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Oral /Américanisation

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral /Américanisation
Message de pantalon posté le 04-05-2015 à 11:40:49 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous !
Je passe mon oral pour le Bac dans un mois et je voulais vérifier si mes fiches sont en anglais correct. Il y aura sûrement des fautes, mais je compte sur vous pour m'aider à les corriger ! Cela serait super sympa de votre part !

The American way of life
In politics and social sciences, power is the ability to influence people’s behaviour. It helps to create a social cohesion but can also lead conflicts and tensions. The USA represent a type of seats and form of power, because of their social expansion all around the world. It has always been an important economic country, but his way of life became a reference.
We will examine how did the American way of life was expanded through a first part with the expansion of the American’s economy and then we will talk about the Soft Power’s expansion.
Everybody knows that the USA is the most important power of the world. Indeed, the American GDP equals to the Japan, French, British and Deutsch one added. American firms are also very representative of the American power, they are a globalization symbol. Actually, among the two hundred first international firms, 97 of them are American one. It shows us how the American economy’s is leading.
The USA plays a crucial role in technology advances and in the third industrial revolution with the development of communication and socials networks. It’s a financial power too thanks to a significant influence on the WTO and a lot of listed companies. The USA is also one of the biggest military power in the world, they are associated with some countries with the OTAN in order to resist to enemies and to be more powerful. They are considered as the world police because of military bases deployed in the whole world.
The cultural wealth of the United States is due to a high immigration rate. Indeed, Hispanic and Asiatic people have an increasingly important part of the USA’s population: Hispanic people represents 16.3% of the population. It allows to have an important mixing of cultures. These immigrants go away from their countries because of different factors, the poverty is one of the most important because Mexicans for example dream of a better life just behind the Tortilla Curtain. The USA represents the richness, the glory and the guarantee to have a well-paid job, his own house, to have a better standard of living. It’s the occasion to have a new start.
The Americanization is a term which appeared in the nineteenth century in order to describe the American influence. It began with the Marshall Plan in which USA helped Europe after the WWII and thanks to this Plan, Americans benefit from a considerable prestige.
Nowadays, it’s essentially teenager who adopt the American way of life with new food and wearing habits. Media are the ones which spread around the American culture with Hollywood stars which are famous thanks to tabloids and also American films or music.
To sum up, we can note that the USA is a major actor in all the sectors, at the level of economy, military but also with the Soft Power because the United States succeeded to expand his vision of power, his way of life and in the whole world, the American power is a reference. This way of life has touched almost all developed countries like France but is expanding also through emerging countries as India, China…
It seems to be a reference in the whole world but, can we resist to this American way of life?

Merci d'avance !!!

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-05-2015 12:24

Réponse: Oral /Américanisation de notrepere, postée le 04-05-2015 à 14:46:53 (S | E)

The American way of life
In politics and social sciences, power is the ability to influence people’s behaviour. It helps to create a social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. The USA represent a type of seats and form of power, because of their social expansion all around the world. It has always been an important economic country, but his way of life became a reference.
We will examine how /did\ the American way of life was expanded first through an expansion of the American’s economy and then we will talk about the Soft Power’s expansion.
Everybody knows that the USA is the most important power of the world. Indeed, the American GDP is equal to the Japanese, French, British and Deutsch combined. American firms are also very representative of /the\ American power, they are a globalization symbol. Actually, among the two hundred first international firms, 97 of them are American /one\. It shows us how the American economy’s is leading.
The USA plays a crucial role in technology advances and in the third industrial revolution with the development of communication and socials networks. It’s a financial power too thanks to a significant influence on the WTO and a lot of listed companies. The USA is also one of the biggest military powers in the world, they are associated with some countries with the OTAN in order to resist /to\ enemies and to be more powerful. They are considered as the world police because of military bases deployed in the whole world.
The cultural wealth of the United States is due to a high immigration rate. Indeed, Hispanic and Asiatic people have an increasingly important part of the USA’s population: Hispanic people represents 16.3% of the population. It allows to have an important mixing of cultures. These immigrants go away from their countries because of different factors, /the\ poverty is one of the most important because Mexicans for example dream of a better life just behind the Tortilla Curtain . The USA represents the richness, the glory and the guarantee to have a well-paid job, one's own house, to have a better standard of living. It’s the occasion to have a new start.
/The\ Americanization is a term which appeared in the nineteenth century in order to describe the American influence. It began with the Marshall Plan in which the USA helped Europe after /the\ WWII and thanks to this Plan, Americans benefit from a considerable prestige.
Nowadays, it’s essentially teenagers who adopt the American way of life with new food and ways of dressing. The media are the ones which spread around the American culture with Hollywood stars which are famous thanks to tabloids and also American films or music.
To sum up, we can note that the USA is a major player in all the sectors, at the level of economy, military but also with the Soft Power because the United States succeeded to expand its vision of power, his way of life and in the whole world, /the\ American power is a reference. This way of life has touched almost all developed countries like France but is expanding also through emerging countries as India, China…
It seems to be a reference in the whole world but, can we resist /to\ this American way of life?

Réponse: Oral /Américanisation de pantalon, postée le 04-05-2015 à 16:43:13 (S | E)
Thank you very much !!

Réponse: Oral /Américanisation de notrepere, postée le 04-05-2015 à 18:34:23 (S | E)
You're welcome. I think our Mexico-America barrier wall is about as good as a "Tortilla Curtain". History has proven it.

Réponse: Oral /Américanisation de gerondif, postée le 04-05-2015 à 18:59:37 (S | E)
Hello, np,
thanks for that quote, I didn't know that novel, wikipedia gave me a good summary of it; Has the expression become synonymous with "une frontière passoire" , an inefficient barrier anybody can cross ?

Réponse: Oral /Américanisation de notrepere, postée le 05-05-2015 à 21:57:30 (S | E)
Hello, I didn't realize that it was referring to a book. I could only imagine some curtains made out of tortillas.


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