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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de kaleid posté le 17-05-2015 à 14:52:50 (S | E | F)
Je souhaiterais que quelqu'un puisse corriger un exercice d'entraînement s'il vous plaît!
Je remercie d'avance ceux ou celles qui prendront le temps de m'aider!
Énoncé: Mettez au passif les passages en bleu. Ne mentionnez le complément d'agent que s'il vous semble absolument nécessaire.

Doctors are to offer the measles vaccination to millions of children to combat an expected epidemic next year. Experts predict that the disease could strike up to 200 000 children. The epidemic reach levels not seen for more than a decade. The gouvernment will spend £20 million on all children between 5 and 16. Epidemics affecting hundreds of thousands of victims were once common but the introduction of the vaccine in 1968 reduced the toll. Chief Medical officer Dr K C. said: "There is very strong evidence that unless we carry out a strong immunisation campaign, we will experience the largest measles epidemic since the early 1980s .

Measles vaccination are offered to millions of children to combat an expected epidemic next year. Experts predict that 200 000 children could be striked by the disease. The epidemic reach levels not seen for more than a decade. £20 million will be spent by the government. Epidemics affecting hundreds of thousands of victims were once common but the toll were reduced by the introduction of the vaccine in 1968. Chief Medical officer Dr K C. said: "There is very strong evidence that unless a strong immunisation campaign is carried out, we will experience the largest measles epidemic since the early 1980s" .

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-05-2015 14:57
Measles are offered...

Modifié par kaleid le 17-05-2015 16:11

Merci lucile83 pour m'avoir averti de ma faute.

Réponse: Passif/correction de laure95, postée le 19-05-2015 à 10:28:11 (S | E)
Measles vaccination are offered to millions of children: is to be offered...singulier
£20 million will be spent by the government: OK.
the toll were reduced by the introduction of the vaccine in 1968: sujet au singulier = verbe au singulier.
a strong immunisation campaign is carried out: OK.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-05-2015 11:08

Réponse: Passif/correction de gerondif, postée le 19-05-2015 à 13:02:28 (S | E)
The epidemic reaches levels .....
to strike, I struck,struck donc, votre striked....

Réponse: Passif/correction de lucile83, postée le 19-05-2015 à 14:07:52 (S | E)
Vous avez oublié la fin de cette phrase:
£20 million will be spent by the government.

Réponse: Passif/correction de kaleid, postée le 19-05-2015 à 20:01:19 (S | E)
Tout d'abord, je tiens à remercier toutes les personnes qui m'ont aidé à corriger mon exercice d'entraînement !
Voici ce que j'obtiens en suivant vos conseils:
Measles vaccination is to be offered (Pourquoi on laisse le to be offered comme ça ?) to millions of children to combat an expected epidemic next year. Experts predict that 200 000 children could be striked by the disease. The epidemic reaches levels not seen for more than a decade. £20 million will be spent by the government. Epidemics affecting hundreds of thousands of victims were once common but the toll is reduced by the introduction of the vaccine in 1968. Chief Medical officer Dr K C. said: "There is very strong evidence that unless a strong immunisation campaign is carried out, we will experience the largest measles epidemic since the early 1980s" .

P.S: Par contre, je ne vois l'oubli que Lucile83 a commenté ^^'.

Réponse: Passif/correction de gerondif, postée le 19-05-2015 à 20:13:16 (S | E)
Measles vaccination is to be offered (Pourquoi on laisse le to be offered comme ça ?)
parce que l'expression I am to be here at 5: je suis censé être ici à 5 heures est une structure qui se met à la voix passive.

to millions of children to combat an expected epidemic next year. Experts predict that 200 000 children could be striked (verbe irrégulier)by the disease. The epidemic reaches levels not seen for more than a decade. £20 million will be spent by the government on all children between 5 and 16. Epidemics affecting hundreds of thousands of victims were once common but the toll is(prétérit) reduced by the introduction of the vaccine in 1968. Chief Medical officer Dr K C. said: "There is very strong evidence that unless a strong immunisation campaign is carried out, we will experience the largest measles epidemic since the early 1980s" .

Réponse: Passif/correction de willy, postée le 19-05-2015 à 20:22:49 (S | E)
It is to be offered ... :
L'expression "to be to" + infinitif actif ou passif (comme dans votre texte) s'utilise pour exprimer un plan, une chose prévue, décidée :
- The queen is to visit the local hospital next week (ou comme titre dans un journal : "Queen to visit ...".
- He is to be driven to London tomorrow (on le conduira à Londres en voiture demain ; il a été décidé/prévu de le conduire à Londres en voiture demain).

Réponse: Passif/correction de kaleid, postée le 19-05-2015 à 21:32:35 (S | E)
Je remercie gérondif de m'avoir fait remarquer les fautes que je n'avais pas corrigé, ainsi que willy pour sa réponse précise ^^!

Measles vaccination is to be offered to millions of children to combat an expected epidemic next year. Experts predict that 200 000 children could be struck by the disease. The epidemic reaches levels not seen for more than a decade. £20 million will be spent by the government on all children between 5 and 16 (Pourquoi on ne le met pas après "will be spent"?). Epidemics affecting hundreds of thousands of victims were once common but the toll was reduced by the introduction of the vaccine in 1968. Chief Medical officer Dr K C. said: "There is very strong evidence that unless a strong immunisation campaign is carried out, we will experience the largest measles epidemic since the early 1980s" .

P.S: Désolé pour les nombreuses questions, mais je n'ai pas envie de refaire l'exercice "par cœur" sans rien comprendre ^^'!

Réponse: Passif/correction de lucile83, postée le 19-05-2015 à 22:11:30 (S | E)
Comparez la phrase initiale et la vôtre:
-The government will spend £20 million on all children between 5 and 16.
-£20 million will be spent by the government.
Is it clear for you now?

Réponse: Passif/correction de kaleid, postée le 19-05-2015 à 22:14:21 (S | E)
On dirait que ceci forme "un produit en croix".

Réponse: Passif/correction de lucile83, postée le 19-05-2015 à 22:27:15 (S | E)
-The government will spend £20 million on all children between 5 and 16.
-£20 million will be spent by the government on all children between 5 and 16.
Est-ce mieux?
Changer l'ordre et mettre 'by the government' à la fin me semble bizarre.

Réponse: Passif/correction de kaleid, postée le 19-05-2015 à 22:35:12 (S | E)
Donc si je comprends bien, il faut se fier à notre oreille ^^ ou bien les compléments (je crois que ça se réfère ainsi) lors du passage au passif ne bougent pas ?


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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