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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de samartin posté le 28-03-2015 à 19:08:42 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît?

J'aimerais savoir si mes phrases sont cohérentes et fluides.
Merci pour vos réponses.

We are going to deal with the notion « idea of progress ». To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. A progress is a steady evolution towards a better stage .In relation to the notion, the subject of my presentation will be the sport performances. To what extent the tendency to push sports limits further can been seen as progress? We'll see how athletes must always push their limits to achieve new records and meet the pressure of "ever". We will also see to how the border progress - cheating can be porous

Sport has always played a major part in a nation’s fame. Indeed, a successful athlete sets a great example of a country’s power. In her Christmas speech in 2010, Queen Elizabeth laid the emphasis on the importance of sport. She stressed the fact that it brings people together and creates a sense of community. She said that it’s vital to build communities and create harmony. According to her, sport is one of the sport effective means to do it that’s why when people give up time to take part to sporting events, they can meet people from different backgrounds, walks of life, or age groups and they no longer considered as second-class citizens to avoid the fact that a many people are systematically discriminated against within a state or other political jurisdiction, despite their nominal status as a citizen or legal resident there. In addition, Queen Elisabeth think that sport can provide a new perspectives/ view on life by providing vital social skills like abiding by the rules or developing co-operation and team spirit. This team spirit benefits communities companies and enterprise. The people must co-operate, this the most important elements in community such as helping build stronger communities because sport helps recovery. For example, it speed recovery for injured men and women of Armed Forces. Indeed, being part of a team enable them to renew of purpose, enjoyment and comradeship that is to say they have new goals, they have new reasons to lives, they makes new friends. In her speech, she emphasizes the fact that Sport can gather a people from all around the world in a friendly atmosphere because they must respect their opponents and very often they like each other too. People who take part to international events represent their country and feel that they belong to a wider family. We can alluded by the fact that Nelson Mandela disagreed with the Committee that had decided to deprive the Springbok of their name, colours and emblem because he wanted to prove to white people that black people weren’t eager to take their revenge on them and when he became president in 1994, he saw rugby as a tool to achieve reconciliation. Like the Queen Elisabeth, Nelson Mandela tried to convince South Africans that the team represented the whole country. Mandela used the sport to unite people from different backgrounds create one country. It helps to create peace and avoid a civil war. Black kids discovered that they could trust white men and started being interested in their sport. In the stadium, during the Cup, there will be black and white people, cheering one team, one country.

Transition: So yes, the sport can lead to progress. Yet when, we see some athletes behaviour, we can wonder if it doesn’t also do the opposite.

Some people want absolutely win even if they must use the illegal practice. We can take the example in the news flash dated 22 October 2012. The breaking news concerns Lance Armstrong. It announces that Lance Armstrong was stripped from his seven Tour Tittles and banned from competition for life. Armstrong used to be deeply admired but now he is likely to be considered as an outcast. In addition, people started talking about his methods. He uses to bride to his opponents. So that, they would let him win. A former opponents bear witness to this. He explains that Armstrong offered him 50 000 dollars to let him win. Furthermore, to prevent people from investigating doping, he repeatedly intimidated and threatened people.
By this way, we can guess that sport can’t gather together in all the people. The sportsmen mustn’t cheat and it’s really unfair for others athletes and therefore there are punished such as Lance Armstrong who had lost his tittles. For information, he doesn’t understand this controversial problem because for him it’s impossible to win the Tour de France without doping because the Tour is an endurance ordeal where oxygen is decisive. Lance Armstrong thinks that it’s every man for him

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-03-2015 19:17


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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