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Bac/Myths and heroes

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Bac/Myths and heroes
Message de carla96 posté le 08-05-2015 à 18:45:41 (S | E | F)
je sollicite votre aide pour m'aider à corriger l'oral que j'ai préparé sur la notion "Myths and heroes". Je vous en serais très reconnaissante.
En vous remerciant d'avance:

A hero is someone who does something brave, new and good and who is therefore admired by a lot of people. According to Bertolt Brecht, “Unhappy is the land without heroes”. It shows that the public desire for heroes-worship remains undiminished in all societies. But, becoming a hero seems to be easier nowadays than in the past.
How modern societies moved us away from traditional views of heroism and created new kinds of heroes and heroines?

To begin, when I imagine a traditional hero, I see a smart, fearless, skilful, bold…character. But I am aware that all these qualities can’t be all in one person, except for fictional characters. I will just focus on the 3 qualities which were mentioned in an entertaining cartoon we have talked about: loyalty, bravery and devotion to others. In reality, it’s the meeting of these qualities with an exceptional situation which makes him become a hero: he is a hero on the spur of the moment, this moment in which he sacrifices himself.
For example, we have talked about the heroes of WWI: these undaunted soldiers who always went ahead even if they could lose their life at any moment.
On a painting that we have studied, there were British soldiers who were groping their trench in order to attack the German lines during the battle of Cambrai. Winning this battle was a goal worth achieving. So, on the painting, they look like walking deads without a lot of hope of success. But these British soldiers and most of the ones of WWI showed courage, patriotism, self-sacrifice and thus heroism.
Of course, some of them didn’t agree with these values because, according to them, life is more important than anything else.
However, these ones were not the heroes that we still worship today. Indeed, the traditional heroes have left a legacy thanks to the values they embodied. Most of the time, this legacy is conveyed to give up the feeling of grief which is created by the awful events. So heroes, during the Commemorations, the Remembrance Day…, become symbols for a better future.
For instance, on the 11th September 2011, many firemen, policemen died when they were trying to save the casualties of the terrorist attacks. Barack Obama, each year, after paying tribute to them, presents one of the different aspects of this legacy they have left: for example, in 2010 it was the religious tolerance or in 2012: the unity of the country.
So, the traditional heroes set an example to their country.

However, societies evolve and people need to find new kind of heroes who are not admired because of their heroic deaths but thanks to their extraordinary life.
●So, there are the ones who dedicate their life to others. To my mind, Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg is a very good example. He is an American man who devote himself to helping children fighting against cancer. His own daughter died because of a leukemia and, instead of falling in depression and inactivity after that, he took advantage of this event to improve other children’s lives. He is a master in martial arts. So, he uses the breathing techniques and the positive spirit of this craft to make children feel better. Thanks to his moto “the pain is a message that you don’t have to listen to”, he has already helped more than 5000 children.
●The other new kind of heroes which arise is the people who came from a poor social background and, thanks to work and determination, meet the success.
They are called “self-made men”. But I have chosen an American self-made woman: Oprah Winfrey. She had a very difficult childhood: her family was poor, she was also beaten, victim of sexual assault. However, she got the strength to overcome this situation. Thanks to her eloquence, she appeared on TV shows and she began famous when she presented her own TV show: the Oprah Winfrey TV show, during 26 years. Nowadays, she is at the top of the corporate ladder that she has climbed: she is the richest African-American of the XXth century. So, she has shown that a woman can become richer and even more generous (because she is often involved in humanitarian actions) than many men, even if she started from scratch.

Of course, the histories of traditional and new kind of heroes are different. But they both have in common the possession of values that are not common in our society. They serve as symbols for the qualities we would like to have.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2015 18:48

Réponse: Bac/Myths and heroes de laure95, postée le 09-05-2015 à 18:21:05 (S | E)

To begin, when I imagine a traditional hero, I see (it looks like) a smart, fearless, skilful, bold…character.

For example, we have talked about the heroes of WWI: these (those) undaunted soldiers who always went ahead even if they could lose their life (à mettre au pluriel) at any moment.
On a painting that we have studied, there were British soldiers who were groping their trench (pluriel) in order to attack the German lines during the battle of Cambrai.

Of course, some of them didn’t agree with these values because, according to them, life is (temps) more important than anything else.

Most of the time, this legacy is conveyed to give up the feeling of grief which is created by the awful events.

For instance, on the 11th of September 2011, many firemen, policemen died when (while) they were trying to save the casualties of the terrorist attacks.

So, the traditional heroes set an example (pluriel) to their country

However, societies evolve and people need to find new kind of heroes who are not admired because of their heroic deaths but thanks to their extraordinary life(pluriel).

●He is an American man who devote (conjugaison) himself to helping (TO+INFINITIF) children fighting against cancer.

