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Idea of progress /aide

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Idea of progress /aide
Message de faquin posté le 25-04-2015 à 13:24:55 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
serait-il possible que quelqu'un corrige ou annote ma synthèse pour l'oral de LV1 ?
Je vous remercie par avance,

In order to illustrate the notion of « The idea of progress », we chose to dwell on the social entity that is the family. Some decide to define family as « a social unit where the father is concernes with parking space, the kids with outer space, and the mother with closet space », but this definition has evolved continually since WWII.
Thus, we will ask how did the family evolved and what are now its characteristics ?
We can now observe three main types of family : traditional nuclear families, modern families and modern families which has known scourges.

The traditional nuclear family
This type of family having been the preponderant type of family for many years, it does illustrate the notion in the text book. As we can see on the painting realized by Norman Rockwell in 1943, in full WWII, the family was at the time more a family cell. This vision seems idealistic and utopian, but it embodies the american family ideal. The more the family was united and the better this family as seen by american. But Kathy Henry proves it in his article entitled « Ezine @****pour votre sécurité, les adresses emails sont interdites sur le site, merci de communiquer par messages internes****
american authorities made everything to form the nuclear family : the man was the chief of the family, bringing money but letting others waiting on him. The wife, had to stay at home, in order to all the demeaning works They weren’t fully-fledged citizens, since the society didn’t afford them to get a job or to be independent. The painting by Rockwell consequently seems to be a kind of propaganda. In her autobiography, Margaret Dilloway, who grew up in a typical american nuclear family, denounces the fact that her mother and her were tied to the sink and unfairly let in ignorance. It was easier then for the authorities to keep women under control.

The evolution
However, women couldn’t bear to stay under the sway of their husband anymore and the family cell has significantly evolved. In a few decades, the family went from an extreme to another. There article entitled « The gay divide » published in the Economist tends to prove that gay couples now have the right to wed and to found a family. On the one hand, many people think that gay just acquired a legitimate right, but many conservative think that a gay couple can’t correctly raise a child. However, there has been other types of changement , such as the fact that women could afford a job, as Steven Mintz writes it in his « History of private life » : the society remains divided : thus who are for the nuclear family and those who would like to see laxer family unit, with a women’s liberation. Roles are no shared, women are no longer under the sway of men.

The scourges
We can assume that the family evolution has been too fast, and many families didn’t achieve to adapt to the new ideal of society. As the picture on the page 85 shows it, many families became caricatures and many children has now to evolve in single-parent families or in step family. Those families are more and more numerous and some sociologists advocate a back to basics.

As a conclusion, we can assume that the family cell was greatly modified during just half a century. There were both great and damaging after effects. But after, it may be a blessing in disguise.

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-04-2015 13:28


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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