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Correction/high positions

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Correction/high positions
Message de trauzeur posté le 18-04-2015 à 12:12:57 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous.
pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît à corriger ce devoir?
Merci d'avance.

Nowadays in most companies, high-level positions are filled by men even though women make up more than 50 per cent of the workforce. Certainly a lot have been done to give women as much chances as men in the business world. Some critics think that companies should be required to allocate a certain percentage of these high positions to women. Nevertheless, it is important to highlight the fact that, this is a point which should be put into perspective. In this essay, we shall be arguing the point in all its criteria.

More and more these days, we see women hold high-level positions in our companies as opposed to in ancient times. Things have certainly improved in order to give women and men equal rights as men in society. Although some say women should be allocated a certain amount of percentage in high level positions in companies, we think this resolution will not help at all the society to grow properly.
Firstly, we personally think that things should be addressed according the ability or skills of a person. Most companies are ruled with these principles. Allocating a certain percentage to a category of people will not help. Therefore, it really is a matter of competence that matters the most.
Secondly, there are some jobs or tasks that women or men cannot do vice versa.It has been proven that men are better than women at skilled jobs. You will not see a woman as a carpenter, a brick layer or a manager of carpentrybecause, those jobs require a lot of physicalforce. At the same time, women have a natural ability to do certain things
without making any effort. It is a kind of a natural talent. For instance babysitting. Also, you have women who handle big industries of fashion although sometimes there tends to be men but overall, women and more present in this area than men because there are simply good at it.

To sum up, allocating a certain percentage to women on high level positions in companies seems not to be the best idea for a well-structured society which is ruled permanently by the competence. Furthermore, it is capital to point out the natural abilities of men and women which should be taken into consideration when it comes to a particular job. As the bible says, let’s just give to Cesar’s what is Cesar’s; but when it comes to a job where men and women can compete, let’s just give them both, the same chances.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-04-2015 12:53


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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