●The other new kind of heroes which arise (WHICH n'a pas pour antécédent une personne + pb de conjugaison) is the people who came from a poor social background and, thanks to work and determination, meet the success (succeed).

during (for) 26 years.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-05-2015 18:24
Bug couleur réparé

Réponse: Bac/Myths and heroes de carla96, postée le 09-05-2015 à 19:26:08 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide! J'ai bien tenu compte de vos remarques et cela donne ça: A hero is someone who does something brave, new and good and who is therefore admired by a lot of people. According to Bertolt Brecht, “Unhappy is the land without heroes”. It shows that the public desire for heroes-worship remains undiminished in all societies. But, becoming a hero seems to be easier nowadays than in the past.
How modern societies moved us away from traditional views of heroism and created new kinds of heroes and heroines?

To begin, when I imagine a traditional hero, it looks like a smart, fearless, skilful, bold…character. But I am aware that all these qualities can’t be all in one person, except for fictional characters. I will just focus on the 3 qualities which were mentioned in an entertaining cartoon we have talked about: loyalty, bravery and devotion to others. In reality, it’s the meeting of these qualities with an exceptional situation which makes him become a hero: he is a hero on the spur of the moment, this moment in which he sacrifices himself.
For example, we have talked about the heroes of WWI: those undaunted soldiers who always went ahead even if they could lose their lives at any moment.
On a painting that we have studied, there were British soldiers who were groping their trenches in order to attack the German lines during the battle of Cambrai. Winning this battle was a goal worth achieving. So, on the painting, they look like walking deads without a lot of hope of success. But these British soldiers and most of the ones of WWI showed courage, patriotism, self-sacrifice and thus heroism.
Of course, some of them didn’t agree with these values because, according to them, life was more important than anything else.
However, these ones were not the heroes that we still worship today. Indeed, the traditional heroes have left a legacy thanks to the values they embodied. Most of the time, this legacy is conveyed to give up the feeling of grief which is created by the awful events. So heroes, during the Commemorations, the Remembrance Day…, become symbols for a better future.
For instance, on the 11th of September 2011, many firemen, policemen died while they were trying to save the casualties of the terrorist attacks. Barack Obama, each year, after paying tribute to them, presents one of the different aspects of this legacy they have left: for example, in 2010 it was the religious tolerance or in 2012: the unity of the country.
So, the traditional heroes set examples to their country.

However, societies evolve and people need to find new kind of heroes who are not admired because of their heroic deaths but thanks to their extraordinary lives. ●So, there are the ones who dedicate their life to others. To my mind, Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg is a very good example. He is an American man who devotes himself to helping children fighting (j'attends votre reponse pour le changer) against cancer. His own daughter died because of a leukemia and, instead of falling in depression and inactivity after that, he took advantage of this event to improve other children’s lives. He is a master in martial arts. So, he uses the breathing techniques and the positive spirit of this craft to make children feel better. Thanks to his moto “the pain is a message that you don’t have to listen to”, he has already helped more than 5000 children.
●The other new kind of heroes who arises is the people who came from a poor social background and, thanks to work and determination, succeed.
They are called “self-made men”. But I have chosen an American self-made woman: Oprah Winfrey. She had a very difficult childhood: her family was poor, she was also beaten, victim of sexual assault. However, she got the strength to overcome this situation. Thanks to her eloquence, she appeared on TV shows and she began famous when she presented her own TV show: the Oprah Winfrey TV show, for 26 years. Nowadays, she is at the top of the corporate ladder that she has climbed: she is the richest African-American of the XXth century. So, she has shown that a woman can become richer and even more generous (because she is often involved in humanitarian actions) than many men, even if she started from scratch. Juste, excusez moi mais n'a t-on vraiment pas le droit de mettre le verbe à la forme ING après "to devote oneself to" comme je l'avais vu sur une feuille de vocabulaire? En vous remerciant encore, Carla.

Réponse: Bac/Myths and heroes de here4u, postée le 09-05-2015 à 23:59:13 (S | E)
Hello !

To begin, when I imagine a traditional hero, it looks like a smart, fearless, skilful, bold…character. But I am aware that all these qualities can’t be all in one person, except for fictional characters. I will just focus on the 3 qualities which were mentioned in an entertaining cartoon we have talked about: loyalty, bravery and devotion to others. In reality, it’s the meeting of these qualities with an exceptional situation which makes him become a hero: he is a hero on the spur of the moment, this moment in which(when) he sacrifices himself.
For example, we have talked about the heroes of WWI: those undaunted soldiers who always went ahead even if they could lose their lives at any moment.
On a painting that we have studied, there were British soldiers who were groping XX their trenches in order to attack the German lines during the battle of Cambrai. Winning this battle was a goal worth achieving. So, on the painting, they look like 'walking deads' without a lot of hope of success. But these British soldiers and most of the ones of WWI showed courage, patriotism, self-sacrifice and thus heroism.
Of course, some of them didn’t agree with these values because, according to them, life was more important than anything else.
However, these ones were not the heroes that we still worship today. Indeed, the traditional heroes have left a legacy thanks to the values they embodied. Most of the time, this legacy is conveyed to give up the feeling of grief which is created by the awful events. So heroes, during the Commemorations, the Remembrance Day…, become (word order) symbols for a better future.
For instance, on the 11th of September 2011, many firemen, policemen died while they were trying to save the casualties of the terrorist attacks. Barack Obama, each year, after paying tribute to them, presents one of the different aspects of this legacy they have left: for example, in 2010 it was the religious tolerance or in 2012: the unity of the country.
So, the traditional heroes set examples to their country.

