Oral/Mythes et héros
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Message de ragga posté le 02-05-2015 à 12:48:06 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
J'aimerais qu'une personne m'aide à corriger mes fautes pour mon oral d'anglais qui approche à grand pas.
Merci pour les éventuelles réponses.
Myths and Heroes
I'm going to talk about the notion Myths and Heroes. First of all, i would give a definition of this notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model icon. I'm going to talk about the song by James Brown who lets guess that the simple man can have a heroic dimension and that the World is a Male-Dominated. Likewise, I'm going to talk about an article who praised the italian househusbands published in the Christian Science monitor. Thus, with these documents, we can ask in what the man can be considered as a hero despite the fact he has no superpowers. Firstly, we will see that the heroic dimension in a man is multi-faceted thanks to his brain, knowledge. Secondly, we will see the evolution of the traditional role at house with the case of the Italian househusbands who carried an important role in the evolution of the house chores.
The famous song by James Brown "This is a Man's World" sounds like a general truth, man stands on a pedestal, he has a heroic dimension and rules the world. We understand that the author is praising man. Man is an engineer, a pioneer, an inventor, he invented trains, boat to makes our livres easier. Man made great scientific discoveries such as electricity thanks to his brain, intelligence. Those discoveries aim at improving our daily lives and that's why we can say that the Man is a hero. In the music, there is a metaphor to describe Man's statuts, he takes us out of the dark, which means that Man guides people to achieve knowledge.
Likewise, Man is seen like a hero at home, he is a father figure for his children, a role model. He is loving, caring, and his children admire him. He gets up every day to earn money, he is the breadwinner of his family, he is responsible of the happiness of his children and his wife. Man seems to be flawless, he is perfect. However, we have study that man is doomed to wander aimlessly on earth without a women who can gives meaning to his life. "He is lost in bitterness"
The word househusband is quite new, the feminine equivalent housewife is more common. This new word reflects changes happening within the Italian society. The relationship between mens and women are evolving at home, with more Italians men choosing to become a househusband.
Usually, men are more likely to keep the car in good condition and do the yard work. They are performed outside the household contrary to women who are more likely to perform household chores such as cleaning the house, doing laundry. The house husband is weird, this change in gender role is unexpected because Italy is usually regarded as a macho land. However, Fiorenzo Bresciani is proud of being househusband, happy to wear aprons as a housekeeper, he performs all the housework while his wife is working outside the home. When she comes back home, dinner is ready for her. These men contribute to involve a change in the traditionnal role and that's why there are heroes.
Conclude :
As a conclusion, we have seen that Man can be considered as a hero, he aims at improving our lives easier or the support his family of being the breadwinner or doing the housework.
Modifié par lucile83 le 02-05-2015 14:17
Message de ragga posté le 02-05-2015 à 12:48:06 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
J'aimerais qu'une personne m'aide à corriger mes fautes pour mon oral d'anglais qui approche à grand pas.
Merci pour les éventuelles réponses.
Myths and Heroes
I'm going to talk about the notion Myths and Heroes. First of all, i would give a definition of this notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model icon. I'm going to talk about the song by James Brown who lets guess that the simple man can have a heroic dimension and that the World is a Male-Dominated. Likewise, I'm going to talk about an article who praised the italian househusbands published in the Christian Science monitor. Thus, with these documents, we can ask in what the man can be considered as a hero despite the fact he has no superpowers. Firstly, we will see that the heroic dimension in a man is multi-faceted thanks to his brain, knowledge. Secondly, we will see the evolution of the traditional role at house with the case of the Italian househusbands who carried an important role in the evolution of the house chores.
The famous song by James Brown "This is a Man's World" sounds like a general truth, man stands on a pedestal, he has a heroic dimension and rules the world. We understand that the author is praising man. Man is an engineer, a pioneer, an inventor, he invented trains, boat to makes our livres easier. Man made great scientific discoveries such as electricity thanks to his brain, intelligence. Those discoveries aim at improving our daily lives and that's why we can say that the Man is a hero. In the music, there is a metaphor to describe Man's statuts, he takes us out of the dark, which means that Man guides people to achieve knowledge.
