ! (and the rest of the exercises too of course !)
See you soon

I) Translate into English:
1) When we are in England, I will buy you your favourite shortbreads. You’ll have to tell me if you prefer them plain or with chocolate chips (chocolate-chipped / chocolate-nuggeted)…

2) She was stolen her phone while she was doing some shopping to prepare her birthday party… Hard luck ! (What a bad luck !)

3) Please drive carefully ! You could slip on some black ice, since roads are very bad-lit by night…

4) Do some «Theatre Forum », is, as in the Ancient Greece, trying to help to solve clashes by speaking and acting… It brings about discussions and reflexions ! That’s awesome !

5) If there had been a policeman at this crossroads, the car would have been driven less fast and the accident could have been avoided…


1) Your son has been playing football since 2010, hasn’t he? because if I remember well, you were totally against at the time and he had to negotiate for days and days before you allow him to play the sport he had always dreamed of…
2) Grandpa always tell us the same story: when he was a kid, his mother registered him in a boxing club in order him to be able to defend himself, then he quickly became a champion and was even Champion of England for 3 years…
3) Don’t be so intransigent/severe with the students of this class : you wish they spoke Spanish as you do but just remember they have only studied Spanish since the beginning of September. They have made, believe me, lots of efforts to fulfil(l)/meet your demands for the last 5 months...
4) The kid has been punished since five o’clock and he really deserves it: when his mother came back home from work, he was drawing on the fresh-paint kitchen wall and despite all his mother’s warnings, continued to draw deliberately… He’s been really undisciplined for 3 weeks and his mother is fed up with his foolishness!
5) John lost his cell phone ten days ago… And yet, I had warned him and told him a million times that using it all the time was not a good idea but you know him : stubborn as he is, he never listened to me and kept telling me that I was too fearful and that I should trust him more…

III) Translate into French:

« Alors, vous vous trompez ! » s’emporta Cornelia. «Et ça me rend malade de vous entendre parler encore et encore, comme si personne, sauf vous, ne comptait. Je n’aimais pas beaucoup Mrs Otterbourne, mais sa fille l’aimait tellement, et est toute chamboulée par la mort de sa mère. […] et pour Linett Doyle, était simplement adorable ! Elle était tellement belle quand elle entra dans la pièce que vous en aviez la gorge nouée. J’ai moi-même un physique quelconque, et ça me fait apprécier la beauté beaucoup plus. Elle était plus belle, en tant que femme, que tout ce qu’on pouvait trouver dans l’art grec. Et quand quelque chose de beau est mort, alors c’est une perte pour le monde »
Agatha CHRISTIE, Death on the Nile (1937)

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de mamou3, postée le 23-03-2015 à 08:10:56 (S | E)
Hello Here4u, Hello everybody !

Into English

1. When we are in England, I'll buy you your favorite shortbreads. You'll have to tell me if you prefer them nature or with chocolate chip.
2. She was stolen her mobile phone while she was shopping to prepare her birthday party...What bad luck!
3. Drive carefully! You could slip on the ice because the roads are very badly lit at night.
4. Doing "Theater-Forum" is, as in Ancient Greece, trying to help in the solution of conflict by the word or the game...It's a trigger of discussion and thought ! It's great !
5. If a policeman had been there in the crossroads the car would have been slower and the accident could have been avoided.


1. Your son has to love sport if he has been playing football since 2010.
2. When my grandpa was young, he had been a champion of trial bike for 3 years.
3. Since the beginning of September the students who are studiyng Spanish are going to leave to Barcelone to test their progress.
4. Since five o'clock the punished kids have to stay at school to do calculation.
5. What a bad luck ! He has lost his cell phone at the station ten days ago.

En français

"Alors vous avez tort !" s'enflamma Cornélia en s'adressant à lui. Et cela me rend malade de vous entendre parler et parler comme si il n'y avait que vous qui aviez de l'importance. Je n'aimais pas tellement Mrs Otterbourne mais sa fille lui était si attachée et elle était anéantie par la mort de sa mère (...)
Et donc pour Linett Doyle, elle était simplement adorable ! Elle était si belle que quand elle entrait dans une pièce vous aviez la gorge nouée. Je suis moi-même quelconque et cela me fait apprécier davantage la beauté. Elle était belle simplement comme une femme, comme quelque chose de l'art grec. Et quand quelque chose de beau meurt, c'est une perte pour le monde.

Thank you very very very much !

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de taiji43, postée le 23-03-2015 à 11:00:30 (S | E)
First the translation .Thanks you Here one more time for this new game.

Et puis, vous avez tort lui dit Cornélia en proie à une vive colère. Et cela me rend malade de vous entendre discuter, discuter comme si personne ne vous importait excepté votre petite personne. Je n’aimais pas beaucoup Madame Otterbourne mais sa fille qui l’aimait profondément est complètement bouleversée par sa mort. Et Aussi au sujet de Linett Doyle qui était tout simplement adorable. Elle était si belle quand elle entrait dans la pièce que cela vous me nouait la gorge Je suis une personne aux goûts simples et cela me fait apprécier d’autant plus la beauté .Elle était tout simplement aussi belle que peut l’être une femme , aussi belle que peut être  toute chose relative à l'Art grec et quand un élément beau meurt, c’est une perte pour le monde entier.

