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Oral/lieu et forme de pouvoir

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral/lieu et forme de pouvoir
Message de lili2797 posté le 02-05-2015 à 14:35:46 (S | E | F)
Je suis actuellement en Terminale et je prépare mes oraux de langue. Voici celui sur le thème "Lieux et Formes de pouvoir".
Pourriez-vous le corriger et m'indiquer mes erreurs ?
Merci d'avance.

“I am no racialist and detest racialism, because I regard it as a barbaric thing, whether it comes from a black man or white man” Nelson Mandela.
This quote represents really well the notion of “Places and forms of power”.
In this notion we will speak about South Africa and it’s history with the Apartheid and the action of Nelson Mandela.
First we will speak about the South Africa and the Apartheid.
In a second part we will speak about the action of Nelson Mandela.
Problem: Where is the power in South Africa during the Apartheid and how can we resist to it?
South Africa, has a very rich culture with a population very diverse blacks and white people, different languages, there are eleven languages; Afrikaans, English, Northern Sotho … This incredible diversity of culture gave birth to many racial conflicts, for example white rebellion that we studied in class in an oral comprehension and the birth of the Apartheid. This politic is the consequence of the historic anxiety of the Afrikaners, to be submerged by the multitude of the surrounding black population.
The Apartheid started in 1948 in South Africa. It was a system of racial segregation enforced by The National Party governments of South Africa. Under witch the rights of majority ‘non-white’ inhabitants of South Africa were minimised and white supremacy and Afrikaner minority rules was maintained. The Afrikaner-dominated National Party developed Apartheid after the World War II.
The four ideas that were at the heart of Apartheid in South Africa was:
• First, four different racial groups were created: for white people, coloured people, Indian and South African.
• The second was to established the superiority of the whites over the other groups
• The third set the priority of the whites interests witch were more important than the others.
• The fourth established the whites are the most important nation because the blacks wear spread into various groups according to their tribal and linguistic origins.
Blacks people are discriminated against. Many pubs, restaurant, areas… developed a special place for “non-white” people. The discrimination takes places in every sphere: juridical, political and economic.

In this second part we will speaks about the action of Nelson Mandela and the end of the Apartheid in South Africa. Nelson Mandela was a black political man who fights against the Apartheid during all his life. In 1943, he joins the ANC (African National Congress). In 1952 he was elected President of the ANC.
Nelson Mandela wished for a colour-blind society witch could be on an equal footing and in this point of view, no system should rely on hierarchy in classes of peoples. He thus preached equality and open-mindedness.
He was arrested in 1962 in a manifestation that fights against racial prejudices. Ten years later he was arrested after seventeen months of clandestinely and was imprisoned to the fort of Johannesburg.
In 1970 seventy blacks demonstrators were killed at Sharpeville and the ANC was banned. In 1991, the President South-African Frederik De Klerk announces the end of the Apartheid.

In conclusion, we can say that the Apartheid was a terrible period for South Africa. Nelson Mandela represents again today a symbol of the fight against the Apartheid.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-05-2015 14:51

Réponse: Oral/lieu et forme de pouvoir de laure95, postée le 03-05-2015 à 18:02:02 (S | E)
Voici des points à corriger:
I am no racialist and detest racialism, because I regard it as a barbaric thing, whether it comes from a black man or white man” Nelson Mandela (said).
This quote represents really well the notion of “Places and forms of power”.
In this notion we will speak about South Africa and it’s history with the Apartheid and the action of Nelson Mandela.
First we will speak about the South Africa and the Apartheid.
In a second part we will speak about the action of Nelson Mandela.
Problem: Where is (temps) the power in South Africa during the Apartheid and how can we resist to it?
South Africa, has a very rich culture with a population very diverse blacks and white people, different languages, there are eleven languages; Afrikaans, English, Northern Sotho … This incredible diversity of culture gave birth to many racial conflicts, for example (the)white rebellion that we studied in class in an oral comprehension and the birth of the Apartheid. This politic(s) is the consequence of the historic anxiety of the Afrikaners, to be submerged by the multitude of the surrounding black population.
The Apartheid started in 1948 in South Africa. It was a system of racial segregation enforced by The National Party governments of South Africa. Under witch the rights of majority ‘non-white’ inhabitants of South Africa were minimised and white supremacy and Afrikaner minority rules was maintained. The Afrikaner-dominated National Party developed Apartheid after the World War II.
The four ideas that were at the heart of Apartheid in South Africa was (conjugaison):
• First, four different racial groups were created: for white people, coloured people, Indian (people)and South African (people).
• The second was to established the superiority of the whites over the other groups
• The third set the priority of the whites interests witch (orthogtaphe) were more important than the others.
• The fourth established the whites are (temps) the most important nation because the blacks wear spread into various groups according to their tribal and linguistic origins.
Blacks people are (temps) discriminated against. Many pubs, restaurant (pluriel), areas… developed a special place for “non-white” people. The discrimination takes (temps) places in every sphere: juridical, political and economic.

