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Oral /association
Message de houda91 posté le 22-07-2015 à 19:09:14 (S | E | F)
je prépare mon exposé oral dans une association anglophone.
pouvez-vous me le corriger s'il vous plait? Merci pour vos réponses.

A dismissal of the charges was required on Tuesday in France in the investigation on the death of the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, opened in 2012 for "murder", announced to AFP the parquet of Nanterre (Paris region) which was in charge of the investigation.

The parquet returned a definitive indictment for the purposes of dismissal of the charges "in this file, where no indictment was pronounced.

The president of the Palestinian Authority died on November 11th, 2004 in 75 years in a military hospital of the Paris region, after a sudden deterioration of his health. The causes of his death were never clarified.

Three judges of Nanterre were seized with this investigation since August, 2012, after a complaint against persons unknown put down by the widow of Yasser Arafat, Souha Arafat, following the discovery of polonium 210, highly toxic radioactive substance, on personal effects of her husband.

Arafat's grave had been opened in November, 2012 and about sixty samples taken from its remains distributed for analysis between three teams of Swiss, French and Russian experts.

The experts appointed by the French judges ruled out(moved away), twice, the thesis of the poisoning, the last time in March, considering that the presence of a natural radioactive gas, the radon, in the outside environment, would explain the strong quantities of polonium registered.

Swiss experts requested by the widow had judged on the contrary the "more coherent" thesis of the poisoning with their results(profits).

To the announcement of the close of the survey, in May, Mrs Arafat's lawyers(avocados), Me Francis Szpiner And Renaud Semerdjian, had blamed the judges for having closed the too fast file(case) and for having acted in the " haste and the urgency ".

" However unpleasant it might seem to the judges and to the prosecutor, person is this day in measure to say from what died Yasser Arafat and to explain the circumstances of his death. This only element justifies that the investigation continues ", they had pleaded, wondering " of this rate to want to close rapidly a case of such an importance ".

Lawyers(Avocados) had asked for the end of May about fifteen additional acts, among which " new one expertise by an international middle school" and the audition of several doctors. These demands had been refused.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-07-2015 23:33


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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