Bye for now

here aree my sentences A real pleasure!

1. I heard, your son gave up playing football three years ago and since 2010 he has been playing a role key in rugby for the last five years

2. Grandpa went an unforgettable tennis champion many years ago. Nowadays his grandson since last year has taken over from him. He has been tennis champion for three consecutive years

3. Many years ago, since the beginning of September a few students had to decide whether they will continue to study Spanish for another three years.

4. It is already five o’clock and the kid has been playing with his smartphone for two hours instead of doing his home work. Since ten minutes her mother has threatened him to be punished as a few days ago.

5.He lost his cell phone ten days ago. Since yesterday, really worried, he has planned for a few hours how to save enough money to buy another one.

Bye for now again

At last my latest try (it is not a correction)

1. When we are in England, I will buy your favourite shortbreads! You will have to tell me if you would rather plain shortbreads to those with chocolate chips.

2. She was stolen her mobile while she was doing the shopping to prepare her birthday party. What bad luck!

3. Drive carefully! You might skid on the ice, because at night the roads are very badly lit.

4. Acting Forum theatre is, like in Ancient Greece, trying to help solve conflicts thanks to words and games. It is a trigger of discussions and brainwork that’s great!

5. If there had been a policeman at this crossroads, the car would have been slower and the accident could have been avoided.

J'ai changé la couleur sans succès ; j'ai remanié ma traduction.

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de jo06, postée le 23-03-2015 à 11:35:29 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
Still a pleasure to work with you.

I)Translate into English.
1) When we are in England,I'll buy you your favorite shortbreads.You will have to tell me if you prefer them natural or with chocolate chips.
2) She was robbed of her mobile while she was going shopping to prepare her birthday party.What a bad luck!
3) Drive safety(or carefully)!You could slip on the black ice because at night the roads are very bad lit...
4) Doing forum theater is,like in ancient Greece,to try helping at resolution of conflicts with words and games.It's a trigger(or catalyst) of discussions!It's great!
5) If a policeman had been standing at this crossroads,the car would have run slower and the accident might have been prevented(or it might have prevented the accident).


1) In the latest competition I haven't been surprised to see your son being selected.I know he has been playing soccer since 2010 and been still good at sports.
2) "Listen,You should take Grandpa as a model:despite his accident of motocycle he had been a senior champion of weightlifting for three years".
3) The students have taken their exam for two days after they had studied Spanish in immersion since the beginning of September.
4) The kid looks forlorn,he had been punished since five o'clock.He stood,withstanding,at the corner for three hours.It's too bad!
5) Now I understand why...This kid had lost his mother's cell phone ten days ago and has hidden the fact to his parents.They thought it was stolen while she was going shopping for her birthday!

III) Translate into French.

"Alors vous avez tord",s'emporta Cornelia."Et cela me rend malade de vous entendre parler et parler,comme si personne n'avait de l'impotance sauf vous.Je n'aimais pas beaucoup madame Otterbourne,mais sa fille l'aimait tant,et elle était complétement effondrée par la mort de sa mère donc pour Linett Doyle elle était(just=tout à fait ? dans le contexte) charmante!Elle était si belle quand elle entrait dans une pièce qu'on en avait la gorge serrée.Je suis moi même simple ce qui me fait apprecier encore plus la beauté.En tant que femme,elle était aussi belle que l'art grec.Et quand quelque chose de beau disparaît c'est une perte pour le monde".

Have a good week.

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de tereda, postée le 24-03-2015 à 12:27:55 (S | E)
hello HERE4U, here is my try

1. when we get to England, I'll buy the shortbreads that you prefer, but you must tell me if you prefer them with or without chocolate chips.
2. Her mobile was stolen while she was doing her shopping to prepare her birthday party. What bad luck ! (or : Somebody has stolen her mobile......)

3. Please, drive carefully ! You could slide on the black ice, the roads are very badly-lit during the night.

4. Doing theater-forum, that's like in Ancient Greece, a good way to resolve conflicts by the words and by the game....(by talking and by playing) ; It's also a good way to trigger discussion and thought ! GREAT !

5. If there had had been a policeman at this crossroads, the car would have gone slowly, and the crash could have been avoided.

1) Your son/ to play football /2010.
Just to make sure, you told me that your son has played football since 2010, didn't you ?
Sure, we can say that today he has been playing in the Manchester United team for 5 years.

2) Grandpa/ to be a champion/ 3 years.

I would be like my Grandpa, who has been a champion for 3 years, he won a gold medal in Swimming competition, in 1965 - 66 and 1967, and I, since 2010, I have met the best coach we can find here for a professional training, but i fear I might have success like my GrandPa!

3) The students/ to study Spanish/ the beginning of September.
The students who have begun to study Spanish for 5 years will be invited for a trip in Barcelona expected at the beginning of September. Those who began since 2011 and who have very good results can also make a request for this trip.

4) The kid/ to punish/ five o'clock.
Since five O'clock, the kid is punished, he will not go playing with his friends, because two days ago, he decided to do no more his homework ! and since that moment, we are waiting for..

5) His cell phone/ to lose/ ten days.
Ten days ago, PETER forgot his cell phone at the university, but since this time, each day, he has hoped to find it again ; Alas, today, he finally accepts that it is definitely lost.

