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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de dreamtea posté le 06-04-2015 à 19:15:51 (S | E | F)
Je m'excuse de poster cela si tard, je n'ai pas pu le faire avant bref voilà j'ai écrit un texte en relation avec mon projet d'art et j'aurais aimé savoir s'il était juste.
C'est très important(ici je mets juste la deuxième partie).Merci pour vos réponses.

Object design here is an important role in human initiative, it must generate the action of consumers willing to travel and meet the individual by providing him a pleasant feeling (from the container as content). The packaging symbolizes this connivance, it must ensure an authentic rigor without being represented in a standardized compliance of everyday products, which enhances in any case the man's report object. The creation of a range of packaging for the female body will be the goal.
To link, empathy intimacy, the object must "exist" human eyes while responding to a specific need.

I have therefore retained the following notions in my experiments:
-INCARNATION Suggested by various methods: metamorphosis, transformation, mutation, transmutation, camouflage, merger, union of dif-ferent bodies.
• NEUTRALITY will create harmony while producing an honest and authentic picture content by highlighting the texture (no chromatic influ-ence)
• Interaction in turn will cause a certain curiosity and a desire to act on the part of the consumer.
Through various experiments I have tried to recreate a similar look to the skin, this complex and delicate texture will be a way to personify the packaging, creating a material both strange and singular. "Return to source"
• Glass - Standard-only strain in a reality close the lid of the problem sets in.
• The standard glass, but made unique by its texture and its sensitive reaction: thermo chromatic paint.
Finally the operation of the cover: making it bigger and not associate it with a simple sealing function.
In these various productions, where we can try to combine together, sealing of the research is to study, to obtain an active functionality.
At the same time I completed my range of packaging by exploiting the jobs archetypal models of the toilet (soap, gloves, sponge ..), which tend to be forgotten against the current and the production of standardized products needs. Therefore adorning the textile eg soap acces-sory is both functional as it takes the role of the washcloth, and sufficiently refined (lace) to seduce the consumer.

Finally to complete these short productions I have set up a trade mark to give an identity to my project.
The seduction of matter generates a natural emotion in humans, whether positive or negative. Here is the material itself reacts: its thermo chromatic paint, hit the man. Both are excited about.
Moult in connection with the various experimentation and to the skin. Also a cream that reveals a new skin is quite flattering.

The thought of Andrea Branzi seems to be a suitable reflection worn in my experiments with the aim to create a range with an authentic base and "ancestral" (glass) while retaining the notion of modernity. The homecoming, evoked by Heidegger, and my relationship with the skin, the animal with the move, being in the world and the need to design, estimate the material from the standard context, depersonalized, accumulated simplify , trivialized, standardized, codified the products .... These packagings are trying to embody in a seductive power that aspires to the lust of man interested.
Thus one could describe the design of the above "Lime Design" turned to the satisfaction of the artistic and cultural requirements, facing the "cool design" oriented industrial production and mass production.

Merci d'avance !!!!

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-04-2015 20:21


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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