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Oral/Lieux et pouvoir

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral/Lieux et pouvoir
Message de romain774 posté le 19-04-2015 à 12:32:05 (S | E | F)
Je passe l'épreuve d'expression orale du Bac d'anglais à la rentrée, et j'ai fini ma synthèse pour la notion "Lieux et formes du pouvoir"; cependant j'aimerais savoir s'il y a des fautes de grammaire, d'orthographe etc. Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider s'il a le temps... merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

Introduction :
We studied the theme of “Places and Forms of Power ”. First of all I would like to give a definition of Power .The power is the ability to exercise a control on somebody, but leads generally to conflict between those who have power and those who don't. We analyzed the film “American History X” by Tony Kaye and a text “Very Hellish Journey” of the magazine Newsweek. The documents that we studied in class show us the different forms of power.
We asked ourselves if power is permanent and situations of power can turn around

In a first part, I will talk about an American Story between Jay Dobyns and the gang “Hells Angels” .Then in a second part, I will talk about of movie “American History X”

On the one hand, Jay Dobyns is a policeman who want undercover and integrated the Hells Angels gangs. His mission was to infiltrate the gang and arrest some of its members. To believed by the gang, he stayed a fake crime and changed his physical appearance by getting more tattooes and rings. The Operation lasted 2 years, from 2001 to 2003 andwas a success, since 52 people we arrested for racheteering and murder. Jay Dobyn's was considered as a hero because he had taken the power over the Hells Angels but there is a reversal of situation. Indeed, after the operation Jay Dobyns became a man wanted by gang, his house was on fire and consequences on his family. Jay Dobyns family's change identities and house to avoid reprisals , he has regrets and feel guilty to have participated in this operation.

On the other hand, “American History X” is the story of 2 brothers, Derek and Danny Vinyard who live in Los Angeles, were rival gangs fight to get control of the area. Derek the big brother is a racist skinhead his gang terrorized immigrants in the neighborhood. He killed 2 black men from a rival gang and got 3 years in prison. But there is a reversal of situation in jail, his black celmate Lamont tells Derek that Derek is “the nigger”, not him. It means that Derek doesn't have any power and is not protected by his gangin jail. Finaly, the prison is revelation for Derek after jail he respects Lamont even if he's black. Lamont impresses and became Derek friend's, who decides to leave his Neo-Nazi gang and become a new man.

Conclusion :
To concluse, the power is not permanent and can change hands. Indeed, Jay Dobyn's has the power over the Hells Angels then there was a reversal of situation : he is wanted by the Gang. In the movie Derek became a new man and that racism is useless thanks to the prison.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-04-2015 12:38


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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