Alors là, tu as tout faux ! lui rétorqua Cornelia, et ça me rend malade de t'entendre parler (à tort et à travers), comme si personne n'avait d'importance, sauf toi.
Je n'aimais pas beaucoup Mrs Otterbourne, mais sa fille était si attachée à elle, et elle est tellement bouleversée par la mort de sa mère....
Donc, pour en revenir à Linett Doyle, elle était tellement agréable ! Elle était si belle, lorsqu'elle rentrait dans une salle que tu en avais la gorge serrée. Je suis moi-même plutôt insignifiante, et j'apprécie d'autant la beauté. Elle était si belle, si féminine, rien de comparable même dans l'art grec ! et lorsque quelque chose d'aussi beau meurt, c'est une perte pour tout le monde !

always a very interesting exercise, HERE4U, Thank you.

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de joe39, postée le 25-03-2015 à 19:42:47 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u !

Her I’m with my try.
I) Translate into English:

1) Quand nous serons en Angleterre, je t'achèterai tes ‘shortbreads’ préférés. Il faudra que tu me dises si tu les préfères 'nature' ou aux pépites de chocolat ...
Once we are in England, I’ll buy you your favourite shortbreads. You’ll have to tell me if you prefer the simple ones or those with chocololate drops.
2) On lui a volé son portable pendant qu'elle faisait les courses pour préparer sa fête d'anniversaire ... Quel manque de chance !
While she was shopping to get ready her birthday party, she was stolen her laptop/mobile/cellphone. What tough luck!
3) Conduis prudemment ! Tu pourrais déraper sur le verglas car la nuit les routes sont très mal éclairées ...
Drive safely ! You could slip on ice, for at night the roads are very poorly lit….
4) Faire du 'Théâtre-Forum' c'est, comme dans la Grèce Ancienne, essayer d'aider à la résolution de conflits par la parole et le jeu ... C'est un déclencheur de discussions ... et de réflexions ! C'est génial !
Perform Forum-Theatre is, as it was in Ancient Greece, try to help settle conflicts by means of eloquence and play/performance… It’s a trigger to give rise to discussions/debates and reflections/remarks
5) S'il y avait eu un policier à ce carrefour, la voiture aurait été moins vite et l'accident aurait pu être évité ...
Had there been a police officer in this intersection, the car would have been slowly driven
and the accident could have been avoided/ thus avoiding the accident..
Arrange the following elements into 5 logical sentences using : for/ since/ or ago. (Do not concentrate on one word only, the 3 of them must be used) You may give each sentence the meaning you choose, provided the grammar is respected. You may use whatever form you fancy (affirmative, interrogative, negative forms, and active or passive).
There are many different "good solutions" depending on the elements you will add to those given...
You're FREE, and FREEDOM is difficult to handle!

1) Your son/ to play football /2010.
How long it is since we last met? I think it was in 2010, five years ago and I remember your son, still in his early teens, playing football for more than two hours, without showing any signs of fatigue. And now you tell me he’s playing as a professional player in the first division.
2) Grandpa/ to be a champion/ 3 years
My grandpa was a champion tennis-player fifty years ago;
he had won the national championship for 3 years in succession and taught me to play tennis since I was ten years old. But I has never been able to reach his skill and therefore I failed to be a champion like him.
3) The students/ to study Spanish/ the beginning of September.
The best students of the class have been sent to Spain a week ago, to study Spanish at the University of Salamanca, attending a summer course.
One of them, a friend of mine, told me via E-Mail, that they have been working in class since the day after their arrival for six hours a day and six days a week. The exams will take place at the beginning of September.
4) The kid/ to punish/ five o'clock.
Since the kid has turned 18 a month ago, I see little sense to punish him because he was at that party all night long, coming back home at five o'clock in the morning. How many Saturdays night had you been partying for a lot of hours, when you were a youngster?
5) His cell phone/ to lose/ ten days.
He was stolen his cell phone three days ago.
Since then he has been using one of mine for hours.
Fortunately I was given a brand new model one, for my birthday, just the day before yesterday.
III) Translate into French:

“Then you’re wrong!” Cornelia blazed out at him. “And it makes me sick to hear you talk and talk, as though nobody mattered but you. I didn’t like Mrs Otterbourne much, but her daughter was ever so fond of her, and she’s all broken up over her mother’s death. […] and so for Linett Doyle, she was just lovely! She was so beautiful when she came into the room that it made a lump come in your throat. I’m homely myself and it makes me appreciate beauty a lot more. She was as beautiful – just as a woman – as anything in Greek Art. And when anything beautiful ’s dead, it’ a loss to the world."

“Donc vous avez tort!” Éclata Cornelia irrité, s’adressant à lui. Et j'en ai assez de vous entendre parler et parler, comme si personne, mais vous seul comptiez. Je n’aimais pas beaucoup Otterbourne, mais sa fille l'aimait tellement, et elle est très abattue par la mort de sa mère..(..) Et de même pour Lynett Doyle, elle était tout simplement charmante! Elle était si belle quand entrait dans une pièce, que tous en avaient la gorge serrée. Moi-même je suis d’apparence quelconque et cela me fait apprécier la beauté beaucoup plus. Elle était aussi belle en tant que femme, une femme aussi belle n’importe quelle œuvre d’art grec. Et quand quelque chose de beau est mort, c’est une perte pour le monde entier.

