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Bac/lieux et pouvoir

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac/lieux et pouvoir
Message de marie1010 posté le 29-04-2015 à 15:46:49 (S | E | F)
j'espere que quelqu'un pourra m'aider s'il vous plait.
Merci pour vos réponses.

Why has America always needed to find scapegoats ?
On the one hand we see the causes of this need, and secondly we will see the consequences
In the document « Puritanims in 17th century New England » nous avons vue que Puritanims in NE was based on a very strict moral code and a denial of physical and social pleasures such as dancing, card playing or holiday celebrations, which were regarded as sinful. The puritans strict moralistic views towards marriage and adultery were important in maintening order in their society.
Moreover in the document «  The Witches of salem » a group of girl from Salem, Massachusetts, became strangely ill, starting with convulsion, fever, visions. There were accused of being under the influence of the devil and accused of witchcraft, from there a witch hunting began.
The consequences of its events that are everybody accused himself. During the McCarthyism, it's a practice which happened in 1950, where poeple were accused of some communists act without any evidence. Celebrities have been accused and they were put on a blacklist because they could transmit their ideology through film, 10 people were put in the " Hollywood Ten " because they refused the interview
In the document « Bad for us », happens after the attack on Pearl Harbor, for the american citizens, all the Japanese were guilty and somehow conected with the evil doings of the Japanese military forces.
In conclusion, I would say that the Americans have always needed to scapegoats surely to feel superior to others

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-04-2015 17:17

Réponse: Bac/lieux et pouvoir de gerondif, postée le 29-04-2015 à 23:25:30 (S | E)
là aussi,je trouve que vous alignez des phrases d'ailleurs assez correctes mais sans trop argumenter ou démontrer.

Why has America always needed to find scapegoats ?
On the one hand, we will see the causes of this need, and secondly we will see the consequences
In the document « Puritanims in 17th century New England » nous avons vue que(à traduire!) Puritanims in NE was based on a very strict moral code and a denial of physical and social pleasures such as dancing, card playing or holiday celebrations, which were regarded as sinful. The Puritans' strict moralistic views towards marriage and adultery were important in maintening order in their society.

Moreover in the document « The Witches of Salem » a group of girls from Salem, Massachusetts, became strangely ill, starting with convulsion, fever, visions. There were accused of being under the influence of the devil and accused of witchcraft, from there, a witch hunting began.

The consequences of itsthese events were that everybody accused himself.(ils s'accusent eux-mêmes ou l'un l'autre? si c'est l'un l'autre, mettez each other ou one another) During the McCarthyism, it's a practice which happened in 1950, where poeple were accused of some communists acts without any evidence. Celebrities have been (mettez plutôt were) accused and they were put on a blacklist because they could transmit their ideology through films, 10 people were put in the " Hollywood Ten " because they refused the interview.
In the document « Bad for us », which happens after the attack on Pearl Harbor, for the american citizens, all the Japanese were guilty and somehow connected with the evil doings of the Japanese military forces.
In conclusion, I would say that the Americans have always needed to find scapegoats, surely(mettez plutôt probably, ou certainly) to feel superior to others.

Réponse: Bac/lieux et pouvoir de marie1010, postée le 30-04-2015 à 11:54:05 (S | E)
Merci encore pour la correction
et oui ils s'accusent entre eux


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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