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Bac/Idea of progress

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Bac/Idea of progress
Message de carla96 posté le 11-05-2015 à 19:22:16 (S | E | F)
je reviens ici pour un autre thème pour lequel je pourrais être interrogé lors de mon oral de Bac : "The idea of progress". Cela serait très gentil de votre part si vous pouviez m'aider à corriger ce qui n'est pas correct. Je vous remercie d'avance.

The idea of progress consists in believing that the world, thanks to changes, can become better. It covers a multitude of issues but the one who affects us the most is the progress in technology which has changed our everyday lives. But nowadays the cult of technological novelty is questioned: there are advocates but also detractors of this kind of progress.
Is technological progress jeopardising our lives?

We can see positive aspects in the different fields concerned by technological breakthroughs.
Space is the first field I will speak about. The exploration of space allows us to unlock the mysteries of our universe. We have talked about Rosetta, a space craft which has realized an extraordinary feat: for the first time, a robot called Philae bounded on a comet and it discovered satellites turning around this comet. It’s the symbol of what technology is now able to do instead of Human himself because it would be too sophisticated or even too hazardous for him.
In the same idea, robots may also help humans on the earth avoiding them to perform too risky tasks. We have studied the story of the drug smuggling which is done in tunnels between the United States and Mexico. Up to now, it was the Customs agents who put their lives in danger when they tried to eradicate that. But robots have now taken their place.
These advances in technology haven’t the only goal to protect humans but they can also make their life more comfortable. For instance, nowadays there are important requests to assist elderly people in many countries where there is a shortage of nursing care workers. Here, technological progress appears: some robots are created to relieve the care staff. Pepper, a Japanese robot, is certainly the most developed. It has the power to adapt its behaviour according to the people around it. So, like a real companion, it will be useful for the elderly people but also for all the lonely ones who won’t have the feeling to be only with a device but with something which could understand them.

As you have certainly noticed, I have spoken a lot about robots because it’s really a controversial issue concerning progress: benefits are obvious but robots are also a subject of concerns and fear.
Concerning the social order, many people will isolate themselves because of devices like these robots. Some elderly people wait for their nursing care worker all day long and if this one is replaced with a robot, they lose all their links with the other people. So technological progress can lead to a lack of human relationships. It’s a little bit worrying…
Technological progress can also be harmful for our safety. For instance, drones have been recently seen over our nuclear plants, we don’t know who might be piloting these drones. But it could be a threat. Someone is spying us thanks to technological progress.
Moreover many people in the world live under the poverty line and some of them are starving. So we can wonder if the huge costs of technological devices could be better used. And this is once more questioned because there are sometimes loss of the devices, especially in the field of space. They become space junks which travel at very high speeds and it creates a danger for the astronauts. But nowadays, there are methods which are proposed to clean up the polluted space, for example an Earth-based laser whose goal would be to shift the debris from their original place towards the ground, the Earth.

This last point shows us that scientists begin to be aware that technology is positive but has some adverse effects which have to be limited and can be limited if we also work about that. So, of course, technological progress can jeopardise our lives but it’s useless to try to hinder the progress of sciences and technology. We can only think about the bad effects that it can have on the population. It’s the role of governments and ethical commissions.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-05-2015 22:41

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de gerondif, postée le 13-05-2015 à 15:03:34 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert
The idea of progress consists in believing that the world, thanks to changes, can become better. It covers a multitude of issues but the one who affects us the most is the progress in technology which has changed our everyday lives. But nowadays the cult of technological novelty is questioned: there are advocates but also detractors of this kind of progress.
Is technological progress jeopardising our lives?

We can see positive aspects in the different fields concerned by technological breakthroughs.
Space is the first field I will speak about. The exploration of space allows us to unlock the mysteries of our universe. We have talked about Rosetta, a space craft which has realized an extraordinary feat: for the first time, a robot called Philae bounded (rebondir?) on a comet and it discovered satellites turning around this comet. It’s the symbol of what technology is now able to do instead of Human himself(human people) because it would be too sophisticated or even too hazardous for him.