Agatha CHRISTIE, Death on the Nile (1937)

I do hope I don’t let you down.

Anyway it has been a very nice and demanding exercise to do.
Thanks a lot!
I wish you a pleasant evening.

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de alpiem, postée le 25-03-2015 à 19:43:06 (S | E)
hello; Hardship 4 us!

1/When we are in England I will buy you your favorite shortbreads.You would have to tell me if you had rather have them plain or with chocolate chips ..........
2/She had her mobile phone robbed while doing her shoping ahead of her aniversary party.......what a bad luck!
3/Drive carefully ! You might happen to slip on an icy patch for the roads are not lighted enough.
4/To be on the stage is just the same as in the ancien Greece: trying to help resolve our conflicts by speaking and's triggering discussions....and reflections! It's great!
5/Were there be a policeman at this crossroads, the car would have been less fast and the accident might have been avoided

II)let's be free!
1/"I'm eager to play football" used to say my son. 'Since' the begining he has always been making time to play football with his friends. A few years 'ago' he broke his leg and then he stopped playing 'for' years. It was in 2010.
2/Granpa was also keen on playing football. He had played 'for' years. He even was on the verge of becoming a local 'champion' when three years after his wedding he decided to take part in the olympic games. 'Since' then all the city had been very proud of its champion . Granpa himself told me all about these events a few years 'ago'.
3/For the Easter holydays 'the students' have had the opportunity to take part to a trip to Spain .They have been looking forward to this voyage 'since' the start of the year at 'the beginning of September'. Their teacher in Spanish has told them all the year round about the GUGENHEIM museum and even since the first form, three years ago, when they began 'to study Spanish' they had known that this opportunity would be granted only to the best pupils.
4/___ Who is this kid standing over there in the corridor? He's been there 'for' no less than one hour now !___ Yes, 'since' 'five o'clock'! He is there to be punished for the fighting he ignitiated two days 'ago' in the schoolyard.
5/___He had his 'cell phone' been broken yesterday, yes, crushed under a car passing by! He bought it 'ten days' 'ago' and was 'since' then very afraid about 'loosing' it. That's why he was gripping it closely in his hand but when the traffic light went green he put his foot on an icy patch and fell flat on the road and reaching out 'for' the phone he all but rolled under the car speeding past! what a mess!

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-03-2015 21:26
Mise en forme standard.

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de here4u, postée le 26-03-2015 à 10:15:45 (S | E)
Hello !

Ouh ! Beaucoup de travail m'attend, dirait-on ... I love it Merci à tous ...
Je vais donc me mettre à corriger par ordre de publication dès ce soir ... (car je ne tiens pas à me faire à nouveau une 'fin de test' - un week-end - trop 'speed'...)
Je garderai vos travaux corrigés jusqu'au lundi et posterai le test suivant dimanche matin (Je sais que plusieurs d'entre vous aiment travailler quand ils ont un peu de temps libre ... le week-end ... )
En cas de changements importants, n'oubliez pas de me l'indiquer ...
Newcomers, timides, n'hésitez-pas ! Vous avez encore beaucoup de temps pour donner vos productions ! Bon courage à tous!

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de icare29, postée le 26-03-2015 à 10:56:36 (S | E)
Hello Here4u here is my work

I) Translate into English

when we are in England , I will buy you your preferred shortbreads . You will have to tell me if you prefer them "nature " or with chocolate chips .
She was stolen her cell phone while she was doing shopping so as to prepare her birthday party....What a back luck !
Drive carefully ! you might slip over black-ice because roads are very badly lit at night
Experimenting "theater-forum" it's , as it was in ancient Greece ,trying to help conflict resolution by means of words and games . It's a initiator of discussion ...and thought
It's great
If there had been a policeman at this crossroad , the car would have driven slower and the accident could have been avoided

1) Your son/ to play football /2010.
I have heard that you son has been playing football in the famous team of Guingand since 2010, this team won the cup of the league of champion 3 years ago against the team of Rennes

2) Grandpa/ to be a champion/ 3 years.
I am proud of my Grandpa who was a famous swimming champion for many years .3 years ago he gave to the winner of the 400 meters free swim a gold medal during the closing ceremony

3) The students/ to study Spanish/ the beginning of September.
In my university , many students has been studying Spanish since the beginning of september .Several of them have found this language too difficult and have decided to change their orientation

4) The kid/ to punish/ five o'clock.
The kid was punished by the headmaster because he had had a bad behavour in classroom .Since five o'clock he has been staying alone in the room and waiting for its parents

5) His cell phone/ to lose/ ten days.
Ten days ago , while walking near the seaside , my son lost his cell phone , which dropped from his jacket . He hasn't called his friends since this time , that has made him so much unhappy

III) Translate into French:
"Eh bien , vous vous trompez ".lui dit Cornelia en s'empourprant . Cela me rend malade de vous entendre parler sans arrêt , comme si personne d'autre que vous n'avait d'importance .Je n'aimais pas beaucoup madame Otterbourne , mais sa fille, elle, lui portait toujours autant d'affection . Elle a été tout bouleversée par le décès de sa mère .Quant à Linett Doyle , elle était tout à fait ravissante . Elle était si magnifique que , quand elle entrait dans une pièce, vous aviez la gorge serrée. J'ai moi-même un physique quelque peu ordinaire , ce qui me fait apprécier beaucoup plus la beauté .Elle était si belle , juste comme une femme peut l'être, comme toutes choses de l'art grec. Et quand toutes ces belles choses disparaissent , c'est une perte pour le monde entier
Agatha CHRISTIE, Death on the Nile (1937)

