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Oral/Idée de progrès

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral/Idée de progrès
Message de noussaibak posté le 20-05-2015 à 16:15:27 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous !
Je passe mon oral d'anglais en LV3 demain (niveau exigé A2), j'ai fait quelques modifications de dernière minute. Voici donc ma problématique sur l'idée de progrès. Pourriez-vous me corriger s'il vous plaît ?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses. (:
PS : Il y a un trou au niveau de la présentation des documents, c'est normal.

I am going to talk about the idea of progress. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change – a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place.
This year in class we studied several documents about the idea of progress and in particular
In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about consumption habits and attempt to answer the question: is consumerism a sign of progress and modernity? First, I would like to talk about the great changes undergone by our society. And secondly I will talk about today’s excesses in our consumer society.
First of all, it cannot be denied that our society has undergone great changes. Indeed, there are large places to buy like mall, shops, supermarkets… A mall is a building which include under the same roof retail chains. It encouraged customers to consumption. Moreover, the development of the Internet has developed new prospects with online shopping because it enable customers to place an order at anytime and anywhere so it’s very handy, time saving rather safe to pay.
A second great change is the development of fair-trade: it’s a social movement which make sure that producers in developing countries earn a decent salary. The money is also used to improve the people’s living conditions to build for example hospitals and school. The only drawback is the price, always more expansive than regular products.
On the other hand there are many excesses in terms of advertising and over consumption. We studied a text entitled “I shop, therefore I am”. It refers to Descartes’s famous quote: “Cogito ergo sum”. The title indicates that people’s reason of living is to consume. They exist through the act of shopping. The text underlines the power of advertising and the constant exposure to ads because we are flooded with ads. Whatever we do, whenever we go there are ads: when we watch TV, on the computer… Everywhere!
Therefore we are brainwashed into thinking that we need to buy, to consume in order to exit. We are always dissatisfied and we always want to buy something else.
Moreover, shopping excessively may lead to compulsive buying. I remember a text we studied which was particularly striking called “shopaholic anonymous”.
It’s a testimony of a woman who has been addicted to shopping for thirty years. Sometimes, her addiction was all-consuming and out of control. When she had a shopping frenzy online and spent all her budget she realized that she needed help. One day she founds Terry’s book in a book store. Thanks to Terry, she managed to overcome her addiction. Now she is able to deal with her problems. She feels free as she has been given her life back.
The text shows that shopaholism is a disease just like alcoholism or being addicted to drugs. People who are shopaholics can’t help buying even though they know that they will run into debts.
Finally, we saw a video of a Black Friday in a mall store. A Black Friday is a day following thanksgiving, the busiest shopping day in the States, where people rush to have the best bargains. The mall was overcrowded and a mob of hysterical trampled to death and employee and four people were injured. It shows that consumption may lead to violence, which is really scary.
To conclude, our society had undergone great changes linked to consumption like fair trade or new place to buy which suggest the idea of progress. However, the omnipresent advertising show that the way we consume is not considered as progress because we are manipulated by marketers. Moreover, a lot of people have become compulsive buyers therefore they and run into debts, can’t make and meet.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-05-2015 18:08

Réponse: Oral/Idée de progrès de here4u, postée le 20-05-2015 à 16:52:01 (S | E)
Hello !

I am going to talk about the idea of progress. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change – a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place.
This year in class we studied several documents about the idea of progress and in particular ?????
In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about consumption habits and attempt to answer the question: is consumerism a sign of progress and modernity? First, I would like to talk about the great changes undergone by our society. And secondly I will talk about today’s excesses in our consumer society.
First of all, it cannot be denied that our society has undergone great changes. Indeed, there are large places to buy like mallS, shops, supermarkets… A mall is a building which includeS(1) under the same roof (3)/retail chains(2)word order.. It encouraged ??? why the past? )customers to consumption(consume). Moreover, the development of the Internet has developed new prospects with online shopping because it enable customers to place an order at anytime and anywhere so it’s very handy, time saving and rather safe to pay.
A second great change is the development of fair-trade: it’s a social movement which make sure that producers in developing countries(word order...) earn a decent salary. The money is also used to improve the people’s living conditions to build for example hospitals and schoolS. The only drawback is the price, always more expansive than regular products.
On the other hand there are many excesses in terms of advertising and over consumption. We studied a text entitled “I shop, therefore I am”. It refers to Descartes’s famous quote: “Cogito ergo sum”. The title indicates that people’s reason of living is (to)consume consuming . They exist through the act of shopping. The text underlines the power of advertising and the constant exposure to ads because we are flooded with ads. Whatever we do, whenever we go there are ads: when we watch TV, on the computer… Everywhere!
Therefore we are brainwashed into thinking (TB!)that we need to buy, to consume in order to exit(to exit???)exist!?). We are always dissatisfied and we always want to buy something else.
Moreover, shopping excessively may lead to compulsive buying. I remember a text we studied which was particularly striking called “shopaholic anonymous”.
It’s a testimony of a woman who has been addicted to shopping for thirty years. Sometimes, her addiction was all-consuming and out of control. When she had a shopping frenzy online and spent all her budget she realized that she needed help. One day she foundsTerry’s book in a book store. Thanks to Terry, she managed to overcome her addiction. Now she is able to deal with her problems. She feels free as she has been given her life back.
The text shows that shopaholism is a disease just like alcoholism or being addicted to drugs. People who are shopaholics can’t help buying even though they know that they will run into debts.
Finally, we saw a video of a Black Friday in a mall store. (A) Black Friday is a day following thanksgiving, the busiest shopping day in the States, where people rush to have the best bargains. The mall was overcrowded and a mob of hysterical XXX??? trampled to death and employeeS and four people were injured. It shows that consumption may lead to violence, which is really scary.
To conclude, our society had S undergone great changes linked to consumption like fair trade or new placeS to buy which suggest the idea of progress. However, (the) omnipresent advertising show that the way we consume is not considered as progress because we are manipulated by marketers. Moreover, a lot of people have become compulsive buyers therefore they ??? and run into debts, can’t make andS meet.

Not bad at all !

Réponse: Oral/Idée de progrès de noussaibak, postée le 20-05-2015 à 18:06:41 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de me lire, je vous en suis très reconnaissante. (:


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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