In the same idea, robots may also help humans on the earth,(essayez plutôt le verbe save, épargner) avoiding them to perform too risky tasks. We have studied the story of the drug smuggling which is done in tunnels between the United States and Mexico. Up to now, it was the Customs agents who put their lives in danger when they tried to eradicate that. But robots have now taken their place.
These advances in technology haven’t(mauvais choix de verbe avoir, la structure est maladroite, conjuguez plutôt protect au négatif directement, ou alors to aim at en changeant la phrase) the only goal to protect humans but they can also make their life more comfortable. For instance, nowadays there are important requests to assist elderly people in many countries where there is a shortage of nursing care workers. Here, technological progress appears: some robots are created to relieve the care staff. Pepper, a Japanese robot, is certainly the most developed. It has the power to adapt its behaviour according to the people around it. So, like a real companion, it will be useful for the elderly people (ou "the elderly") but also for all the lonely ones who won’t have the feeling of + ing) to be only with a device but with something(almost somebody who) which could understand them.

As you have certainly noticed, I have spoken a lot about robots because it’s really a controversial issue concerning progress: benefits are obvious but robots are also a subject of concerns and fear.

Concerning the social order, many people will isolate themselves because of devices like these robots. Some elderly people wait for their nursing care worker all day long and if this one is replaced with a robot, they lose all their links with the other people (the outside world). So technological progress can lead to a lack of human relationships. It’s a little bit worrying…
Technological progress can also be harmful for our safety. For instance, drones have been recently seen over our nuclear plants, we don’t know who might be piloting these drones. But it could be a threat. Someone is spying on us thanks to technological progress.
Moreover, many people in the world live under the poverty line and some of them are starving. So we can wonder if the huge costs of technological devices could be better used. And this is once more questioned because there are sometimes loss of the devices(mal construit)(mettez devices comme sujet du verbe se perdre), especially in the field of space. They become space junks which travel at very high speeds and it creates a danger for the astronauts. But nowadays, there are methods which are proposed to clean up the polluted space, for example an Earth-based laser whose goal would be to shift the debris from their original place towards the ground, the Earth.

This last point shows us that scientists begin to be aware that technology is positive but has some adverse effects which have to be limited and can be limited if we also work about that. So, of course, technological progress can jeopardise our lives but it’s useless to try to hinder the progress of sciences and technology. We can only think about the bad effects that it can have on the population. It’s the role of governments and ethical commissions.

Bon niveau dans l'ensemble, en tout cas, c'est intéressant à lire!

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de carla96, postée le 14-05-2015 à 18:45:49 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos remarques Cela donne donc, toutes corrections faites:

