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Oral /Flying

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral /Flying
Message de uzrok posté le 03-05-2015 à 17:58:28 (S | E | F)
Demain, j'ai un oral, et je doute de la grammaire de mon texte,
Je vous remercie d'avance si vous voulez bien corriger les quelques fautes qui y sont présentes, merci d'avance.

My hobby is aviation. I made my first flight in September and I'll do another one in June with a Pilot. I have an exam in May, Patent initiation to aviation, so I'm little stressed about, and if I suceed it I would get my first aviation certificate. I love airplaes, especially the gliders. I made aviation theory classes twice a month to pass the proficiency tests. There meteorology, and I like that, I find it interesting. I would like to do some aviation later. As a hobbie. It's interesting to study aerodynamics, the history of aviation, Nagivation, english aviation, gliders, physics and mechanical flight.
I was interested by aviation a year ago, with the airliners, that's why I did an intership at Airbus. I wanted to be an airline pilot, but my ophtalmologist told me that I can't, because I wear glasses.
I have other hobbies like video games on my computer.
And you, what is your hobby?

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-05-2015 18:14

Réponse: Oral /Flying de laure95, postée le 03-05-2015 à 18:08:57 (S | E)
My hobbie (orthographe) is aviation (flying). I made my first flight in September and I'll do another one in June with a Pilot. I have (temps) an exam in May, (a) Patent initiation to aviation, so I'm little stressed about (it), and if I suceed (orthographe)(in) it I would (il faut mettre le futur) get my first aviation certificate. I love airplaes (faute de frappe?), especially the gliders. I made (attended)aviation theory classes twice a month to pass (take) the proficiency tests. There meteorology, and I like that, I find it interesting. I would like to do some aviation (fly) later. As a hobbie. It's interesting to study aerodynamics, the history of aviation, Nagivation, english (majuscule) aviation, gliders, physics and mechanical flight.

I was inteterested by aviation a year ago, with the airliners, that's why i did an intership at Airbus. I wanted to be an airline pilot, but my ophtalmologist told me that I can't (passé), because I wear glasses.

I have other hobbies like video games on my computer.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-05-2015 18:12/FONT>
Pas de rouge sur le forum

Réponse: Oral /Flying de uzrok, postée le 03-05-2015 à 19:06:13 (S | E)
Je te remercie pour ta réponse,
J'ai par la suite corrigé mon texte, mais je reste dubitatif vis à vis de ma correction apportée par la suite :

My hobby is flying. I made my first flight in September and I'll do another one in June with a pilot. I have ( prochainement ) an exam in may : Patent initiation to aviation (Traduction de Brevet d'initiation à l'Aviation), so I'm little stressed about it, and if I succeed in I would ( Would est déjà au futur conditionnel ? ) get my first flight certificate. I love airplanes, especially fliders. I do aviation theory classes twice a month to take the proficiency tests. In the exam, they are meteorology, and I like that, I find it interesting. I would like to do some fly later. As a hobby. It's interesting to study aerodynamics, the history of aviation, navigation, English aviation, gliders, physics and mechanical flight.
I was interested by aviation ( Car c'est l'étude des avions en général ) a year ago, with the airliners, that's why I did an internship at Airbus. I wanted to be an airline pilot, but my ophtalmologist told me that I couldn't, because I wear glasses.
I have other hobbies like video games on my computer.

Réponse: Oral /Flying de uzrok, postée le 03-05-2015 à 20:35:19 (S | E)
Merci d'avance


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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