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Oral/ Idea of progress

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Oral/ Idea of progress
Message de sebea27 posté le 20-04-2015 à 17:41:24 (S | E | F)
Je prépare mon oral de Bac en anglais. Pouvez-vous, s'il vous plaît, m'aider à corriger mon exposé et me dire ce que vous en pensez?
Merci beaucoup d'avance.

I’m going to talk about the “Idea of progress”. First of all, I would like to give a definition of this notion: The idea of progress is the theory that development improves our quality of life. However, sometimes progress causes more problems than it solves. I would like to speak about problems of consumer society which preoccupy us. To illustrate this theme I have chosen three documents we studied in class. I intend to explain how the development of ways of consumption has changed the consumers’ bahaviour. I’m going to present, at first, the new shopping habits, and then, the excesses they brought about.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the ways of shopping have greatly evolved, so the consumption habits have changed. We studied an audio document on a woman’s and a man’s shopping habits. The woman usually goes to supermarket once a week and she sometimes goes to shops, whereas the man buys only online. Indeed, supermarkets and large shopping malls have increased, so people go shopping less and less in shops or market. Nowadays, people even buy staying at home with shop in TV and online shopping. With the development of Internet, more and more people prefer doing shopping on line because they have access to a very extensive range of items that they can compare prices and they prefer being delivered at home. So online shopping is becoming more and more popular.

However, these new ways of consumption have changed the shoppers’ behaviour and can make them in danger.
With a video untitled “Retailers use new tactics for Black Friday”, we saw that the shoppers do anything to get better deals. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving and marks the beginning of the sales season in the USA. Before Christmas, the shoppers do research online of goods at sale price. On Friday, the crowd waits from 5 a.m. the shop opened and they are completely in frenzy when they rush in the stores. This day, thousands people go to shopping mall, so it’s the most important shopping day and retailers use strategy to catch more and more customers.
But these factors generate serious problems because people are becoming addicted to shopping and do compulsive spending which can get them into debt. We studied the document “Shopaholics Anonymous”. It’s a letter write by a woman who has been shopaholics for almost thirty years. She’s grateful to Terry who helped her to be less compulsive when she was scared and completely desperate.

To conclude, the development of ways of consumption is a progress that can improve the condition of life but has also limits. On the one hand, the development of large shopping malls and Internet makes easier and faster the shopping, but on the other hand, he generates a consumer society which favours compulsive spending and addiction.

Edited by lucile83 on 20-04-2015 17:51


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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