Thank you very much for this new exercise

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de siren12, postée le 26-03-2015 à 14:19:56 (S | E)
Hello here4u, thanks a lot for this great exercise, my try is below:
When we are in England, I'll buy your favorite 'shortbreads'. You'll have to to tell me if you prefer them nature or with chocolate chips...
Her cell phone was stolen while she was doing shopping for her birthday's party. what's a pity!
Drive carefully! You might skid on black ice because roads are very badly lit at night...
Doing 'Theater-forum', it's trying to help solving conflicts, by word ans game, as in Ancient Greece. It's a starter of dicussions... and thoughts! It's great!
If there were a police officer at this crossroad, the car would have been slower and the crash could be avoided...

If I knew that your son plays football since 2010, I would introduce him to my brother who is a high-level sport trainer!

Grandpa won a lot of medals when he was a tennis champion from 1974 to 1979.
He has retired three years ago and currently guess what? He plays golf every day!" Tennis is a too tiring sport and my knees hurt me a lot" he told me.
Since the beginning of September, the students of our university have been studying Spanish as a third language in a way to spend their last academic year in Barcelona.
The teacher was extremely shocked when the kid started answering her back. Consequently she had punished him for 2 hours until five o'clock.
He lost his new-black cell phone ten days ago at the cinema theater when his jacket had fallen on the ground. He couldn't see anything in the dark. Now he is still hoping that somebody brings it back. 

"Et puis, tu as tort," fulmina Cornelia, hors d'elle. " Et cela me rend malade de t'entendre toujours parler comme si personne d'autre que toi ne comptait.
Je n'appreciais pas particulièrement Mme Otterbourne, mais sa fille l'a toujours adoré, et tout son monde s'est écroulé quand sa mère a disparu.
(...)  et auusi pour Linett Doyle, elle était tout à fait ravissante! Elle était si magnifique quand elle penetra dans la pièce que j'en avait la gorge nouée.
Je suis d'un physique quelconque et cela me rend d'autant plus sensible à la beauté.
Sa beauté était parfaite, comparable en tout point à celle d'une femme dans l'art grec.
Et quand quelque chose de si beau disparait, c'est une perte pour le monde entier. 

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-03-2015 14:36
Mise en forme standard.

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de here4u, postée le 27-03-2015 à 21:30:04 (S | E)
Hello siren12 ! to this little hardworking group ! for working with us !

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de maya92, postée le 28-03-2015 à 11:45:02 (S | E)
Hello here4u,

I -
- When in England, I’ll buy you your favorite shortbreads. You must tell me if you prefer them plain or with chocolate chips
- Her mobile phone was stolen when she was shopping preparing her birthday party.. What a bad luck !
- Drive carefully ! You could skid on the ice because at night the roads are very badly-lit
- Acting in a “Theatre forum” is just like, in Ancient Greece, trying to avoid a clash by way of talking or playing a game.. It’s a way of triggering discussions and thoughts ! That’s great !
- Had a policeman been standing at the crossroads, the car would have run more slowly and the accident could have been avoided
II -
- I’ve just heard that your son has been playing football in this club since 2010 . At that time my husband had been a coach for three years in this very club, but five years ago he used to coach the juniors in London.
- Grandpa was a tennis champion twenty years ago. He had played in the same club for ten years, since 1980.
- These students have been studying Spanish since the beginning of September. They have been studying this language for two years yet. Five years ago they studied German instead.
- The kids have been punished since this morning, so they have remained at school for more than 8 hours ! Ten years ago the same thing happened to you doesn’t it?
- Two days ago she lost her cell phone. It’s hardly a week since she had bought it
“Alors là tu as tort !” explosa Cornelia. Et ça me rend malade de t’entendre parler et parler comme si personne n’avait aucune importance que toi. Je n’aimais pas beaucoup Mme Otterbourne mais sa fille avait beaucoup d’affection pour elle et elle a été anéantie à sa mort.. C’est pareil pour Linette Doyle, elle était vraiment charmante ! Elle était si belle quand elle est entrée dans cette pièce que ça vous aviez la gorge serrée. Je n’ai pas beaucoup de charme donc j’apprécie d’autant plus la beauté. Elle était aussi belle en tant que femme qu’une oeuvre d’art grecque. Et quand quelque chose de beau meurt, c’est une perte pour le monde.

Thank you so much for the exercises and the corrections - See you

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de tiasj, postée le 28-03-2015 à 15:37:23 (S | E)

I. Translating into English
1. When we will be in England, I'll buy you your favourite shortbreads. You will have to tell me if you like them more when they are plain or when they are covered in chocolate chips!
2. She was stolen her phone while she was shopping in order to prepare her birthday party... That's what I call a lack of luck!
3. Drive safely! You could skid on a patch of black ice for roads are very badly lit at night.
4. Practising "Theater-Forum" is, just like in Ancient Greece, trying to help resolving conflicts through words and games... It's a great trigger of discussions... and reflexion! It's absolutely awesome!
5. If there had been a policeman at this crossroad, the car would have arrived much less rapidly, and the accident could have been avoided.

