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Correction /stage

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Correction /stage
Message de vincilb56 posté le 12-06-2015 à 00:37:51 (S | E | F)
Je suis actuellement en stage et dois rédiger mon rapport en anglais. Je l'ai fait corriger par une personne anglaise.
Cependant, depuis, j'ai rajouté quelques phrases. Elles ne sont pas liées.Vous serait-il possible de me les corriger? Merci d'avance.

1-The only difference between a material and a structure is the permutation of strain for deformation and stress for load.
2-What boundaries must be set on the amplitude of the initial disturbances so that, given a deviation within these boundaries, the system will eventually go back to its original equilibrium state?
3-When a load, generally referred to the critical load, is reached, the straight configuration of the column ceases to be stable and the equilibrium of the structure becomes neutral.
4-This case happens in different ways depending on the structural characteristics and loading conditions.
5-We can classify structural stability which is founded on the load-characteristic displacement relationship as follows:
6-The transition to adjacent equilibrium forms involved a loss of stability. The point of transition from the given initial straight state to a substitute state makes also a reference to as the point of bifurcation of equilibrium and the loss of stability.
7-At θ=0 and below the bifurcation point, the column stays in the vertical equilibrium (Primary equilibrium path as shown in Figure 6). The load P can increase below this bifurcation point and the will return to the initial vertical position if it is disturbed slightly to the left or right. At point A, any increase of load P will send the column to either to the left path or to the right path of the curve, where new equilibrium position is acquired.
8-To analyse stability, the imperfections of elastic structures could eventually be studied by this approach. These could result either in the structure geometric shape or in the loading condition. This approach founded on the equilibrium condition in the adjacent deformed configuration can be compared with the equilibrium approach for a perfect condition of load.
9-Due to the imperfection of eccentricity e in the condition of loading, the deformations of the column change from the straight position to some adjacent bent position, with an increasing load P.
10-By considering the equilibrium state of the column in its bent configuration, induced by a disturbance, it is possible to obtain the critical load. The governing differential equation of equilibrium can be obtained by considering the coordinate axis as indicated and equating the applied external moment to the internal resisting moment as follows:
11-This result is called the trivial solution. In this case, the only equilibrium state under load P considers a straight shape of the column and no bent equilibrium is available. In the context of the determination of the critical load, the corresponding neutral state of equilibrium necessitates the column under the force P to have the capacity to go back in equilibrium both in the straight and bent shapes.
12-The equipment of pre-stressed steel stayed columns with pre-tensioned stay systems is a technique to counter the predisposition of columns to buckle under axial compression.

Merci d'avance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-06-2015 07:47


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