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Correction /critique livre

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /critique livre
Message de saku posté le 28-04-2015 à 12:11:55 (S | E | F)
je dois rédiger une critique littéraire pour mon cours d'anglais. Pourriez-vous corriger mes quelques fautes s'il vous plait ?
“Fifty shades of Grey” an overestimated book

When I read this book, I was astounded! Writing is more simplistic, I had the feeling that this story was written by a girl of fourteen years old. I noticed a lot of repetitions during the description of sexual debates : I climax and splinter into a million pieces. In addition, characters look like those of Twilight (C.f : Twilight literary criticism), E. L. James just seems to have changed their names! We can immediately remark that Christian Grey is Edward Cullen with his physical and his personalty. If we take an excerpt in each of novels, we can see that these characters are identical: “a messy mop of copper” (Twilight) and “unruly dark copper-colored hair and intense” (Fifty shades). And it is the same for all characters! Jose is Jacob and, of course, Anastasia is Bella.
If we focus now on this one, we discover that the protagonist is the least similar to the reader. Also, I find she is extremely irritating!
First, Anastasia gives her virginity to a stranger. Why? Christian Grey is his first boyfriend and she wouldn't be too quick in her love relationships. Did she really no respect for herself?!
Secondly, Anastasia loves him because he is beautiful and rich! "No man has ever affected me the way Christian Grey has, and I cannot fathom why. Is it his looks? His civility? Wealth? Power?"
Thirdly, She agree to degrade to an object. Certainly she refused to approve their contract but Christian tries to curb her and she lets do it with pleasure. I have nothing against BDSM yet true love is based on mutual respect. The story could be more romantic and erotic if it were a loving couple who discovered this sexual practice. There, I really had the impression of watching a pornographic movie!
Finaly, Anastasia is so stupid to stay with an asshole who dares to to cry from the beginning of their relationship!
The only good point in all this is that Anastasia leaves Christian at the end of the novel. Unfortunately, the other two suites indicate this false joy.
To conclude, the saddest part of the Fifty shades of Grey's success is an awful lot of teenage girls read it and it rejects them a bad image of women.

Merci beaucoup. ^^'

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-04-2015 13:07


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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