II. Freedom
1. Your son was somehow very difficult to handle. Luckily, it all changed when he started to play football. Since 2010, he is the most disciplined kid I ever had to deal with. I'm proud of him.
2. My grandpa was my hero. He taught me everything I know today, and he always told me that no matter what, I always had to try to be a champion, in my thoughts as well as in my behavior. He died 3 years ago, and I couldn't miss him more.
3. In the school I'm currently managing, the students were asking to study Spanish since forever. At the beginning of September, I finally got a hold on it and I recruited a qualified teacher. Now we got one of the highest rates of the success at the latest national exam.
4. What did happen to that poor kid? I don't know exactly. He was very unquiet, which forced me to punish him. Henceforth, I asked him to stay in the room he usually shares with three others little boys. When I passed by a couple of minutes later, he was gone, missing. Yes, this kid totally vanished since five o'clock. And I'm helpless.
5. He has a real problem when it comes to taking care of stuff, any kind of stuff. Once, he managed to lose his brand new cell phone, which was worth some $400 for ten days, only to remember that he had left it at his grandmother's home.

III. Translating into French
"Alors c'est que tu as tort !" rétorqua violemment Cornelia. "Et cela me rend malade de t'entendre parler, et encore parler, comme si absolument rien n'importait, sauf toi. Bien sûr, je n'aimais pas beaucoup Mrs. Otterbourne, mais sa fille était vraiment attachée à elle, et la mort de sa mère l'a complètement brisée. C'est la même chose pour Linett Doyle, elle qui était si adorable ! En fait, elle était si belle que lorsqu'il lui arrivait d'entrer dans une pièce, votre gorge se serrait d'émotion. Je suis moi-même un peu quelconque, ce qui me permet d'apprécier la beauté d'autant plus. Elle était aussi belle - simplement en tant que femme - que n'importe quelle pièce d'art de la Grèce antique. Et quand quelque chose de magnifique meurt, c'est une perte pour le monde entier."

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-03-2015 17:18

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de lakata, postée le 28-03-2015 à 16:42:32 (S | E)
Hello dear Here4u!

I) Translate into English:
1) Quand nous serons en Angleterre, je t'achèterai tes shortbreads préférés. Il faudra que tu me dises si tu les préfères nature ou aux pépites de chocolats.
Once in England/ When we're in England, I'll buy you your favorite shortbreads. You'll have to tell me if you prefer the natural or the chocolate chip ones.

2) On lui a volé son portable pendant qu'elle faisait les courses pour préparer sa fête d'anniversaire...Quel manque de chance !
Her mobile phone was stolen / She was stolen from her mobile phone / She had her mobile phone stolen while she was doing shopping for her birthday celebration. That's really bad luck! That's hard luck!

3) Conduis prudemment ! Tu pourrais déraper sur le verglas car la nuit les routes sont très mal éclairées.
You should drive carefully! You could skid on black ice as the roads are badly lit at night.

4) Faire du "Théâtre-Forum", c'est, comme dans la Grèce antique, essayer d'aider à la résolution de conflits par la parole et le jeu. C'est un déclencheur de discussions et de réflexions. C'est génial !
Taking part in Forum Theatre is, as in ancient Greece, a tool to help people to overcome contentious situations by speaking and playing. It's a triggering factor of conversation and it makes you think too. Great!

5) S'il y avait eu un policier à ce carrefour, la voiture aurait été moins vite et l'accident aurait pu être évité.
If there had been a policemant at this crossroads, the car would have gone slower and the accident could have been avoided.

II) Freedom:
1) If I remember well, your son must have started playing football five years ago, in 2010. After training for five years now, he must have become a budding football champion!

2) It reminds me of my Grandpa who used to play with a scooter as the other boys when he was a child and became suddenly sure he was still a scooter champion about three years ago! Since then, we've had to hide my grandchildren's scooters...

3) The students have been studying Spanish since the beginning of September 2011. Next September, they will have already studied for 4 years, and then, some of them are likely to be quite fluent.

4) If I were a kid, I'd punish my Dad by depriving him of hugs and kisses if he'd let grow his hair for three days in order to get that stupid up to date five o'clock shadow on his face!

5) He has lost his cell phone. It must have happened at the party, ten days ago. But he has no qualms about using my own phone, since then!

III) Translate into French:
" Sans compter que vous êtes dans l'erreur!", et Cornelia le foudroya du regard. " Ça me rend malade de vous entendre parler et parler encore, comme si vous seul aviez de l'importance. Personnellement, ce n'est pas que j'appréciais particulièrement madame Otterbourne, mais sa fille lui était si attachée, et la voir ainsi bouleversée par la mort de sa mère...[...] Et quant à Linett Doyle, elle était tout simplement ravissante ! Elle était si belle que lorsqu'elle entrait dans la pièce, vous en aviez la gorge nouée. Ayant moi-même un physique plutôt ordinaire, je suis d'autant plus sensible à la beauté. En tant que femme, elle était si belle qu'elle n'aurait pas déparé la statuaire grecque. Et la mort de quelque chose de beau, c'est une perte pour le monde entier."

