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Bac/Idea of Progress

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Bac/Idea of Progress
Message de quent posté le 30-04-2015 à 16:56:10 (S | E | F)
Bonjour ,
élève de Terminale , je vais bientôt passer mon oral d'expression en anglais , pouvez-vous corriger mes fautes d'orthographe sur mon texte que je vais présenter pour la notion " Idea of Progress"? Merci pour vos réponses.

So , i’m going to present you the notion «  idea of progress ». First , i will make a definition.The idea of progress basically consist in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, sciences, technology medical and liberty who changes the social customs.But the progress can’t be only good , sometimes that can be a bad progress.The progresses make certain concerns on the consequences of this progress , for exemple the social network , how they changed our relationship with the others.So we will talk about if today ’s India can be considered like a modern country , who is a good exemple of « Idea of progress ». First we will talk about the many problem present in India since the 19’s then in the second time we will present the new politic in India ,we will conclude if India progress thanks to the mondialisation.

On the one hand, since 19’s India is confronted of a gendercide , the women at birth are kill by murder because for somebody in India , il you have a girl , it’s bad because she will can’t help when she is going to be adult to the business of the family and because have a soon is financially more attractive so the problem is that Male-dominate society. Then India is qualifie like multi-language country because she is composite of different languages and Religion but dominated by Hindi the most widely-spoken language in India and Hinduism considered like an old religion who represent 80% of the followers in India which is a problem , because they can’t communicate efficacy. And to conclude, the cast system composite of oh state of thriving , state of suffering and state struggling is a big problem for India , because only Rich people progress in the society and so the inequalities are more and more important in India.

on the other hand, since the 20 centuries , thanks to mondialisation , a new politic start in India Which is going to revolutionize the India economy , one of the most invention is the micro-credit! What is the microcredit ? the micro-credit is a new politic create for help the poor population to create their business , in the form of small loans given by the bank , after the family have to rend the money.But sometimes the problem is that the money who is given by the bank are used for buy food because they don’t have a lot of money for survive…Then the India economy changed , the services are most important sector than industry and agriculture in 2014 in India , also farm giving way to factories.

In the third time , thanks to the mondialisation , many things changed , for example the population growth , the population increased by four and she could overtake the population of china by 2030 , nowadays India is considered now like a fast growing country. Then since the 19’s the students had to leave India to be able to find a work but now thanks to mondialisation India is more attractive , so the population don’t need to leave India to found a job. Then thanks to the various progress the mentalities are changed in India , there is a new state of mind. Different high-tech cities make their appearance in the globalization like Mumbai in India.

to as a conclusion, after the 1942 , years of the independent India , there was many problem , but thanks to the globalization , india changed his economy and politic , the state of mind change , mentalities changed too , and now we can say that India is a country who take part of the globalization , for example 70 % of business of spices is made by India. Also if we make a conclusion , india can be considered like a modern country because She lowered her disparities but But there are always some disparities but less.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-04-2015 17:34


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