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Oral/espaces et échanges

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Oral/espaces et échanges
Message de soso669 posté le 31-05-2015 à 10:02:11 (S | E | F)
Je suis loin d'être une experte en anglais, si vous pouviez m'aider à corriger les fautes s'il vous plaît ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

I will talk about the notion of "Spaces and exchanges." This notion is different movements in different areas or regions. There can say that multiply trade globalization, can appear in many forms: trade, information, or populations.
The space that we will talk about is the American continent and more precisely the Mexican-US border. The exchanges are the border and illegal immigration step that generates this border.
Where and how exchanges are manifested?
Populations know misery, famine, economic poverty, lack of water, dream of finding another better life. In the American world, we can observe two exchanges between countries: migration between Mexico and the United States with the text "The Rio Grande" with all consequences to the second text, "The Age of cibercoyote" and the emergence of a new culture Latino in America, "Spanglish".

First of all, there are natural barriers such as the Rio Grande, the wilderness, the great wall built by President Bush, the American police specializing in immigration issues, tries to fight the immigration of thousands of Latin Americans who each year try to cross the border to the "American dream". Coyotes are men, help them cross the border with a lot of money. The nickname given to the migrants who try to cross the Rio Grande is "wet". There are American civilians who help the American police. There are many maquilador, large American factories, settled in the territory of Mexico, near the border, because these would-be migrants, very numerous, represent a very cheap labor and many of them need money to pay the coyote. But these men take advantage of the precarious situation of this population to exploit, giving job with low wages and difficult working conditions
Today, a new form of clandestine trip. Text as "the era of cibercoyote: SMS slogans to cross from Mexico to the US". Immigration uses new technologies to the mobile, it is especially beneficial to the coyote because it hides, monitors and from which it can send SMS to illegal. This new form of illegal immigration is a new challenge for the United States who have found new operating charge of persecution. Wet is still in pain because this only anxious as you may lose coverage and finish without battery without possibility of collecting. The mashed go to the US in search of the American dream of new living conditions but also to meet his family and immigrated. But we must also not forget that before the US southern territories were Mexican and Latin, Mexican population already living there. This immigration is living a nightmare long to reach your dream
While the new culture in America thanks to these migrations. For me, the mix of Latino and American cultures is very interesting. In the text "Prepare the first dictionary of Spanglish" to Stavans projected tongue spoken throughout the continent allows exchanges between different countries. This language also communicates with the songs and social networks. The particularity of Spanglish is taking English words with grammatical forms that is what justifies the creation of the dictionary. Ilan Stavans has high hopes for this dictionary imagining that is used across the Atlantic, namely in Spain. Maybe it will be through social networks and new forms of communication such as WhatsApp, it concludes by stating that Spanglish is not a danger to the Castilian as 400 million people speak it. This language is an example of successful integration as it enables exchange between it all but also with English speakers. It is progress in a society that is evolving, and hope to believe that spaces and exchanges can enrich each other
In the end, the documents I studied this year illustrate this notion to the extent that Spanish-speaking countries are a community, and also the relations are close between peoples and countries. The influences and exchanges are manifested in the cultural domain (through language, literature, art, etc.), scientific, technological, philosophical, religious, political and social.

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-05-2015 10:19

Réponse: Oral/espaces et échanges de laure95, postée le 31-05-2015 à 11:36:13 (S | E)
This notion is different movements: mal dit, mettre un verbe plus précis.
- There can say: WE can say.
- that multiply: à mettre au gérondif.
- The exchanges are the border and illegal immigration step that generates this border: mal dit.
- Where and how exchanges are manifested? : emerge

- Populations: people.
- a new culture Latino: inverser les mots.

- to fight the immigration; to fight against.
- Coyotes are men,(who) help them cross the border
- many maquilador: MANY + PLUIEL
- to exploit: ajouter THEM.
- giving job: à mettre au pluriel.
- Today, a new form of clandestine trip: c'est une phrase?
- to the mobile: like mobile phones.
-it can send SMS to illegal: ?
- the United States who have found: WHO a pour antécédent une personne.
- Wet is still in pain because this only anxious: ?
-before the US southern territories were Mexican and Latin, Mexican population already living there: ordre des mots.
- This immigration is living a nightmare long to reach your dream: ?

- While the new culture in America thanks to these migrations: ?
- In the text "Prepare the first dictionary of Spanglish" to Stavans projected tongue spoken throughout the continent allows exchanges between different countries.
- This language also communicates with the songs and social networks: this language also allow to communicate thanks to...
- that is used across the Atlantic: où est le sujet.
- exchange: pluriel.
- between it all: ?
- The influences and exchanges are manifested: appear.
- in the cultural domain (through language, literature, art, etc.), scientific, technological, philosophical, religious, political and social: aADJECTIFS + NOM.

Conseil: fais des phrases plus courtes et attention aux constructions de phrases: on doit te comprendre!

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-05-2015 11:49


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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