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Bac/places and exchanges

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Bac/places and exchanges
Message de jeannou15 posté le 15-05-2015 à 10:02:08 (S | E | F)
Voici ma dernière notion, pouvez-vous la corriger et me dire ce que vous en pensez, s'il vous plait ?
Merci d’avance.

I am going to talk about the notion Places end exchanges. The exchanges are relations between several countries. There are different exchanges but I will deal with immigration.
I will answer the following question how did the different waves of immigration shape America ?
People decide to leave their home country to find a job and have a better life. They leave their country for political reasons: the war, a dictatorship, for economic reasons: crisis, unemployment, the poverty and the starvation, for religious reasons and for the health reason. America is a Nation of immigrants because it is a land where many immigrants went.
Their dream seldom came true and whereas some of then made a lot of money others accept low wages and tough job. The statue of liberty is the symbol of the immigrants and the liberty. The poem welcome the immigrants to have a better life and begin a new life more prospect.
I have studied this question with different documents: a text, a recording, a song, a cartoon and websearch.

There are several waves of immigration, the first immigrants are the pilgrim fathers in Plymouth Rock in November 1620. The first winter in Plymouth was dreadful. The Wampanoag helped then to survive, they taught to plant, hunt and fish. The pilgrims organized the first Thanksgiving, three day feast to thank god and the Natives,.
The second waves of immigration are Italians, Germans and Irish. The immigrants have impact on the American society, they have created the university and imported the language and the culture. The immigrants, (Germans, Italians ... ) help USA to build the USA.

The third wave of immigration is the Mexicans migrates to the USA in order to find work and improve there standard of living, get material comfort and better med facilities. They go to America to make money and go back to Mexico to retire. A new language was created, it is Spanglish. This language is a mix between English and Spanish. The first persons who speak Spanglish are the Latino and Spanglish has become a communication tool in the ad and marketing. The financial aspect of Spanglish is less important that the cultural aspect. Spanglish won't disappear in the next 20 years.
The relationship between America and Mexico are difficult because there is a border fence which was built to prevent immigrants from entering America. The immigrants have to cross the desert and then the fence covers one-third of the border, it is made of barbed wire and steel blocks. The Mexican dream is difficult because there are cameras, motion detectors and border patrols, drug enforcement and FBI agents who control the border and because they are a lot of immigrants who install in America, Americans reject them.

To conclude, there are a lot of immigrants who leave is country to have a better life and begin a new life more prospect.

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-05-2015 12:39

Modifié par jeannou15 le 17-05-2015 22:57

Réponse: Bac/places and exchanges de laure95, postée le 17-05-2015 à 14:48:27 (S | E)
-There are different exchanges: different TYPES of exchanges.
- the war: enlever THE.
- the poverty and the starvation: même remarque.
-for the health reason: pas de THE.
-where many immigrants went : j'utiliserais le verbe TO COME à la place de GO.
- Their dream seldom came true: FULFILLED à la place de CAME TRUE
- others accept: mettre au même temps que le verbe d'avant.
- the liberty: enlever THE.
- The poem welcome: conjugaison 3è personne du singulier.
-and begin a new life more prospect: même remarque.
- websearch: ajouter l'article A.

- There are several waves of immigration: mettre au passé.
-the first immigrants are the pilgrim fathers: même remarque.
- three day feast: A three-day feast.
- The second waves of immigration are Italians, Germans and Irish: temps.
-and the culture: metttre un possessif à la place de THE.
- help USA: mettre THE.
- the Mexicans migrates: the Mexican immigrants ou Mexican immigration.
- there standard of living: THERE = là-bas.
- The first persons: people.
- the Latino: the Latinos.
- The relationship between America and Mexico are: sujet au singulier = verbe au singulier.
- it is made: the fence est déjà le sujet de IS MADE, donc pas de IT.
- they are a lot of immigrants: THEY ARE= ils sont.
-To conclude, there are a lot of immigrants who leave is country: IS?
-to have a better life and begin a new life more prospect : répétition.

Réponse: Bac/places and exchanges de jeannou15, postée le 17-05-2015 à 19:34:37 (S | E)
Voici les corrections que j'ai apportées, pouvez-vous recorriger, s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance

I am going to talk about the notion Places end exchanges. The exchanges are relations between several countries. There are different types exchanges but I will deal with immigration.
I will answer the following question how did the different waves of immigration shape America ?
People decide to leave their home country to find a job and have a better life. They leave their country for political reasons: war, a dictatorship, for economic reasons: crisis, unemployment, poverty and starvation, for religious reasons and for health reason. America is a Nation of immigrants because it is a land where many immigrants come.
Their dream seldom fulfilled and whereas some of then made a lot of money others accepted low wages and tough job. The statue of liberty is the symbol of the immigrants and the liberty. The poem welcomes the immigrants to have a better life and begins a new life more prospect.
I have studied this question with different documents: a text, a recording, a song, a cartoon and a websearch.

There were several waves of immigration, the first immigrants were the pilgrim fathers in Plymouth Rock in November 1620. The first winter in Plymouth was dreadful. The Wampanoag helped then to survive, they taught to plant, hunt and fish. The pilgrims organized the first Thanksgiving, a three-day feast to thank god and the Natives,.
The second waves of immigration were Italians, Germans and Irish. The immigrants have impact on the American society, they have created the university and imported the language and their culture. The immigrants, (Germans, Italians ... ) help the USA to build the USA.

The third wave of immigration is the Mexican immigrants to the USA in order to find work and improve their standard of living, get material comfort and better med facilities. They go to America to make money and go back to Mexico to retire. A new language was created, it is Spanglish. This language is a mix between English and Spanish. The first people who speak Spanglish are the Latinos and Spanglish has become a communication tool in the ad and marketing. The financial aspect of Spanglish is less important that the cultural aspect. Spanglish won't disappear in the next 20 years.
The relationship between America and Mexico is difficult because there is a border fence which was built to prevent immigrants from entering America. The immigrants have to cross the desert and then the fence covers one-third of the border, is made of barbed wire and steel blocks. The Mexican dream is difficult because there are cameras, motion detectors and border patrols, drug enforcement and FBI agents who control the border and because there are a lot of immigrants who install in America, Americans reject them.

To conclude, there are a lot of immigrants who leave their country to have a better life and find a job.

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-05-2015 21:16


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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