The idea of progress consists in believing that the world, thanks to changes, can become better. It covers a multitude of issues but the one which affects us the most is the progress in technology which has changed our everyday lives. But nowadays the cult of technological novelty is questioned: there are advocates but also detractors from this kind of progress.
Is technological progress jeopardising our lives?
We can see positive aspects in the different fields concerned by technological breakthroughs. Space is the first field I will speak about. The exploration of space allows us to unlock the mysteries of our universe. We have talked about Rosetta, a space craft which has realized an extraordinary feat: for the first time, a robot called Philae bounded (Oui il a bien rebondi) on a comet and it discovered satellites turning around this comet. It’s the symbol of what technology is now able to do instead of human people because it would be too sophisticated or even too hazardous for them.In the same idea, robots may also help humans on the earth saving them from performing too risky tasks. We have studied the story of the drug smuggling which is done in tunnels between the United States and Mexico. Up to now, it was the Customs agents who put their lives in danger when they tried to eradicate that. But robots have now taken their place. These advances in technology don't aim only to protect humans but they can also make their life more comfortable. For instance, nowadays there are important requests to assist elderly people in many countries where there is a shortage of nursing care workers. Here, technological progress appears: some robots are created to relieve the care staff. Pepper, a Japanese robot, is certainly the most developed. It has the power to adapt its behaviour according to the people around it. So, like a real companion, it will be useful for elderly people but also for all the lonely ones who won’t have the feeling of being only with a device but with almost somebody who could understand them.
As you have certainly noticed, I have spoken a lot about robots because it’s really a controversial issue concerning progress: benefits are obvious but robots are also a subject of concerns and fear. Concerning social order, many people will isolate themselves because of devices like these robots. Some elderly people wait for their nursing care worker all day long and if this one is replaced with a robot, they lose all their links with the outside world. So technological progress can lead to a lack of human relationships. It’s a little bit worrying… Technological progress can also be harmful for our safety. For instance, drones have been recently seen over our nuclear plants, we don’t know who might be piloting these drones. But it could be a threat. Someone is spying on us thanks to technological progress. Moreover many people in the world live under the poverty line and some of them are starving. So we can wonder if the huge costs of technological devices could be better used. And this is once more questioned because the devices are sometimes lost,especially in the field of space. They become space junks which travel at very high speeds and it creates a danger for the astronauts. But nowadays, there are methods which are proposed to clean up the polluted space, for example an Earth-based laser whose goal would be to shift the debris from their original place towards the ground, the Earth.
This last point shows us that scientists begin to be aware that technology is positive but has some adverse effects which have to be limited and can be limited if we also work about that. So, of course, technological progress can jeopardise our lives but it’s useless to try to hinder the progress of sciences and technology. We can only think about the bad effects that it can have on the population. It’s the role of governments and ethical commissions.

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de gerondif, postée le 15-05-2015 à 00:02:18 (S | E)
The idea of progress consists in believing that the world, thanks to changes, can become better. It covers a multitude of issues but the one which affects us the most is the progress in technology which has changed our everyday lives. But nowadays the cult of technological novelty is questioned: there are advocates but also detractors from this kind of progress.(finalement, comme advocates et detractors n'ont pas la même construction,il vaudrait mieux dire: This kind of progress has many advocates but also many detractors)
Is technological progress jeopardising our lives?
We can see positive aspects in the different fields concerned by technological breakthroughs. Space is the first field I will speak about. The exploration of space allows us to unlock the mysteries of our universe. We have talked about Rosetta, a space craft which has realized an extraordinary feat: for the first time, a robot called Philae bounded (Oui il a bien rebondi) on a comet and it discovered satellites turning around this comet. It’s the symbol of what technology is now able to do instead of human people because it would be too sophisticated or even too hazardous for them.In the same idea, robots may also help humans on the earth saving them from performing too risky tasks. We have studied the story of the drug smuggling which is done in tunnels between the United States and Mexico. Up to(until now) now, it was the Customs agents who(pour accentuer , vous pourriez utilser have to) put their lives in danger when they tried to eradicate that. But robots have now taken their place. These advances in technology don't aim only to(at +ing) protect humans but they can also make their life more comfortable. For instance, nowadays there are important requests to assist elderly people in many countries where there is a shortage of nursing care workers. Here, technological progress appears: some robots are created to relieve the care staff. Pepper, a Japanese robot, is certainly the most developed. It has the power to adapt its behaviour according to the people around it. So, like a real companion, it will be useful for elderly people but also for all the lonely ones who won’t have the feeling of being only with a device but almost with somebody who could understand them.
As you have certainly noticed, I have spoken a lot about robots because it’s really a controversial issue concerning progress: benefits are obvious but robots are also a subject of concerns and fear. Concerning social order, many people will isolate themselves because of devices like these robots. Some elderly people wait for their nursing care worker all day long and if this one is replaced with a robot, they lose all their links with the outside world. So technological progress can lead to a lack of human relationships. It’s a little bit worrying… Technological progress can also be harmful for our safety. For instance, drones have been recently seen over our nuclear plants, we don’t know who might be piloting these drones. But it could be a threat. Someone is(un conditionnel irait bien: quelqu'un pourrait être en train de) spying on us thanks to technological progress. Moreover many people in the world live under the poverty line and some of them are starving. So we can wonder if (we can imagine that) the huge costs of technological devices could be better used. And this is once more questioned because the devices are sometimes lost,especially in (the field of) space. They become space junks which travel at very high speeds and it creates a danger for the astronauts. But nowadays, there are methods which are proposed to clean up the polluted space, for example an Earth-based laser whose goal would be to shift the debris from their original place towards the ground, the Earth.
This last point shows us that scientists begin to be aware that technology is positive but has some adverse effects which have to be limited and can be limited if we also work about that (so something about it). So, of course, technological progress can jeopardise our lives but it’s useless to try to hinder the progress of sciences and technology. We can only think about the bad effects that it can have on the population. It’s the role of governments and ethical commissions.