Agatha Christie, Death on the Nile (1937).

Thank you so much, Here4u! Enjoy your weekend!

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de here4u, postée le 28-03-2015 à 19:58:34 (S | E)
Hello !
I'm going on correcting your exercises, answering messages and requests... and having a little rest! Rotten weather on Paris... but I wanted to share a 'wink of sunshine' with you...
Hello here4u,
Best wishes to you on the occasion of the Teacher's day which is celebrated by all the Czech pupils and students and you can understand what it means:
no teaching and no exams of course.

Yes! Apart from Anglo Saxons, there are other people who celebrate a teachers' day! Another " exception française " Sigh ... Thank you for this smile, pavca
3 more days to post if you feel tempted... Remember... you can do just the part which inspires or amuses you!

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de here4u, postée le 31-03-2015 à 23:33:38 (S | E)

Here is the correction of exercice 35: a very good work, for most of you and, as I explained in the individual corrections, I could feel your doubt, and everyone's efforts...

I)Translate into English :

1) Quand nous serons en Angleterre, je t'achèterai tes shortbreads préférés. Il faudra que tu me dises si tu les préfères 'nature' ou aux pépites de chocolat ...
When we are in England, I'll buy your favourite shortbreads. You will have to tell me whether you prefer them plain, or with chocolate chips.

-‘quand nous serons’ = subordonnée conjonctive temporelle : dans ces propositions, le futur est IMPOSSIBLE en anglais. Si le temps de la principale est le futur, la subordonnée doit être au présent.
- ‘nature’ qui fait référence à ‘sans ajouts’, ne pouvait pas se traduire par ‘nature’ ou ‘natural’ (contraire de ‘artificial’), mais devait être ‘plain » ou ‘regular’.

2)On lui a volé son portable pendant qu'elle faisait les courses pour préparer sa fête d'anniversaire ... Quel manque de chance !
She had her cell phone stolen while shopping to get her birthday party ready... Hard luck, really!

- J’ai, bien sûr, préféré le passif qui est beaucoup plus naturel et répandu en anglais. (dès qu’il y a ‘on’ en français, vous DEVEZ Y PENSER. )To have something done = se faire faire …
- Attention : ‘la chance’ est un mot abstrait => pas de déterminant ici.
- Préparer le dîner = to get dinner ready.

3) Conduis prudemment! Tu pourrais déraper sur le verglas car la nuit, les routes sont très mal éclairées ...
Drive carefully! You might skid on black-ice, because at night, the roads are very badly lit...

- déraper sur le verglas = to skid (slip, slide) on black ice (an icy patch)
- mal éclairées = badly lit = VERBE IRREGULIER . to light, I lit, lit.

4) Faire du 'thėâtre-forum' c'est, comme dans la Grèce Ancienne, essayer d'aider à la résolution de conflits par la parole et le jeu ... C'est un déclencheur de discussions ... et de réflexions ! C'est génial !
Doing some ´Forum Theatre', as/like in Ancient Greece, comes to trying to help solve conflicts by speaking and acting... It triggers discussions... and reflections! It's great/awesome!

- comme dans la Grèce Antique = LIKE in Ancient Greece, mais dans un style plus soigné AS + préposition ; pas d’article devant les noms de pays (sauf quand il y a plusieurs états ou régions)
- ‘c’est comme dans’ = ‘revient à’ = it comes to + V + ing
- to try TO DO something (pas de – ing)
- ‘le jeu’ ici, n’était pas le ‘jeu’ d’enfants, ‘game’ (à la rigueur :‘play’), mais bien le ‘jeu de scène’ = ‘act’ ou ‘perform’.

5) S'il y avait eu un policier à ce carrefour, la voiture aurait été moins vite et l'accident aurait pu être évité ...
If there had been a policeman at this crossroads, the car would have been slower and the accident might/could have been avoided...

-‘Had there been’ était parfait, un peu plus formel que la formule proposée. Dans les 2 cas, c’est une supposition irréelle du passé : la réalité s’est déroulée autrement.
- crossroads= plusieurs routes => -S
- pour ‘aurait pu être évité’, je vous laisse le choix entre ‘possibilité matérielle passée’ = ‘could have been avoided’ et éventualité forte passée = ‘might have been avoided’

There are many different "good solutions" depending on the elements you will add to those given...
You're FREE, and FREEDOM is difficult to handle!
ATTENTION ! Dans la mesure où vous étiez totalement libres de vos phrases, je ne peux pas vous donner une correction type … J’ai juste essayé de rappeler les règles fondamentales et de donner un exemple simple.
Parfois, votre liberté d’utilisation de for/since/ago, a révélé la liberté que vous aurez de les réviser ! Je vous assure que je ne me moque pas ... mais pour certains, les temps semblent mal assurés ... Je l'ai dit clairement dans vos corrigés. (Ce fut un exercice très chronophage pour moi, à corriger, mais très intéressant … et quelquefois amusant ! Ah ! le prix de la liberté !)

1) Your son/ to play football /2001.
2001 est une date précise, le point de départ d’une action qui peut se continuer dans le présent (present perfect) ou être terminée, appartenir au passé révolu => prétérit. 'Since' est aussi possible avec un past perfect en cas d’antériorité.
Ex : Your son has been playing football for 14 years, to be more precise, since 2001.