In this second part we will speaks about the action of Nelson Mandela and the end of the Apartheid in South Africa. Nelson Mandela was a black political man who fights (temps) against the Apartheid during all his life. In 1943, he joins (temps) the ANC (African National Congress). In 1952 he was elected President of the ANC.
Nelson Mandela wished for a colour(ed)-blind society witch (orthographe) could be on an equal footing and in this point of view, no system should rely on hierarchy in classes of peoples. He thus preached equality and open-mindedness.
He was arrested in 1962 in a manifestation that fights (pas le bon temps) against racial prejudices. Ten years later he was arrested after seventeen months of clandestinely and was imprisoned to (pas la bonne préposition) the fort of Johannesburg.
In 1970 seventy blacks demonstrators were killed at(pas la bonne préposition) Sharpeville and the ANC was banned. In 1991, the President South-African (inverser les 2) Frederik De Klerk announces (pas le bon temps) the end of the Apartheid.

In conclusion, we can say that the Apartheid was a terrible period for South Africa. Nelson Mandela represents again today a symbol of the fight against the Apartheid.

fais attention aux temps que tu utilises!

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-05-2015 19:09
Pas de rouge sur le forum, merci.

Réponse: Oral/lieu et forme de pouvoir de lili2797, postée le 03-05-2015 à 19:03:40 (S | E)
Merci Laure95

Voici ma partie corrigée.

“I am no racialist and detest racialism, because I regard it as a barbaric thing, whether it comes from a black man or white man” Nelson Mandela said.
This quote represents really well the notion of “Places and forms of power”.
In this notion we will speak about South Africa and it’s history with the Apartheid and the action of Nelson Mandela.
First we will speak about South Africa and the Apartheid.
In a second part we will speak about the action of Nelson Mandela.

Problem: Where was the power in South Africa during the Apartheid and how can we resist it?
South Africa, has a very rich culture with a population very diverse blacks and white people, different languages, there are eleven languages; Afrikaans, English, Northern Sotho … This incredible diversity of culture gave birth to many racial conflicts, for example the white rebellion that we studied in class in an oral comprehension and the birth of the Apartheid. This politic is the consequence of the historic anxiety of the Afrikaners, submerged by the multitude of the surrounding black population.
The Apartheid started in 1948 in South Africa. It was a system of racial segregation enforced by The National Party governments of South Africa. Under witch the rights of majority ‘non-white’ inhabitants of South Africa were minimised and white supremacy and Afrikaner minority rules was maintained. The Afrikaner-dominated National Party developed Apartheid after World War II.
The four ideas that were at the heart of Apartheid in South Africa were:
• First, four different racial groups were created: white people, coloured people, Indian people and South African people.
• The second was to established the superiority of the whites over the other groups
• The third set the priority of the whites interests which were more important than the others.
• The fourth established the whites were the most important nation because the blacks were spread into various groups according to their tribal and linguistic origins.
Blacks people were discriminate against. Many pubs, restaurants, areas… developed a special place for “non-white” people.
The discrimination took places in every sphere: juridical, political and economic.

In this second part we will speaks about the action of Nelson Mandela and the end of the Apartheid in South Africa. Nelson Mandela was a black political man who fought against the Apartheid during all his life. In 1943, he joined the ANC (African National Congress). In 1952 he was elected President of the ANC.
Nelson Mandela wished for a coloured-blind society which could be on an equal footing and in this point of view, no system should rely on hierarchy in classes of peoples. He thus preached equality and open-mindedness.
He was arrested in 1962 in a manifestation that fought against racial prejudices. Ten years later he was arrested after seventeen months of underground and was imprisoned at the fort of Johannesburg.
In 1970 seventy blacks demonstrators were killed in Sharpeville and the ANC was banned. In 1991, the South-African President Frederik De Klerk announced the end of the Apartheid.

In conclusion, we can say that the Apartheid was a terrible period for South Africa. Nelson Mandela represents again today a symbol of the fight against the Apartheid.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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