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Dossier/ Myths and Heroes

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Dossier/ Myths and Heroes
Message de expelliarmus posté le 24-06-2015 à 00:25:15 (S | E | F)
je suis en Terminale L et je passe mes oraux dans 2 jours c'est-à-dire jeudi. (lol, je stresse)
Je viens vers vous pour avoir des avis et surtout parce que j'ai choisi une chanson d'Eminem qui est Stan et je voulais savoir si le fait qu'il y ait des grossièretés n'handicape pas mon dossier ?
Cependant, cela m'embêterait de changer car je trouve que ce document personnel correspond vraiment à ma problématique et aide à mon raisonnement.
Voilà mon travail, inutile de corriger les fautes, c'est juste pour savoir si je vais dans la bonne direction.
Merci beaucoup !
J'ajoute car je suis en L donc je dois parler 10 min, c'est pour ça que c'est très long.

How can myths and heroes influence our lives ? (hero's life ; people's lives)
– Giving hope ; there are admired ; we want to be like them. They are exemples for us. Vehicle a message : hope. Like you can do it (Justin Bieber : NeverSayNever)
– Ruined our lives cause we trying to be like heroes so hard that we loose ourselves and get lost, it turns to obsession and destroy yourself sometimes it's worst than that cause you can end it by commit suicide : Stan by Eminem.

Feel close to our idol → obsessiòn
Effects that heroes do on us ?
Is it goog ? Is it bad ?
Can we say that there are heroes everywhere ?
A heroe is still a normal person ?
First of all, myths are traditional stories concerning the early history of a people. It can also explains a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involve supernatural beings or events. These myths imply some people who have superhuman qualities and who are admired for their values ( courage ) or outstanding achievements. In mythology and folklore, they are called heroes.

How can myths and heroes influence our lives ?
Myths and heros are known by all, because they deliver a universal message. Everybody knows cause everybody wants to be like them. They teach us values.
Nowadays, a new wave of myths, with new heroes is coming. They can either be real or fictive characters, the fact is that the message is still the same. Even if time and society's values change, some role models emerged. The rags-to-riches stories of famous Americans give birth to a new myth : the American Dream.

What effect heroes do on us ?
– Good ?
From Rags-to-riches : Justin bieber.
This document is a poster of JB's film Never say never and a text of a father who accompanies his daughter to the premiere of the film.
The poster symbolize the life of Justin Bieber. He is standing in the middle of the poster. We can notice two sides of his life : his old life which is on the left and his life now on the right. The left-side is in black and white and it's winter. There is only a house and it seems sad whereas the right side is bright, it's probably summer and we can see buildings so we can imagine that's a big city in the USA.
The text shows how crazy people are about JB, because JB embodies the American Dream. He started from rags to riches and in his assemption he carries the message of hope and the fact of Never give up. He is very admire and became an idol. He is seen as a hero because of his past (txt from l7 to l11).
We can say that the success of JB has a good impact in people's life cause of his message. People want to have the same path, the same future. They idozile him for the good reasons : keep chasing your dreams, and never give up.

Opposition :
– Bad ?
Love turn into obsession : Stan Eminem
Unfortunatly, this love that people have for celebrities, for their idols can be poisonous and can leads to obsession. This side is darker because people want to be so close to their hero that they loose their own identity. They destroy themselves. That what the Eminem's song is about. Stan was written by Eminem in ???? It tells the story of an Eminem's fan – Stan – who loves so much the rapper that he killed himself because Eminem didn't reply to the fan's letters.
In this song we can noticed the evolution of Stan's feelings. Theses feelings are spread in three paragraphs which are cut by the chorus sang by Dido.
The first paragraph shows the love that Stan carries to Eminem. We can see that he knows Eminem's life and he finds some common points between his life and Eminem's. (pregnant). He adresses to Eminem like he was his friend and he knows him personnally and got a room especially for Ems → posters, pictures (obsession)
During the second paragraph, we can see that Stan started to get mad even if he affirms the contrary “I ain't mad”. The fact that Stan cut himself definitly shows that he is mad and here again there is the idea of obsession because he has a tattoo of Em's name across the chest and he talk about him 24/7.

Précision ce n'est pas fini.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-06-2015 07:10


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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