2) Grandpa/ to be a champion/ 3 years.
‘3 years’ est une durée = ‘For’. Mêmes conditions verbales que pour ‘since’ ci-dessus.
Ex : Grandpa was a tennis champion for 3 years when he arrived in the city, in 1980.
3) The students/ to study Spanish/ the beginning of September.
‘The beginning of September’ = début d’action, moment précis.
ex : The students have been studying Spanish since the beginning of September.
Mais vous avez aussi la liberté de dire :
The students studied (boff!I mean, clumsy repetition ...)/learnt Spanish for 10 years, and have now decided to go to Spain and start living there at the beginning of September.
4) The kid/ to punish/ five o'clock.
The kid has been punished by his teacher since 5 o’clock. His parents are cross because he had his judo class at 5.30 and couldn't go...
5) His cell phone/ to lose/ ten days.
He lost his cell phone 10 days ago, and since then, has been looking for it everywhere

III) Translate into French:

“Allons ! Vous êtes dans l’erreur,(1) s’enflamma'2) Cornélia en le foudroyant du regard. Cela me rend malade de vous entendre parler et parler sans cesse, comme si personne d’autre que VOUS ne comptait … Je n’appréciais(3) pas réellement madame Otterbourne, mais sa fille l’aimait tellement qu’elle est toute bouleversée par le décès de sa mère … il en est de même (4) pour Linett Doyle, elle était tout simplement ravissante (()! Elle était si belle lorsqu’elle entrait dans la pièce, que vous en aviez la gorge nouée. Je suis moi-même très ordinaire, et cela me fait apprécier la beauté d’autant plus. Elle était aussi splendide – simplement en tant que femme – que la plus belle statue grecque. Et la disparition de quelque chose de beau est une perte pour le monde entier …

Agatha CHRISTIE, Death on the Nile (1937)

(1) 'vous êtes dans l'erreur' rend mieux compte du niveau de langue...
(2) Comme plusieurs d'entre vous, j'ai choisi 's'enflammer' pour garder l'image de 'blaze' mais n'ai pas voulu omettre la mention de l'homme auquel Cornélia parlait.
(3) 2 verbes différents pour rendre compte des 2 verbes anglais. Attention au temps présent ensuite. Beaucoup ont poursuivi au passé.
(4): difficultés à comprendre la structure de la phrase. Très peu d'entre vous l'ont vue ...
(5) 2 adjectifs différents pour éviter la répétition très proche de 'belle'... A la fin, au contraire, je respecterai ces répétitions (beautiful), choix de l'auteur ...
(6) 'as a woman' = as + nom = en tant que

Assez facile à comprendre, ce texte était difficile à mettre en français ...

Voilà ! Bravo à tous ! Vous avez très bien travaillé ... plusieurs m'ont dit s'être amusés ...
Thank you very much for your wonderful work and for working all together ...

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de lucile83, postée le 31-03-2015 à 23:54:51 (S | E)
Thank you for that exercise

Réponse : Exercice 35/Dur!Courage! de , postée le 01-04-2015 à 11:57:36 (S | E)

I) Translate into English:
1)When we are in England, I 'll buy you your preferred shortbreads. You'll have to tell me whether you prefer plain or chocolate chips ones.
2)Her mobile phone was stolen while she was shopping to prepare her birthday party...No luck !
3)Drive carefully. You may skid on the ice as the roads are very badly lit...
4)To be on-stage at the Forum Theatre is like in ancient Greece to try to solve conflicts by speech ...and playet! ...It's setting off discussions...and thoughts  ! That's terrific !
5)Had there been a policeman at this intersection the car would have come slower
and the accident might have been avoided...

1)To-day, your son and mine have been playing football for 4 hours. They are in the school team. They both attend the school since 2010 but they have started to play together only 3 months ago.
2)Grandpa was a tennis champion during the late 80's - already more than 30 years ago – when he decided to play golf. Since then he has been playing almost every day, rain or shine.
3)I have attended the Spanish courses at Cervantes Institute for one year. In addition since beginning of September I practice daily with an old friend. Three days ago I saw a Spanish film but I couldn't understand any of the dialogues without looking at the subtitles.
4) The kid was punished by his school teacher since he left before five o'clock . For what reason I don't know, but 2 weeks go it was already the same.
5) He lost his cell phone again in the metro. He should be more cautious for now on ; I can't buy him a new one since I am short of money.

Translate into French:
'Eh bien tu as tort ! ' lui dit Cornelia d'un ton enflammé. ' Et çà me rend malade de t'entendre parler et parler comme s'il n'y avait que toi qui comptait. Je n'aimais pas beaucoup Mme Otterbourne, mais sa fille avait tant d' affection pour elle et elle toute brisée par la mort de sa mère.[...] et pareille pour Linett Doyle, elle était si jolie! Elle était si belle quand elle entrait dans la pièce que çà vous nouait la gorge. Moi je suis ordinaire et çà me fait apprécier bien plus la beauté. Elle était belle comme une femme de l'antiquité grecque. Et quand quelqu'un de beau meurt c'est une perte pour le monde.

Thanks Here4u to stimulate us!

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-04-2015 18:34


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