Likewise, Man is seen like a hero at home, he is a father figure for his children, a role model. He is loving, caring, and his children admire him. He gets up every day to earn money, he is the breadwinner of his family, he is responsible of the happiness of his children and his wife. Man seems to be flawless, he is perfect. However, we have study that man is doomed to wander aimlessly on earth without a women who can gives meaning to his life. "He is lost in bitterness"
The word househusband is quite new, the feminine equivalent housewife is more common. This new word reflects changes happening within the Italian society. The relationship between mens and women are evolving at home, with more Italians men choosing to become a househusband.
Usually, men are more likely to keep the car in good condition and do the yard work. They are performed outside the household contrary to women who are more likely to perform household chores such as cleaning the house, doing laundry. The house husband is weird, this change in gender role is unexpected because Italy is usually regarded as a macho land. However, Fiorenzo Bresciani is proud of being househusband, happy to wear aprons as a housekeeper, he performs all the housework while his wife is working outside the home. When she comes back home, dinner is ready for her. These men contribute to involve a change in the traditionnal role and that's why there are heroes.
Conclude :
As a conclusion, we have seen that Man can be considered as a hero, he aims at improving our lives easier or the support his family of being the breadwinner or doing the housework.
Modifié par lucile83 le 02-05-2015 14:17
Réponse: Oral/Mythes et héros de ragga, postée le 12-05-2015 à 19:26:20 (S | E)
Un petit up, si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider s'il vous plaît ce serait formidable. Merci d'avance
Réponse: Oral/Mythes et héros de gerondif, postée le 12-05-2015 à 22:47:21 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en rouge.
Myths and Heroes
I'm going to talk about the notion Myths and Heroes. First of all, I would like to give a definition of this notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model icon. I'm going to talk about the song by James Brown who lets guess that the simple man can have a heroic dimension and that the World is a Male-Dominated. Likewise, I'm going to talk about an article who(article n'est pas un humain) praised the italian househusbands published in the Christian Science monitor. Thus, with these documents, we can ask in what( to what extent serait moins bricolé) the man can be considered as a hero despite the fact he has no superpowers. Firstly, we will see that the heroic dimension in a man is multi-faceted thanks to his brain, knowledge. Secondly, we will see the evolution of the traditional role at house(house ou home??) with the case of the Italian househusbands who carried(transporter ne convient pas) an important role in the evolution of the house chores.
The famous song by James Brown "This is a Man's World" sounds like a general truth, (j'aurais mis men au pluriel, une généralité)man stands on a pedestal, he has a heroic dimension and rules the world. We understand that the author is praising man. Man is an engineer, a pioneer, an inventor, he invented trains, boat to makes our livres easier. Man made great scientific discoveries such as electricity thanks to his brain, intelligence. Those discoveries aim at improving our daily lives and that's why we can say that the Man is a hero. In the music, there is a metaphor to describe Man's statuts, he takes us out of the dark, which means that Man guides people to achieve knowledge.
Likewise, Man is seen like(like ou as??) a hero at home, he is a father figure for his children, a role model. He is loving, caring, and his children admire him. He gets up every day to earn money, he is the breadwinner of his family, he is responsible of the happiness of his children and his wife. Man seems to be flawless, he is perfect. However, we have study(participe passé) that man is doomed to wander aimlessly on earth without a women(singulier!) who can gives meaning to his life. "He is lost in bitterness"
The word househusband is quite new, the feminine equivalent housewife is more common. This new word reflects changes happening within the Italian society. The relationship between mens(aïe! 1 man 2 men) and women are evolving at home, with more Italians men choosing to become a househusband.
Usually, men are more likely to keep the car in good condition and do the yard work (the gardening est quand même plus courant). They are performed outside the household contrary to(ne convient pas, mettez unlike) women who are more likely to perform household chores such as cleaning the house, doing laundry. The house husband is weird, this change in gender role is unexpected because Italy is usually regarded as a macho land. However, Fiorenzo Bresciani is proud of being a househusband, happy to wear aprons as a housekeeper, he performs (does est plus courant) all the housework while his wife is working outside the home. When she comes back home, dinner is ready for her. These men contribute to involve(plutôt provoquer qu'impliquer) a change in the traditionnal role and that's why there are heroes.
to conclude :
As a conclusion, we have seen that Man can be considered as a hero, he aims at improving our lives easier (améliorer nos vies plus faciles ne veut rien dire, soit vous dites, rendre plus facile, soit vous dites améliorer)or the support(se re raccroche pas à he aims at + ing) his family of being the breadwinner or doing the housework.
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