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Correction/ texte

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ texte
Message de netm posté le 25-05-2015 à 19:02:18 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous
j'aimerais savoir si mon texte ci-dessous ne comporte plus de fautes , merci d'avance pour votre aide.

Consigne :Vous êtes au lycée , dans l'univers de Freaks & Geeks ce dialogue est une conversation entre 2 personnes ayant lieu soit le matin avant les cours soit le midi au réfectoire , soit en fin de journée à la sortie du lycée .L'un de vous est heureux d'un événement qui est arrivé , et partage la nouvelle.
L'autre au contraire est soit catastrophé soit angoissé par une nouvelle ou un événement (futur ou passé )( utilisation du prétérit ou futur) qui l'atteint . Vous allez résoudre ce souci ensemble et vous réconforter.

M: I find this english class useless in particular with this teacher who harasses us in order to go to her birthday party at her home. And this useless english lesson, as if we had a Dutch-speaking accent...
F: I an happy that she invites us at her home, I am going to be able to steal the subjects of examination
M: what news otherwise?
F: I wanted to tell you a thing but you will never believe me, so it is secret
M: come on I will trust you! (I drink some water)
F: My father has finally bought the motorcycle which I wanted for years!
M: (I spit out quite the water swallowed)
M:Okey, it is really cool!
F:but I am really serious!!
M:Okey, I trust you, but I I have a big problem
F: you don't make your homework?
M: Yes but that I don't care
F: have you forget your books?
M: Yes but it is not the problem!
F: tell me, I listen you carefully
M:do you remember my motorcycle? The one that I had received for my birthday last month?
F:yeas how to forget it! you speak only about it
M:so guess what!
M:an idiot destroy it! , the guy has ran away directly when he saw me, but it is not the problem
F:Oh no your father is going to kill you!
M:you said it
F:well, I already tell you that my father was a good mechanic , no?
M:yes, but... I did not believe you when you say that
F:Mmh I am not really surpised but now you know that and trust me about my father's work, you only have to pass at my home this evening
M:Oh are you serious? Thank you a lot!!

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-05-2015 22:00

Réponse: Correction/ texte de netm, postée le 25-05-2015 à 22:52:32 (S | E)
Personne pour m'aider ?

Réponse: Correction/ texte de gerondif, postée le 25-05-2015 à 23:48:55 (S | E)
euh, si , les fautes sont bien là!
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert

M: I find this english(majuscule) class useless in particular with this teacher who harasses us in order to go(signifie qu'elle vous persécute afin d'aller elle même à sa propre fête) to her birthday party at her home. And this useless english lesson, as if we had a Dutch-speaking accent...
F: I an happy that she invites us at her home, I am going to be able to(oui, je vais pouvoir, c'est correct mais lourd, I can suffirait) steal the subjects of examination
M: what news otherwise?
F: I wanted to tell you a thing (something)but you will never believe me, so(plutôt parce que) it is a secret
M: come on;, I will trust you!(Ben non! = "je te ferai confiance" ne va pas, vous vouliez dire: you can trust me (I drink some water)
F: My father has finally bought the motorcycle which I have wanted for years!
M: (I spit out quite the water swallowed)
M:Okey, it is really cool!
F:but I am really serious!!
M:Okey, I trust you(je te crois, c'est I believe you), but I I have a big problem
F: you don't make(present perfect) your homework?
M: Yes but that I don't care n'a pas de sens (vous vouliez dire, je m'en fous de ça ? )
F: have you forget(participe passé irrégulier) your books?
M: Yes but it is not the problem!
F: tell me, I listen(présent en ing) you carefully
M:do you remember my motorcycle? The one that I had received for my birthday last month?
F:yeas how to(essayez: comment pourrais-je) forget it! you keep speaking about it
M:so guess what!
M:an idiot destroy(prétérit) it! , the guy has ran away directly when he saw me, but it is not the problem
F:Oh no, your father is going to kill you!
M: you said it (essayez: vous avez raison)
F:well, I already tell(present perfect) you that my father was a good mechanic , no?
M:yes, but... I did not believe you when you say(prétérit) that
F:Mmh I am not really surprised but now you know that and trust me about my father's work, you only have to pass(tu n'as qu'à passer ? essayez: pourquoi ne passe tu pas?) at my home this evening
M:Oh are you serious? Thank you a lot(c'est soit "Thank you very much", soit "Thanks a lot")!!

Réponse: Correction/ texte de netm, postée le 26-05-2015 à 12:51:13 (S | E)
M: I find this English class useless in particular with this teacher who harasses us because she want that we go to her birthday party. And this useless english lesson, as if we had a Dutch accent...
F: I an happy that she invites us at her home, I can steal the subjects of examination
M: what news otherwise?
F: I wanted to tell you something but you will never believe me, because it is a secret
M: come on, I can trust you! (I drink some water)
F: My father has finally bought the motorcycle which I have wanted for years!
M: (I spit out quite the water swallowed)
M:Okey, it is really cool!
F:but I am really serious!!
M:Okey, I believe you, but I I have a big problem
F: you didn't make your homework?
M: Yes but it is not the problem
F: have you forgotten your books?
M: Yes but it is not the problem!
F: tell me, I am listenning you carefully
M:do you remember my motorcycle? The one that I had received for my birthday last month?
F:yeas how can I forget it! you keep speaking about it
M:so guess what!
M:an idiot destroyed it! , the guy ran away directly when he saw me, but it is not the problem
F:Oh no, your father is going to kill you!
M: you are right
F:well, I already told you that my father was a good mechanic , no?
M:yes, but... I did not believe you when you said that
F:Mmh I am not really surprised but now you know that and trust me about my father's work, why don't you pass at my home this evening?
M:Oh are you serious? Thank you very much