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de carla96, postée le 16-05-2015 à 20:22:53 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide très précieuse

The idea of progress consists in believing that the world, thanks to changes, can become better. It covers a multitude of issues but the one which affects us the most is the progress in technology which has changed our everyday lives. But nowadays the cult of technological novelty is questioned: this kind of progress has many advocates but also many detractors.

Is technological progress jeopardising our lives?

We can see positive aspects in the different fields concerned by technological breakthroughs. Space is the first field I will speak about. The exploration of space allows us to unlock the mysteries of our universe. We have talked about Rosetta, a space craft which has realized an extraordinary feat: for the first time, a robot called Philae bounded on a comet and it discovered satellites turning around this comet. It’s the symbol of what technology is now able to do instead of human people because it would be too sophisticated or even too hazardous for them. In the same idea, robots may also help humans on the earth saving them performing too risky tasks. We have studied the story of the drug smuggling which is done in tunnels between the United States and Mexico. Until now, the Customs agents had to put their lives in danger when they tried to eradicate that. But robots have now taken their place. These advances in technology don't aim only at protecting humans but they can also make their life more comfortable. For instance, nowadays there are important requests to assist elderly people in many countries where there is a shortage of nursing care workers. Here, technological progress appears: some robots are created to relieve the care staff. Pepper, a Japanese robot, is certainly the most developed. It has the power to adapt its behavior according to the people around it. So, like a real companion, it will be useful for elderly people but also for all the lonely ones who won’t have the feeling of being only with a device but almost with somebody who could understand them.

As you have certainly noticed, I have spoken a lot about robots because it’s really a controversial issue concerning progress: benefits are obvious but robots are also a subject of concerns and fear. Concerning social order, many people will isolate themselves because of devices like these robots. Some elderly people wait for their nursing care worker all day long and if this one is replaced with a robot, they lose all their links with the outside world. So technological progress can lead to a lack of human relationships. It’s a little bit worrying… Technological progress can also be harmful for our safety. For instance, drones have been recently seen over our nuclear plants, we don’t know who might be piloting these drones. But it could be a threat. Someone would spy us us thanks to technological progress. Moreover many people in the world live under the poverty line and some of them are starving. So we can wonder if (we can imagine that) the huge costs of technological devices could be better used. And this is once more questioned because the devices are sometimes lost, especially in space. They become space junks which travel at very high speeds and it creates a danger for the astronauts. But nowadays, there are methods which are proposed to clean up the polluted space, for example an Earth-based laser whose goal would be to shift the debris from their original place towards the ground, the Earth.

This last point shows us that scientists begin to be aware that technology is positive but has some adverse effects which have to be limited and can be limited if we also work about that. So, of course, technological progress can jeopardise our lives but it’s useless to try to hinder the progress of sciences and technology. We can only think about the bad effects that it can have on the population. It’s the role of governments and ethical commissions.

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de gerondif, postée le 16-05-2015 à 23:46:57 (S | E)
Someone would spy us us thanks to technological progress.Je pensais à: quelqu'un pourrait être en train de nous espionner, donc le conditionnel de can et terminer votre phrase de départ:
Someone is(un conditionnel irait bien: quelqu'un pourrait être en train de) spying on us thanks to technological progress


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