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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide / idée de progrès
Message de loanoob posté le 16-04-2015 à 13:55:48 (S | E | F)
Passant l'épreuve orale de mon Bac d'anglais à la rentrée, j'aurais besoin d'aide pour ma synthèse sur la notion de progrès. Ayant des lacunes dans cette matière j'aimerais avoir un petit coup de main pour vérifier si mon texte ne présente pas d'erreurs.
En espérant que vous allez trouver un peu de temps pour me corriger, je vous remercie!

I am going to talk about the notion of progress. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: The idea of progress is the theory that the different advances in technology, science, and social organization can produce an improvement in the human condition. To illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about the medical progress. Does science always allow progress to improve? To find answers to this question I have chosen four documents: a text ‘’design your baby’’, two video of surrogate mother, the text ‘’My Sister’s Keeper’’. At first we’ll see that the science favours the cure of diseases or the procreation. And then we’ll see that the progress present ethical problems.

So, the medical progress presents a lot of advantages to cure diseases. For example the text B ‘’Design your baby’’ introduces Molly a teenager who was born with a rare disease and she was destined to die before the age of 7. But she was cure tanks to a bone marrow transplant from her brother Adam. So Adam was born to save his sister, he was a medicine baby. This story is interesting because Molly was the first child to be cured tanks to PGD (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis). So PGD is a technique which can cure severe illnesses and prolong the life of sick people. Then, the medical progress present advantage to favour procreation. The video ‘’Surrogate mother in India’’ introduces a Canadian woman who can’t have child with her husband. To remedy this problem she addresses to a surrogate mother in India. The embryo obtained from the genital parents is placed in the belly of the surrogate mother. She is going to carry the baby during nine month. After she gives the baby to the Canadian couple. So this progress is good because couple can have a baby and the surrogate mother have money to live correctly.

These two methods are very interesting because we can save lives and have a happy people but we’ll see that these two medicinal progress present limits.

The text ‘’My Sister’s Keeper’’ introduces a girl, Anna who wants to sue her parents because Anna is bound to save her little sister who has leukaemia APL. In deed because of medicinal progress Anna was born to help her sister. She was conceived in a test tube for that her genome is similar with the genome of her sister. So Anna can donate part of her body to keep her sister alive. She must give kidney, marrow for a transplant, granulocytes or peripheral blood stem cells. Anna does not agree and she wants to protect her body. But her parents don’t listen to him. The girl is very desesperate… So this story is similar with the previous document ‘’design your baby’’ but here we can see a problem. Anna becomes an object to cure her sister. I don’t agree! I am agree for one or two transplantations like for Molly and Adam but I think we can’t destroy a body to save an other person. I also think that the donor must agree with transplants. This is why we need regulation to continue to save lives without destroy other lives. Then, in the help for procreation, we can see too problems and ethical questions. The video ‘’A couple offered 10 000 $ to surrogate mum to abort baby’’ is a reportage: A journalist introduces the surrogate mother’s story where a couple would like give him 10 000 $ to abort baby because he presents defects like cleft palate. I think it is very horrible! A baby, even when he is a foetus, he is a human being. He isn’t an object disposable. So I am agree with this practice because couple can have a baby. But there are limits. The baby must be much desired; the couple mustn’t abandon the baby.

To conclude a can say that the medicinal progress is very effective. We can cure diseases, favour procreation: is very fantastic! But this progress present too limits: there are exploited bodies, baby abandoned. We should keep in mind that the medicinal progress isn’t like the technological progress: we use human being, we need to be careful.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-04-2015 18:43

Réponse: Aide / idée de progrès de here4u, postée le 16-04-2015 à 14:12:07 (S | E)
Hello !

I am going to talk about the notion of progress. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: The idea of progress is the theory that the different advances in technology, science, and social organization can produce an improvement in the human condition. To illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about the medical progress. Does science always allow progress to improve? To find answers to this question I have chosen four documents: a text ‘’design your baby’’, two video of surrogate mother, the text ‘’My Sister’s Keeper’’. At first we’ll see that the science favours the cure of diseases or the procreation. And then we’ll see that the progress present ethical problems.

So, the medical progress presents a lot of advantages to cure diseases. For example the text B ‘’Design your baby’’ introduces Molly a teenager who was born with a rare disease and she was destined to die before the age of 7. But she was cure tanks to a bone marrow transplant from her brother Adam. So?? Adam was born to save his sister, he was a medicine baby. This story is interesting because Molly was the first child to be cured tanks to PGD (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis). So PGD is a technique which can cure severe illnesses and prolong the life of sick people. Then, the medical progress present advantage to favour procreation. The video ‘’Surrogate mother in India’’ introduces a Canadian woman who can’t have child with her husband. To remedy this problem she addresses to a surrogate mother in India. The embryo obtained from the genital???(biological?) parents is placed in the belly of the surrogate mother.(very clumsy ...) She is going to carry the baby during nine month. After she gives the baby to the Canadian couple. So this progress is good because XXX couple can have a baby and the surrogate mother have money to live correctly.

These two methods are very interesting because we can save lives and have a happy people but we’ll see that these two medicinal forms of progress present limits.

I have to stop now ...

Réponse: Aide / idée de progrès de loanoob, postée le 17-04-2015 à 09:44:22 (S | E)
Merci ! J'attends la suite


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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