Réponse: Correction/ texte de gerondif, postée le 26-05-2015 à 13:15:25 (S | E)
M: I find this English class useless in particular with this teacher who harasses us because she want that we go(proposition infinitive du type: I want you to work) to her birthday party. And this useless english lesson, as if we had a Dutch accent...
F: I an (orthographe)happy that she invites us at her home, I can steal the subjects of examination
M: what news otherwise?
F: I wanted to tell you something but you will never believe me, because it is a secret
M: come on, I can trust you(erreur de sujet et de complément, inversez!TU pex ME fire confiance) (I drink some water)
F: My father has finally bought the motorcycle which I have wanted for years!
M: (I spit out quite(ne va pas pour dire "toute l'eau") the water swallowed)
M:Okey, it is really cool!
F:but I am really serious!!
M:Okey, I believe you, but I have a big problem
F: you didn't(inversez) make your homework?
M: Yes but it is not the problem
F: have you forgotten your books?
M: Yes but it is not the problem!
F: tell me, I am listenning ** you (c o ind) carefully
M:do you remember my motorcycle? The one that I had received for my birthday last month?
F:yeas how can I forget it! you keep speaking about it
M:so guess what!
M:an idiot destroyed it! , the guy ran away directly when he saw me, but it is not the problem
F:Oh no, your father is going to kill you!
M: you are right
F:well, I already told you that my father was a good mechanic , no?
M:yes, but... I did not believe you when you said that
F:Mmh I am not really surprised but now you know that and trust me about my father's work, why don't you pass at my home(ne se dit pas. at indique une position et non un mouvement, donc, ça ne va pas, l'anglais dit: I am at home mais I go home. le verbe passer chez quelqu'un peut se traduire par to drop,comme si vous "tombiez" chez lui) this evening?
M:Oh are you serious? Thank you very much

Réponse: Correction/ texte de netm, postée le 26-05-2015 à 19:11:28 (S | E)
Bonjour et merci pour vos réponse !

M: I find this English class useless in particular with this teacher who harasses us because she wants us to go to her birthday party. And this useless English lesson, as if we had a Dutch accent...
F: I am happy that she invites us at her home, I can steal the examination questions
M: what news otherwise?
F: I wanted to tell you something but you will never believe me, because it is a secret
M: come on, you can trust me ! (I drink some water)
F: My father finally bought the motorcycle which I have wanted for years!
M: (I spit out quite the water swallowed)
M:Okey, it is really cool!
F:but I am really serious!!
M:Okey, I believe you, but I I have a big problem
F: haven't you done your homework?
M: Yes but it is not the problem
F: have you forgotten your books?
M: Yes but it is not the problem!
F: tell me, I am listening to you carefully
M:do you remember my motorcycle? The one that I had received for my birthday last month?
F:yeas how can I forget it! you keep speaking about it
M:so guess what!
M:an idiot destroyed it! , the guy ran away directly when he saw me, but it is not the problem
F:Oh no, your father is going to kill you!
M: you are right
F:well, I already told you that my father was a good mechanic , no?
M:yes, but... I did not believe you when you said that
F:Mmh I am not really surprised but now you know that and trust me about my father's work, why don't you pop in this evening?
M:Oh are you serious? Thank you very much

Réponse: Correction/ texte de netm, postée le 26-05-2015 à 20:24:23 (S | E)
J'ai changé quelque truc dans le texte ci-dessus .
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide jusqu'à présent je pense que le dernier texte ne contient plus trop de faute

Réponse: Correction/ texte de sherry48, postée le 26-05-2015 à 21:52:03 (S | E)
Just one small suggestion for your correction...I am happy that she invites us at her home. At is not the best preposition here.


Réponse: Correction/ texte de gerondif, postée le 26-05-2015 à 22:39:39 (S | E)
M: I find this English class useless in particular with this teacher who harasses us because she wants us to go to her birthday party. And this useless English lesson, as if we had a Dutch accent...
F: I am happy that she invites us at her home, I can steal the examination questions
M: what news otherwise?
F: I wanted to tell you something but you will never believe me, because it is a secret
M: come on, you can trust me ! (I drink some water)
F: My father finally bought the motorcycle which I have wanted for years!
M: (I spit out quite(ne convient pas pour dire "toute", quite signifie "tout-à-fait", un petit mot de trois lettres commençant par a et finissant par ll irait bien) the water swallowed)
M:Okey, it is really cool!
F:but I am really serious!!
M:Okey, I believe you, but I I have a big problem
F: haven't you done your homework?
M: Yes but it is not the problem
F: have you forgotten your books?
M: Yes but it is not the problem!
F: tell me, I am listening to you carefully
M:do you remember my motorcycle? The one that I had received for my birthday last month?
F:yeas how can I forget it! you keep speaking about it
M:so guess what!
M:an idiot destroyed it! , the guy ran away directly when he saw me, but it is not the problem
F:Oh no, your father is going to kill you!
M: you are right
F:well, I already told you that my father was a good mechanic , no?
M:yes, but... I did not believe you when you said that
F:Mmh I am not really surprised but now you know that and trust me about my father's work(le travail(work) ou le métier(job)?), why don't you pop in this evening?
M:Oh are you serious? Thank you very much

Réponse: Correction/ texte de netm, postée le 27-05-2015 à 14:24:08 (S | E)
Le travail work


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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