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Oral/Places and forms of power

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Oral/Places and forms of power
Message de camille79 posté le 17-05-2015 à 15:29:57 (S | E | F)
je suis en Terminale S et j'ai bientôt mon oral d'anglais. J'ai besoin d'une aide pour me dire ce qui est à corriger ou à remanier.
Merci à vous !
I'm going to deal with/talk about the notion places and forms of power.

First, let me quickly define the word power. In politics and social science, power is the ability or official capacity to influence, to exercise control and authority on the behavior (= comportement) of people like the State, the Government, political organization. It’s a right given or delegated to a person, a group or a nation. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it.
There are many different forms of power :
Power of the media (reality TV, internet, written press)
Financial power (the power of money)
Inequalities between blacks and whites – the fight against oppression and segregation (South Africa, USA)
The American Dream
The Civil Rights movement and political recognition : Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X

The USA is often called a gun nation for several reasons. The main reason is that in most States in America it's legal to own a firearm as a method of self-defense as it is written in the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

That’s why we can ask : Guns, is it a constitutional right or a citizen burden ?
Main issue : Should the second amendment be unchanged, adapted or removed/abolished ?

To illustrate m point, I have chosen 4 documents speak about the power of guns and problems they cause.

The cons : So now let's see the dangerous effects about the power of guns with the Columbine tragedy.
April, 21th in 1999 2 teenage boys opened fire on the students at Columbine High School near Littleton, killing 50 people and leaving countless injured, then committed suicide.
A student, Luke Milam survived to the Columbine tragedy but he died in Afghanistan. He saw his science teacher, Dave Sanders, ding. He felt guilty because he didn't manage to use his medical capacity to save his teacher because he was too scared. After this tragedy, he became a medic in a Navy and deployed in Afghanistan with the marines. He was killed over there.
His funeral was in Fort Logan National Military Cemetary, in Denver, Colorado. 400 students and all the community came to his funeral. Luke thought that joining the US military was the right way to do something good in his life and make a difference.
But Concetta Kyle, the narrator, wonders if it's a good idea to join the Navy during war time.
 The campaigner's goal is to make people aware of the gun problem. Too many people are killed in the world because of guns mainly in the USA. Today, killing with gun is more a society fault than a crazy person’s action.

The pros : Then, let’s to see people in favor of bearing guns with a legal organization : Guns Owners of America (G.O.N).
There are many citizens belonging to organizations that uphold the right to bear firearms in America. These organizations feel that Americans citizens have a God given right to bear a gun. This way of looking at guns could be compared with a religious belief. Therefore, organizations such as “Guns Owners of America” are created in order to protect the right to bear arms because some politicians/bureaucrats try to change the law : the 2nd Amendment. Indeed, the 2nd Amendment dating the 18th century (1776), is a part of US Constitution and it’s said in : "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
To conclude on this point, many Americans can’t accept the idea that guns should be banned and the citizen should be unarmed and helpless. Carrying weapons is part of American way of life. It’s even part of American Dream. That might just be the real problem. Guns are inevitable and can’t be made illegal for us.

The last document show us the issue of guns in art. It’s a black and white picture was taken by Bill Owens in 1972 and entitled "Suburbia". A close-up of a little boy riding his bike.
The boy was proud because he's looking straight in the photographer's eye. He seems aggressive because of the way he rides his bike. He looks angry/He seems mad at something or somebody.
We can feel tension in the picture : the street is calm and empty whereas the boy is holding a rifle.
The boy is acting like an adult whereas he's still a baby. The title is paradoxical because a "suburbia" is supposed to be quiet and harmless and yet the boy is armed. This picture show us again this importance of weapons even for children so this is strike me because at this age, children must play with cars, at sports and many other things but not bear arms !

As to me, I think these killings can be avoided if the right to bear arms is limited to law enforcement. Too many people die in America every year because everyone can bear a gun

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-05-2015 21:25


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