However, societies evolve and people need to find new kind of heroes who are not admired because of their heroic deaths but thanks to their extraordinary lives. ●So, there are the ones who dedicate their life to others. To my mind, Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg is a very good example. He is an American (man) who devotes himself to helping children fighting (j'attends votre reponse pour le changer) against cancer. His own daughter died because of a leukemia and, instead of falling in depression and inactivity after that, he took advantage of this event to improve other children’s lives. He is a master in martial arts. So, he uses the breathing techniques and the positive spirit of this craft to make children feel better. Thanks to his moto “the pain is a message that you don’t have to listen to”, he has already helped more than 5,000 children.
●The other new kind of heroes who arises is the people who came from a poor social background and, thanks to work and determination, succeed.(word order)
They are called “self-made men”. But I have chosen an American self-made woman: Oprah Winfrey. She had a very difficult childhood: her family was poor, she was also beaten, XXX victim of sexual assault. However, she got the strength to overcome this situation. Thanks to her eloquence, she appeared on TV shows and she began famous when she presented her own TV show: the Oprah Winfrey TV show, for 26 years. Nowadays, she is at the top of the corporate ladder that she has climbed: she is the richest African-American (noun) of the XXth century. So, she has shown that a woman can become richer and even more generous (because she is often involved in humanitarian actions) than many men, even if she started from scratch.

Hope it will help!

Réponse: Bac/Myths and heroes de carla96, postée le 11-05-2015 à 13:24:10 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide! Avec les corrections cela donne donc:
To begin, when I imagine a traditional hero, he looks like a smart, fearless, skilful, bold…character. But I am aware that all these qualities can’t be all in one person, except for fictional characters. I will just focus on the 3 qualities which were mentioned in an entertaining cartoon we have talked about: loyalty, bravery and devotion to others. In reality, it’s the meeting of these qualities with an exceptional situation which makes him become a hero: he is a hero on the spur of the moment, this moment when he sacrifices himself.
For example, we have talked about the heroes of WWI: those undaunted soldiers who always went ahead even if they could lose their lives at any moment.
On a painting that we have studied, there were British soldiers who were groping XX their trenches in order to attack the German lines during the battle of Cambrai. Winning this battle was a goal worth achieving. So, on the painting, they look like 'walking deads' without a lot of hope of success. But these British soldiers and most of the ones of WWI showed courage, patriotism, self-sacrifice and thus heroism.
Of course, some of them didn’t agree with these values because, according to them, life was more important than anything else.
However, these ones were not the heroes that we still worship today. Indeed, the traditional heroes have left a legacy thanks to the values they embodied. Most of the time, this legacy is conveyed to give up the feeling of grief which is created by the awful events. So heroes become symbols for a better future during the Commemorations, Remembrance day...
For instance, on the 11th of September 2001, many firemen, policemen died while they were trying to save the casualties of the terrorist attacks. Barack Obama, each year, after paying tribute to them, presents one of the different aspects of this legacy they have left: for example, in 2010 it was about religious tolerance or in 2012: the unity of the country.
So, the traditional heroes set examples to their country.

However, societies evolve and people need to find new kind of heroes who are not admired because of their heroic deaths but thanks to their extraordinary lives. ●So, there are the ones who dedicate their lives to others. To my mind, Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg is a very good example. He is an American (man) who devotes himself to helping children to fight against cancer. His own daughter died because of a leukemia and, instead of falling in depression and inactivity after that, he took advantage of this event to improve other children’s lives. He is a master in martial arts. So, he uses the breathing techniques and the positive spirit of this craft to make children feel better. Thanks to his moto “pain is a message that you don’t have to listen to”, he has already helped more than 5,000 children.
●The other new kind of heroes who arise are the people who came from a poor social background and, thanks to work and determination, succeed.(word order)
They are called “self-made men”. But I have chosen an American self-made woman: Oprah Winfrey. She had a very difficult childhood: her family was poor, she was also beaten, she was victim of sexual assault. However, she got the strength to overcome this situation. Thanks to her eloquence, she appeared on TV shows and she began famous when she presented her own TV show: the Oprah Winfrey TV show, for 26 years. Nowadays, she is at the top of the corporate ladder that she has climbed: she is the richest African-American (noun) of the XXth century. So, she has shown that a woman can become richer and even more generous (because she is often involved in humanitarian actions) than many men, even if she started from scratch.


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