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Oral/Myths and heroes

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Oral/Myths and heroes
Message de ineedhelp posté le 28-06-2015 à 11:26:36 (S | E | F)

J'ai mon oral de Bac mardi et j'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un pouvait me corriger s'il vous plait.
Je vous remercie d'avance !

I will present you the notion “Myths and Heroes”. A myth is a story that may or may not be true. All cultures have myths and this mythology has been developed over time. Mythology includes the legends of our history, our religions, stories of how the world was created, and our heroes who can be defined as a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. These stories have great symbolic power, and this may be a major reason why they survive as long as they do, sometimes for thousands of years. This is the case of the United-Kingdom because since 1707, with the Treaty of Union, this country wants to appear as an ideal of unification.
But this is not a myth ? I mean, Is the United-Kingdom, as its name says, really united ?
To answer this question, I will use four documents seen in class; firstly the film-trailer of The King's speech directed by Tom Hooper in 2010, then London today, a photograph taken by Gideon Hart in 2012, next Yes, Scotland, a propaganda video made by the Scottish Nationalist Party in 2014 and to finish, J.K Rowling's donation, an extract from the newspaper The Guardian, written on June 11th 2014.
From this document, I will talk about the mythical image of the United Kingdom especially with its heroes and then the true face of this country.

First at all, I will talk about the mythical image set to the United Kingdom. Indeed, this country remained united, notably during the Second World War thanks to King George VI. The film-trailer of The King's Speech gives a good review about the life of this important symbolic leader whose the elder brother abdicated to marry a divorcee. This king suffered from stammering whereas he should lead United Kingdom during the war. So he followed a speech therapy from Lionel Logue, an unorthodox speech therapist and successed to deliver a memorable speech heard live around the world by radio. He is considered as a hero for all the country because he overcame his disability, he reached to unite the English people. Still today, this event is an example for many English people of the unity of the United Kingdom beyond cause common.
This mythical image of union in the United Kingdom finds an echo today in global events. Indeed, professional photographers convey to the world an idealized image of a full United Kingdom united for the world to see. By example Gideon Hart did series of color photographs to promote the Olympic Games. On one of them, which represents the London Marathon, there is a group of young racers who are running along the bank of the River Thames; but what catches our attention here is that some of these men are wearing the traditional uniform of Royal Guard which is quite surprising in this context. We understand that is actually a photomontage. The photographer wants to show that anybody can take part to the London Marathon. His goal could be to illustrate multiculturalism in the UK and that the Royal Guards are the allegory of the English people because It is a symbol common of the English. So, they are all, a full United Kingdom, united beyond this event, as they are united during the Second World War.

However, if the myth of an united country is emphasized by the United Kingdom, It's not the same thing in the reality.
Indeed, there are some divisions in United Kingdom. The most famous concerns the independence of Scotland. To explain that, I've chosen a propaganda video titled Yes, Scotland, made by the Scottish Nationalist Party in 2014. The title refers to the referendum of the 18th September 2014 which asks to the citizens : « Should Scotland be an independent country? ». It means that there is a fracture between people who want to stay English and others who want to become independent of United Kingdom. Those had made the propaganda video want that people vote « yes » to the referendum and explain why. Indeed, by placing the point of view of a certain Kirsty who is « going to be born » the day of the referendum, they highlight two possibles in the future which depend on the outcome. On the one hand, if the outcome is in favor of the independence, Kirsty will be grow up in a Scotland fairer where she can reach her full potential. In a Scotland where she can follow a free higher education on an equal footing than everybody; in a place which wants to build a better world, where the wealth and natural resources are in Scotland's hands; and finally in a country where the decisions about the future are taken by the people who care most about Scotland. And on the other end, if the outcome is « no », Kirsty will be grow up in an opposite world, where by example, the country is ruled by Westminster, in a country which is « the fourth most

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-06-2015 12:14

Réponse: Oral/Myths and heroes de ineedhelp, postée le 28-06-2015 à 11:27:04 (S | E)
unequal in the developed world ». This propaganda video is a really Manichean vision of the two possible futures of Scotland but It highlights that the myth of a full United Kingdom has nothing true.
This fracture was as such a big break that celebrities took position to maintain the UK united. This is the case of JK Rowling, the famous author of the fictional hero, Harry Potter. An article JK Rowling donates £1m to Scotland's anti-independence campaign from a British national daily newspaper, The Guardian, which was published on the Wednesday11th June 2014, explains her position. Indeed, she gave £1m to the campaign against Scottish independence. Her gift was accompanied by a 1,600-word essay on her website where she develops her arguments. Firstly she thinks that the independence of Scotland would lead at serious economic risks partly because Scotland would be too reliant on oil revenues that Rowling judges like "volatile". JK Rowling talks also about unanswered questions as the future currency of Scotland and its accession to the EU. Secondly she talks about the benefits of the union between Scotland and UK which permitted it devolution allowing Scotland "to flourish and protected its public services". Finally she concludes that the separation "will not be quick and clean" and that there will be bad consequences. Despite her donation to the pro-UK Better Together campaign, Rowling is very attached to Scotland. Indeed, she moved to Edinburgh in 1993 to marry her. She is very thankful about all what this country has given to her but she is convinced that United Kingdom must be united.

To sum up, United Kingdom wants to preserve the mythical of an United-Kingdom uni, recalling event where people were united as a movie about a hero, the King George VI or during events as London Marathon within photomontages. However, in actual fact, there are some fractures, especially with the wish of independence of Scotland of some people which divides the country.

Merci d'avance !!!


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